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Showing 1 results for Demographical Variables

Volume 6, Issue 12 (3-2019)

The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of demographical variables on pre-service Teachers’ epistemological beliefs. This study carried out via quantitative approach and with the help of survey research method. The population is all the education pre-service Teachers in Shahid Hashemi Nejad Campus in Mashhad(562 people) in the academic year 2016-2017.The sample was selected based on Morgan Table (228 people) and the method of random classification sampling was used.Data were gathered through Epistemic Beliefs Inventory (EBI).The results revealed that pre-service Teachers’ epistemological beliefs are at the rather high level.There is no significant difference between pre-service Teachers’ academic year and their epistemological beliefs but there is a significant difference between pre-service Teachers’ marital status and their epistemological beliefs.Again there is no relationship between the academic achievement of pre-service Teachers’ and their epistemological beliefs.

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