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Showing 2 results for Abbasi

Javad Abbasi Jondani, Hosseinali Mehrabi,
Volume 5, Issue 37 (11-2018)

Academic achievement motivation plays an important role in academic success, so its prediction and improvement is very important. This study investigated the relationship between academic achievement motivation and academic alienation, social support, media usage and demographic variables, and also predicted academic achievement was correlational. Its statistical population included all male students of Isfahan university amongst them 96 persons were selected randomly. The instrument of this study included Pirnia academic alienation, Mobarak Bakhshayesh social support, Eliasi media usage, and researcher-made demographic information questionnaire. The results showed that academic achievement motivation has a significant correlation with academic alienation, social support, media usage and socioeconomic status.. The results from stepwise regression analysis showed that academic alienation, media usage, socioeconomic status and these variables altogether explained 17.6%, 8.3%, 4.3% and 30.3% of the variance of academic achievement motivation, respectively. These results indicate that less academic alienation, less media usage and better socioeconomic status can improve students’ academic achievement motivation.

Mehdi Rostami, Elham Abbasi, Nahid Mirshekari,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (2-2024)

The present study used a quasi-experimental design in an attempt to evaluate the possibility of using concept mapping as a tool for teaching English speaking skills. In addition, the effect of gender on students' performance in using concept mapping in class was investigated. The participants in this study were 30 male students and 30 female students at the intermediate and advanced levels of English, who were selected from among 119 students who took the preliminary English test by Cambridge to determine students’ level of proficiency as a pre-test. Conceptual mapping was applied to the experimental group in the pre-speaking stage with the aim of organizing the participants' concepts and lines of thought, while in the control group, all teaching stages were done in the traditional method. The analysis of the obtained data showed that conceptual mapping can be used in teaching speaking skills as an effective method. Also, the analysis of the data showed that there is no significant difference between the groups of boys and girls in the construction and use of conceptual maps.

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