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Showing 10 results for Ahmadi

Mr Habib Ahmadi,
Volume 2, Issue 31 (Fall & Winter 2015 2016)

The present study covered the conformity barriers of virtual technologies in higher education. It was a qualitative research and population composed of the masters in Kordistan university. The instrument was a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed based on ground theory through NVIVO software. The most significant conditional causes for interaction were masters' imposed and authoritarian  teaching method,  taking teaching easy in higher education, believing to presence and of cognition learning entity, masters' dualist attitude towards educational evaluation, and  physical environments. In general, the masters own a traditional attitude based on behaviorism learning theory in different aspects of teaching, evaluation, educational resources, and interaction. They did not consider virtual education as a complete and standard teaching method but a complementary instrument to recover present education.  

Ms Mina Ahmadian, Dr. Mehdi Sobhaninezhad,
Volume 2, Issue 31 (Fall & Winter 2015 2016)

The most fundamental move to enhance the quality of critical thinking in students is the improvement of motivation to think, as the key to success in life and study. This is because acquiring the skills involved in critical thinking, in the process of official curriculum, cannot guarantee the development of these skills, and consequently, their application in different situations. Therefore, one of the most useful steps with this regard is the enhancement of the attitudinal aspects of critical thinking, paying attention to the function of hidden curriculum in higher education-something which could be in the opposite direction to official curriculum. Thus, the present study, by benefiting from the method of documentary analysis, while clarifying the position of hidden curriculum in higher education and studying its relation to critical thinking, offers the analysis of the apparatus of effects and the use of hidden curriculum in the development of critical thinking. With this regard, it is discussed that the function of hidden curriculum in higher education is due to the fluctuation in the official curriculum-which by itself is due to: lack of a complete legislation of this program in higher education, relation between hidden curriculum and the dimension of critical thinking and attention paid to hidden curriculum in liberal education with an inclination towards critical thinking. In addition, the hidden curriculum, developed out of a dialectical methodology is studied to investigate the development of critical thinking of the learners.

Masumeh Shafiei, Sajjad Basharpoor, Shirin Ahmadi, Hadees Heidarirad,
Volume 3, Issue 33 (2-2017)

The main purpose of present study was to comparing of temperament character and distraction between students deaf and normal. This research was a causal-comparative study. The statistical population consisted of all students studying deaf and normal in the second half of 2014, the city was Gilan- Gharb (20 = N). Due to the limited population size were chosen as the deaf And 20 normal students are also given the demographic characteristics of age and sex matched groups of deaf and as a comparison group in the study. Data were collected by Temperament Character Inventory (TCI) and attention Control Scale (ACS) and analyzed by variance analysis (MANOVA). The results show that the mean scores for the deaf in distraction variables (P<0/01;F=7/05) And the components to avoid damage (P<0/001;F=37/71) and innovation (P<0/05;F=5/01) higher, but in self-directed components (P<0/001;F=9/26) and cooperation (P<0/001;18/97) was significantly lower than normal subjects. These results reveal that distraction deaf children are higher than normal and they also have properties different from ordinary people is the nature.

Hosein Ahmadi,
Volume 7, Issue 41 (10-2020)

One of the most important goals of the Farhangian University is the Development of student-teachers professional identity. But is this important happens during the four-year undergraduate Education at Farhangian University? Comparing the conditions of entry and graduation of student-teachers based on their notes, research tried to understand the development of the professional identity of student-teachers. Method was qualitative biographical analysis and students were selected in a targeted manner. Based on theories and students notes, three identity states were considered for entry and three for output, which were combined and nine modes were created. Findings was not confirmed the assumption that university neutrality in development of professional identity, and positive or negative role of university in professional identity was confirmed. Analysis of notes showed that the university act in an almost moderating manner. Whose entered with high expectations have had adjusted their expectations in the face of reality, and whose have negative perceptions have realized the importance of teaching and have become more adaptable to the conditions of the university. In these classifications, unaffected species have no real specimens and more positively affected species are included.

Dr. Sedigheh Ahmadi, Dr. Nasrin Mohammadhasani,
Volume 9, Issue 43 (12-2021)

The present study aimed to design, validate and evaluate the effectiveness of children's sexual educational multinedia on the knowledge of parents and educators with a quasi-experimental method in three phases: design and develop of multimedia, validation and effectiveness evaluation. The statistical population of the validation phase was 10 experts in the field of multimedia and consulting who judged the content and quality of the design using a researcher-made checklist based on the items of the Clear Communication Index tool. The statistical population of the third phase was parents and educators in Tehran city. Using available sampling method, 70 people were selected and randomly assigned to the two groups. The research tool was a researcher-made test of sexual education knowledge. The results of one-sample t-test showed that the children's sexual multimedia has the necessary validity according to experts (sig: 0.000, t: 23/319) and has a significant effect on the knowledge of parents and educators (T: 3.602, sig: 0.001). The production process of this instructional package, while having implications for designing health-oriented content, can play a significant role in raising the level of awareness of parents and educators.

Phd Student Manouchehr Falah, Dr Ahmad Ghazanfari, Dr Maryam Charami, Dr Reza Ahmadi,
Volume 9, Issue 43 (12-2021)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of perceived competence in the relationship between perception of parental support and socio-economic status with s academic motivation of adolescent students. The research method was descriptive-correlational which was done by structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study included all high school students in Yazd studying in the academic year 2020-2021. 421 of them were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. Measurement tools included Harter (1981) Academic Motivation Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support from Family Procidano & Heller (1983), and Self-Perception Profile for Children Harter (1989) and Socio-Economic Status Silwan (2007). The final model showed good fit. The results of showed that the perception of parental support indirectly and through the perception of competence had a significant effect on students' academic motivation. According to the research findings, increasing the perception of parental support in students can reduce their academic lack of motivation indirectly through perception of competence.

Mrs Mahdieh Sadat Mirrahimi, Mrs Parvin Ahmadi,
Volume 10, Issue 44 (4-2022)

This study aim was Investigation and analysis the status of the trans-disciplinary approach STEM in the school curriculum The research method is "conceptual analysis" which aims to provide a clear explanation of the meaning of a concept by carefully explaining its relationship to other concepts. STEM's trans-disciplinary Approach is a strategic learning curriculum that removes traditional barriers between the four disciplines and integrates them with real-time, real-world scrutiny. According to the findings of the present study, it can be argued that the outlook and program of the STEM trans-disciplinary approach show how the STEM framework is set, how it will improve performance and training, and how teachers are expected to work together. To plan their curriculum, how teachers are supported to learn so they can cover their curricula with communication, community, and industry. The results of this study showed that a comprehensive approach to STEM education can, with the support and coverage of the elements involved, govern continuous and effective teaching of STEM in schools, but achieving it requires careful planning and assistance from educators. In this regard, the promotion of collective micro-culture in the preparation of educational programs for teachers and attention to the mentality of teachers and external variables in teaching should be given special attention.
Mrs Mahin Gharibzadeh, Dr Hasan Mohammadzadeh, Dr Malek Ahmadi,
Volume 10, Issue 44 (4-2022)

The aim of this study was to determine path analysis the relationship between parental social support and tendency, enjoyment and level of physical activity in adolescent girls. The mediating role of perceived motor competence was also evaluated. The research method is correlational research. The statistical population was adolescent girls aged 14 to 17 years in Tabriz that 380 people were selected as a sample through multi-stage cluster random sampling. Social Support for Exercise Survey, Adolescent Motor Competence Questionnaire, Physical Activity Questionnaire, Intation to Exercise Questionnaire, Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale were used. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test and path analysis at a significant level (P<0.05). The results showed that the variable of parents' social support of physical activity affects all four endogenous variables (physical activity, tendency to exercise, enjoyment of physical activity and the level of physical activity) and perceived motor competence, physical activity enjoyment and tendency to exercise variables, can also predict the level of physical activity as mediating variable. Also, the variable of enjoyment of physical activity indirectly through the mediating variable of tendency to exercise, was able to predict the level of physical activity. The results of this study highlight the importance of the role of parental social support in increasing adolescent physical activity.
Vahid Ahmadi, Raziyeh Hajian, Saeedeh Salehi,
Volume 14, Issue 48 (8-2024)

This research aims to review the historical studies on the curriculum in Iran from 1993 to 2021. The relevant papers were searched for in reputable Iranian databases (i.e., Noor Mags, Scientific Information Database (SID), Magiran, and Comprehensive Portal of Human Sciences). The search keywords were “history of the curriculum”, “historical dimensions of the curriculum”, and “historical curriculum”. The papers published in reputable Iranian scientific research quarterlies (validated by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology) were reviewed and evaluated qualitatively through a checklist. In this review study, 40 papers were identified. Finally, 15 papers were included after all titles, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and texts were checked. The historical studies on the curriculum in Iran were divided into two categories: conventional historical studies on curriculum and modern historical studies on curriculum. The conventional historical studies on curriculum addressed the formation of different curricular elements through a narrative method from an old-fashioned perspective. However, modern historical studies on curriculum analyzed the matter through a novel historical method using analysis and criticism. In addition to presenting studies in both categories, a quarterly should be published on the history of the curriculum to conduct systematic studies on the chronicles of curricula. Given the limited number of historical studies on the curriculum in Iran, greater emphasis must be given to research on this area.

Akbar Jadidi Mohammadabadi, Mohammad Ahmadi Deh Qutbaddini, Fatemeh Rashidipoor,
Volume 15, Issue 49 (11-2024)

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological cohesion and distress tolerance with a tendency to high-risk behaviors in high school students. The research method was applied in terms of purpose and terms of data collection, it was descriptive correlational research. The statistical population included all high school students in the city of Anar, which according to the statistics of the Pomegranate Education Department was 1400 people. The sampling method was available and the number of samples was 302 based on Krejcie and Morgan's table. After selecting two girls 'schools and two boys' secondary schools, the samples were taken with the cooperation of the school principal and teachers. Subjects answered the questionnaires about high-risk behavior, feeling of cohesion, and tolerance of anxiety. Testing the research hypotheses, inferential statistical methods including correlation coefficient and regression were used. Findings showed that there is an inverse relationship between psychological cohesion and anxiety tolerance with high-risk behaviors. In other words, by strengthening psychological cohesion and anxiety tolerance in students, the tendency to high-risk behaviors can be reduced.

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