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Showing 1 results for Hajian

Vahid Ahmadi, Raziyeh Hajian, Saeedeh Salehi,
Volume 14, Issue 48 (8-2024)

This research aims to review the historical studies on the curriculum in Iran from 1993 to 2021. The relevant papers were searched for in reputable Iranian databases (i.e., Noor Mags, Scientific Information Database (SID), Magiran, and Comprehensive Portal of Human Sciences). The search keywords were “history of the curriculum”, “historical dimensions of the curriculum”, and “historical curriculum”. The papers published in reputable Iranian scientific research quarterlies (validated by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology) were reviewed and evaluated qualitatively through a checklist. In this review study, 40 papers were identified. Finally, 15 papers were included after all titles, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and texts were checked. The historical studies on the curriculum in Iran were divided into two categories: conventional historical studies on curriculum and modern historical studies on curriculum. The conventional historical studies on curriculum addressed the formation of different curricular elements through a narrative method from an old-fashioned perspective. However, modern historical studies on curriculum analyzed the matter through a novel historical method using analysis and criticism. In addition to presenting studies in both categories, a quarterly should be published on the history of the curriculum to conduct systematic studies on the chronicles of curricula. Given the limited number of historical studies on the curriculum in Iran, greater emphasis must be given to research on this area.

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