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Showing 1 results for Hakim Shooshtari

Hamid Khanipour, Mitra Hakim Shooshtari, Mahshid Abadooz, Mojgan Atar,
Volume 14, Issue 48 (8-2024)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate some psychometric features of Scaling of Theory-of-Mind Tasks (including adaptation, reliability, factor structure and validity) among Persian-speaking children. It was an adaptation and validation study of a psychological tool which administered in a correlational design. Population were Tehran preschool children and sample included 100 children from 4 to 7 years old in Tehran. Scaling of Theory-of-Mind Tasks and Steerneman ToM test-R were administered. Scaling of Theory-of-Mind Tasks in the Iranian sample has moderate reliability and one factor structure is more representative of seven tasks. Six tasks have the possibility of becoming a general scale and there were significant coefficient between six task and whole score of test, except for scale 1 (different desires). This test can be used well for research purposes as a multiple indicator of the development of the theory of mind. The developmental sequence of the subscales of the test is acceptable for the four subscales (including different beliefs, explicit false belief, content false belief, beliefs about emotions, and knowledge access. However, the age differences were not significant for two kinds of tasks (including different desires and real-apparent emotions). In addition, acceptable convergent validity was observed between the total score of the participants in this test and the score in two subscales of Steerneman ToM test-R. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the Scaling of Theory-of-Mind Tasks has the necessary features to be used in the field of measuring this component of social cognition in Iranian children

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