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Showing 4 results for Panah

Hossein Hojjatpanah, Zahra Amani, Siavash Talepasand,
Volume 5, Issue 36 (9-2018)


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the development of moral judgment and self-control growth of student achievement of fifth grade elementary schools in Sabzevar city, The sample size, 250 students (124 boys and 126 girls) were selected by multistage cluster sampling method was rudimentary. In this study, to collect data from two questionnaires: 1) moral judgment (MJT), 2) the willingness of children to self-control as well as students' first semester GPA was used. Independent t-test showed that among male and female students no significant difference in self-control, but in terms of moral judgment is a significant difference between male and female students.

Ali Yasini, Yosra Panah, Amin Panah,
Volume 6, Issue 38 (3-2019)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of spirituality at work on job engagement with mediating role of spiritual intelligence. Based on the aim of study research method was applied and based on the method of data gathering was descriptive – correlation. All of schools principals of Ilam were made population of the study (N=400) from them 125 subjects were selected based on random sampling method. To collect the data, three standard questionnaires were used that their reliability and validity measured via Cronbach alpha and content validity respectively. SMART-PLS software used to analyze the research model and results showed that spirituality at work has a positive effect on spiritual intelligence and on job engagement, but the impact on job engagement was stronger rather than spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence has a positive effect on job engagement. Finally, results showed that spiritual intelligence has a mediating role in the relationship between spirituality at work and job engagement.

Fatemeh Soltanifar, Hamidreza Aryanpour, Azra Mohammadpanah,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (9-2023)

Due to the fact that adolescence is associated with psychological stress due to students' mental and psychological activities, such as entering university and future careers, etc., and this psychological stress can affect their physical and mental health. Therefore, in this study, the effectiveness of mindfulness training on sleep quality and mental health of Girl Students Participating in the National Exam has been investigated. This study was a quasi-experimental study of pretest-posttest type with experimental and control groups and follow-up test. The statistical population included all Girl Students Participating in the National Exam (12th grade) in Yazd in the academic year 2022-2023, 27 of whom were selected by convenience sampling method and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 6 sessions of mindfulness training and the control group did not undergo any intervention. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) were used to collect research data. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed at two levels of descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (analysis of variance with repeated measures) by SPSS-23 statistical analysis software. The results showed that mindfulness training significantly improved the quality of sleep and mental health of Girl Students Participating in the National Exam.
Dr Zeinab Mohammadzadeh, Dr Afsaneh Ghanbari Panah, Dr Mojgan Mardanirad, Dr Yalda Delgoshaei,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (9-2023)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of education based on acceptance and commitment on parenting stress and cognitive flexibility of parents with preschool children. The design of the current research was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and control group. The statistical method used to analyze the data was repeated measurement variance analysis (mixed design). 120 mothers who referred to the continuity center of Sari Municipality in 2018 were the research population. Two questionnaires of cognitive flexibility (Dennis and Vander Wall, 2010), parental stress questionnaire (Abidin, 1995) were the tools used in this research. In the first stage, among 60 mothers who received scores of 25-50% low in the questionnaires, 30 people were selected and were completely randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Educational classes based on acceptance and commitment were held in 8 sessions and the control group participated in classes with different content in 8 sessions. The time and place of the classes were on Mondays and Wednesdays in the Sari Municipality Continuity Hall. The results showed that education based on acceptance and commitment increases cognitive flexibility (effect size in time, 0.653) and (effect size in group, 0.331) and reduces parenting stress (effect size in time, 0.803) and (the effect size in the group is 0.416). It is concluded that education based on acceptance and commitment increases cognitive flexibility and reduces parenting stress of parents with preschool children. It is suggested to use the teaching protocol based on acceptance and commitment in schools, clinics related to education in the form of educational workshops with the aim of improving parenting styles and increasing children's adaptation.


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