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Fariba Khoshbakht, Mehdi Mohammadi, Phd Reza Naseri Jahromi, Fateme Mirghafari, Maryam Safari, Faezeh Roosta, Solmaz Khademi,
Volume 8, Issue 42 (3-2021)

Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, the majority of students in more than 150 countries faced school closures in their home country, which caused parents to face unforeseen circumstances and change the type of education of their children. The purpose of this study was to assess the health-oriented attitude of elementary school parents towards the reopening of schools in the Corona crisis. This is a descriptive study that was conducted by survey method. The statistical population included all parents of Elementary school students in Shiraz. 195 parents were selected using cluster sampling. The data collection tool was the Oakfield Educational Complex Questionnaire. Data was analyzed using one-sample tests by Will Coxon and Friedman. Parents have a negative attitude towards their children's participation in face-to-face classes, but a positive one towards the possibility of supporting their children's education, ensuring the health and safety of their children and school staff and forcing their children to wear masks while unable to keep social distance from each other. Finally, parents tend to have Distant education for their children, with the goal of keeping them healthy and protecting them from corona disease. They do not even agree with the Method of virtual and non-virtual education or the division of students into small groups and their Presence on different days in the classroom. 

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