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Showing 3 results for jadidi

Akbar Jadidi Mohammadabadi, Akbar Rezaei,
Volume 7, Issue 41 (10-2020)

This study was designed as an embedded mixed model research to identify and evaluate the ethical features of MOOC (course & massive). For this purpose, both heuristic inquiry method and the questionnaire method were applied to obtain and analyze the data. At the primary stage. The research sample in the qualitative section of the electronic resources related to the topic and in the quantitative section 36 of the experts in planning distance education in virtual learning environments and virtual universities were selected voluntarily. To analyze the qualitative data, content analysis method and the content of the content ratio, weighted average and Friedman test were used to analyze the survey data. Content analysis results showed 4 dimensions and 15 criteria. The qualitative and qualitative outcomes of MOOC's ethics show that the impact of each dimension of the learner, the content, Teaching organization, and Educational environment of the MOOC are similar to face-to-face training, and does not require new moral features. In the quantitative outcomes, the course & massive features of MOOC should be of special interest in the dimensions of the teaching organization, the content and the Educational environment, because this type of training is carried out both by a wide range of the learners and at regular times, then the learner and the teaching organization are also important. These results suggest that special attention should be paid to the dimensions of the learner and the teaching organization of the learning in order to hold the massive features of the MOOC (widespread, pervasive and regular and time-consuming), and the national and international ethical standards should be considered and at the level of the supra Enormous to be addressed, Because the ethics of classroom attendance are carried out at the micro and native level, but in these classes, national and international ethics are applied and applied extensively.

Mrs Roya Jadidi, Mr Ramazan Barkhordari, Alireza Mahmoudnia,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (9-2023)

 The main purpose of this study is "critical discourse analysis" of "female gender identity" in the official documents of education of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its consequences in the formal female gender education. Materials and Methods: Among the quantitative and qualitative methods in social research, in the present study, the qualitative method and the approach of "critical discourse analysis" have been used. In fact, the present study attempts to use "critical discourse analysis" of official education documents to examine whether there are any indications of the dominance of a particular discourse regarding women's gender identity in these documents: In order to achieve the objectives of the research, five official documents of education of the Islamic Republic of Iran were selected as a sample. Denial of conscious agency (despite its constructive role in discourses); Ambiguity; Semantic obstruction, formation of potentially conflicting semantic fragments, potential and sometimes actual hegemonic conflicts and interferences with informal discourse order, ambiguous patterns born of erroneous equivalence logic and then differences, etc. were evident in the construction of female gender identity. Conclusion: Identity crisis as an undeniable consequence of the discourse fluctuation of documents - failure to clarify the proposition of "gender identity" - in line with the prescriptive policies of its compilers. In other words, the domination of marginal discourse " "Otherness" is done; An event that, with the consequence of the possibility and instability of discourses in the conditions of discourse faltering, will lead to unrest and deconstruction, and ultimately the domination of rival discourse.
 Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Female Gender Identity, Gender Education
Akbar Jadidi Mohammadabadi, Mohammad Ahmadi Deh Qutbaddini, Fatemeh Rashidipoor,
Volume 15, Issue 49 (11-2024)

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological cohesion and distress tolerance with a tendency to high-risk behaviors in high school students. The research method was applied in terms of purpose and terms of data collection, it was descriptive correlational research. The statistical population included all high school students in the city of Anar, which according to the statistics of the Pomegranate Education Department was 1400 people. The sampling method was available and the number of samples was 302 based on Krejcie and Morgan's table. After selecting two girls 'schools and two boys' secondary schools, the samples were taken with the cooperation of the school principal and teachers. Subjects answered the questionnaires about high-risk behavior, feeling of cohesion, and tolerance of anxiety. Testing the research hypotheses, inferential statistical methods including correlation coefficient and regression were used. Findings showed that there is an inverse relationship between psychological cohesion and anxiety tolerance with high-risk behaviors. In other words, by strengthening psychological cohesion and anxiety tolerance in students, the tendency to high-risk behaviors can be reduced.

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