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Showing 4 results for Academic Achievement

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Volume 2, Issue 30 (3-2015)

The interest on studying Single-Sex and Coeducational Elementary
Schooling has grown significantly among researchers. Despite this, there
has been no research on this topic in Iran till now. The effects of school
type on academic achievement and social desirability which are among
important variables are examined in this research. The research design is
causal-comparative. The population is taken from students in fifth and
sixth grade from the public elementary schools in the academic year
1391/92 in Shahreiar, Tehran, Iran. The total number of the participants is
279 (half on co-ed and others on single-sex), which were selected by
random cluster sampling method. Results showed that the students from
single-sex schools had higher GPA, compared to the students of co-ed
schools. Also, it was statistically significant that the girls had better social
desirability compared to boys.

Ms Samaneh Hoseini, Dr. Jalil Fath Abadi, , ,
Volume 2, Issue 31 (2-2016)

The purpose of t the study is to test the model for the explanation of academic achievement based on students' goal orientation and subjective well-being and parents' subjective well-being and goal orientation for the third year high school students. 441 females’ students and their parents were selected by cluster sampling in this correlation study. Students filled the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, subscale of perceptions of parent's goal orientation and their parents filled the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule Life satisfaction scale. Obtained Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling through Amos software. The results of structural equation modeling show that hypothesized models have an acceptable fit to the data. Results indicate that student's goal orientation and subjective well-being mediate the relationship between academic achievement and parent's goal orientation and subjective well-being. The results indicate a part of difference in academic achievement accounted by the student's subjective well-being and goal orientation and their parent's subjective well-being and goal orientation.

Javad Abbasi Jondani, Hosseinali Mehrabi,
Volume 5, Issue 37 (11-2018)

Academic achievement motivation plays an important role in academic success, so its prediction and improvement is very important. This study investigated the relationship between academic achievement motivation and academic alienation, social support, media usage and demographic variables, and also predicted academic achievement was correlational. Its statistical population included all male students of Isfahan university amongst them 96 persons were selected randomly. The instrument of this study included Pirnia academic alienation, Mobarak Bakhshayesh social support, Eliasi media usage, and researcher-made demographic information questionnaire. The results showed that academic achievement motivation has a significant correlation with academic alienation, social support, media usage and socioeconomic status.. The results from stepwise regression analysis showed that academic alienation, media usage, socioeconomic status and these variables altogether explained 17.6%, 8.3%, 4.3% and 30.3% of the variance of academic achievement motivation, respectively. These results indicate that less academic alienation, less media usage and better socioeconomic status can improve students’ academic achievement motivation.

Ph.d. Saeed Ghiasi Nodooshan,
Volume 10, Issue 44 (4-2022)

Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the prolongation in the years of graduate students’ study and the consequences of this educational phenomenon.
 Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the factors affecting the increase in the academic years of postgraduate students and the consequences of this educational phenomenon. In this research, the qualitative method of theme analysis has been used. The statistical population of the study included postgraduate students with additional years of study, their supervisors, department heads and educational assistants of the faculties, from which 33 people were selected using purposive sampling method. In order to collect research data, three tools of interviewing, reviewing documents and reviewing the text of students' applications have been used. In the document review section, the files of the applicants for obtaining years in the Special Cases Commission from 12/15/94 to 3/27/96 were examined in a total number of 3224 cases. In order to analyze the data, after familiarizing with the data, primary codes were created and by searching and recognizing the themes, the network of themes was drawn and analyzed and then its report was compiled and presented in the form of a comprehensive classification. The validity and reliability of the data were checked by the members through the control method. The findings of the interviews identified two categories of extra-systemic and intra-systemic factors, which include a total of 28 causes.
 Discussion and Conclusion: Extra-systemic factors in three categories of socio-economic, individual-family factors and extracurricular concerns and intra-systemic factors in four categories of unprofessional behavior of professors, dissertation writing problems, lack of training courses and scientific weakness Students and the weakness of the educational process and system were divided. Also, in reviewing the documents, 18 reasons were identified as the factor of prolonging the years, the most important of which were the executive problems of dissertations and dissertations, their illness and relatives, and the length of the approval process. 19 solutions were identified to improve this phenomenon, which are also presented in three categories: improving the quality of courses and aligning with the dissertation / dissertation, improving the educational and scientific process, and facilitating the dissertation / dissertation process. What is concluded is that the extension of the years of students with disabilities is due to several factors, some of which are at the disposal of the university and some of which are outside the university system and are affected by economic and social issues. From a systemic point of view, by solving these challenges, it is possible to reduce the number of academic years and improve the quality.

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