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Showing 1 results for Mass Culture

Ramazan Barkhordari,
Volume 3, Issue 32 (8-2016)

As has been indicated in some documents, the higher education as an institution has been large history-more than eight century- and in this large history, important event has been happened. Higher education in modern era follows the modernity as encompass movement by the components such as scientism, individualism, mass production, technicism. Arising such tendencies in higher education has encounter to ancient higher education values. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche-19th German Philosopher- is one of the major philosophers that critique such modernity values. In current paper there has been explained his views on mass culture and authenticity, and mentioned their sins in modern higher education. Philosopher as medic and philosopher as sculptor are tow metaphors that used as tow task of diagnostic and prognostic for philosopher. At the first level there were diagnose the sins of illness in higher education on nietzche’s perspective (mass reception of candidates for being student in university, dominant of quantity in all aspects of higher education, dominant of scientific methods as the legal methods, absence of aesthetic realm and etc. and at the second level the task of prognosis evolution in the mentioned component were explained.

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