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Showing 4 results for Mindfulness

Aseyeh Yari, Mr Ghasem Ghasemi, Saeid Talebi,
Volume 6, Issue 39 (12-2019)

The purpose of this study was to present a causal model of rumination relationships with exam preparation with the mediating role of mindfulness and academic disinterest in students. The statistical population of this study consisted of second high school students of Shiraz who were randomly selected from the four districts of the four districts and were selected by the relative stratified sampling method and the Krejcie and Morgan sample size of 361 students. Solomon and Ruth Bloom's (1984) academic work, Hoxma's and Morrow's (1991) rumination, the Freiburg Mindfulness (FMI-SF) short form 14-question and school burnout Salmella-Arrow et al. (2009) were used. The results showed that rumination had a direct and positive effect on academic disinterest and academic disinterest on exam preparation, and rumination had a direct and negative effect on mindfulness, mindfulness, and cognitive flexibility. Comparing the two groups of girls and boys also showed that in the girls' model, the effect of rumination on mindfulness and academic disinterest was also greater than the effect of mindfulness on disinterest and preparing for exam than boys and the effect of academic disinterest on preparing for The exam was the same for the boys and girls. The results generally indicated that mindfulness had a direct and negative impact on exam preparation, rumination, and academic disinterest.

Fatemeh Soltanifar, Hamidreza Aryanpour, Azra Mohammadpanah,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (9-2023)

Due to the fact that adolescence is associated with psychological stress due to students' mental and psychological activities, such as entering university and future careers, etc., and this psychological stress can affect their physical and mental health. Therefore, in this study, the effectiveness of mindfulness training on sleep quality and mental health of Girl Students Participating in the National Exam has been investigated. This study was a quasi-experimental study of pretest-posttest type with experimental and control groups and follow-up test. The statistical population included all Girl Students Participating in the National Exam (12th grade) in Yazd in the academic year 2022-2023, 27 of whom were selected by convenience sampling method and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 6 sessions of mindfulness training and the control group did not undergo any intervention. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) were used to collect research data. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed at two levels of descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (analysis of variance with repeated measures) by SPSS-23 statistical analysis software. The results showed that mindfulness training significantly improved the quality of sleep and mental health of Girl Students Participating in the National Exam.
Moahddeseh Biyabani, Zohre ‎ Abasi,
Volume 14, Issue 48 (8-2024)

The aim of this research was to develop a structural model of resilience based on the perspective of future time and mindfulness through the mediation of cognitive flexibility in parents of mentally retarded children in Qom city. The present research was a descriptive-correlation type of Path Analysis. The population of this research included all parents of mentally retarded children in Qom city in the academic year of 2022-2023. The size of the statistical sample was determined to be 220 people, which was done by available sampling method. The tools used in this research were the five-faceted mindfulness questionnaire (FFMQ), the cognitive flexibility scale (CFI), the Zimbardo time perspective scale (ZTPI) and the Connor-Davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC). The findings of the present study showed that the research model has a good fit. According to the findings model of the happy present, the future and flexibility had a positive and significant effect on resilience; Also, mindfulness and the future had a positive effect and the passive present had a negative effect on flexibility; Also the mediating role of flexibility in the relationship between mindfulness, future and passive present with resilience was confirmed;
based on these findings, it can be concluded that among the dimensions of time perspective, the two dimensions of the future and the passive present and the general structure of mindfulness indirectly lead to an increase in resilience through influencing cognitive flexibility.


Hossein Mohagheghi, Fereshteh Motaharifar, Mehran Farhadi, Abolghasem Yaghoobi, Mahya Hosseini,
Volume 15, Issue 49 (11-2024)

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the meaning of life and mindfulness with flourishing and the mediating role of quality of life. The statistical population included all students studying in the academic year 1401-1402 in Bu Ali Sina University of Hamadan. The sample group consisting of 379 people were selected by cluster random sampling method. And responded to the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (Steger et al., 2006), the Freiburg Mindfulness Questionnaire (Walach et al., 2006), the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (1996), and the flourishing Questionnaire (Diener et al., 2010). Pearson correlation and structural equation analysis were used to analyze the data. The finding of this research showed that the direct effects of the meaning of life and mindfulness on the quality of life and flourishing were positive and significant (p<0.01). Also, the effect of quality of life on flourishing was positive and significant (p<0.01). According to the results, the indirect effects of the meaning of life and mindfulness on flourishing were also positive and significant (p<0.01). Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the meaning in life and mindfulness affect flourishing through the mediation of quality of life. People who have high levels of mindfulness and have found meaning in life; They have a better quality of life and improving the quality of life, in turn, leads to flourishing and maturity in the individual.

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