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Showing 3 results for Play

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Volume 3, Issue 32 (8-2016)

The present study aims to understand the effects of rhythmic movement and group play to improve the performance of the accuracy and audio sequences among children approach was performed.The research method was experimental and statistical. Population were all students of Yazd city, 100 normal students, after the diagnostic test (the Raven Intelligence Test for Children, Saif Naraqi’s test and Andre Rey) the multi-stage cluster sampling method randomly selectedby the random assignment and control groups divided tested. The experimental group received 12 sessions (each session 60 minutes - twice a week), received trained in play group therapy and Rhythmic movements, received no intervention. The control group received no intervention. The data and the methods of descriptive, and inferential statistics (mean and t-test for dependent samples and standard deviation and ANCOVA) of degrees of freedom (p <.05) were used for data analysis. The results showed that the students' attention and auditory sequences in the experimental group compared with the control group were significantly improved. Therefore, it can be concluded that the strategy of group play therapy and rhythmic movements can improve the attention and Auditory sequences in male students. Based on the results, Educators are engaged in learning disorders.

Miss Shima Abedi, Dr Toktam Hanaee,
Volume 7, Issue 40 (3-2020)

This study was developed to analyze the effectiveness of play in children's participation. The research method in the present study is applied and survey. In this regard, in order to collect data, field observations, questionnaires, and site visits are used. The sampling method was randomly completed using Cochran's formula and a questionnaire was completed by 92 children aged 7-12 years. Data analysis was performed to evaluate the effect of symbolic, educational and collective games and children's participation in children's perception in Sajjad neighborhood of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi province using a combined method using two types of quantitative and qualitative data with a sequential approach. In data analysis to evaluate the effect of role play in participation after data collection, the data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Kolmogorov-Smirnov hypothesis test and the significance level of the indicators using Spearman correlation. Cronbach's alpha was used to evaluate the reliability, which indicates a reliability coefficient of 0.924. In the analysis of qualitative data, children's drawings have been examined. The results of the study indicate that the use of appropriate contexts for children's play has a significant impact on children's participation. Differences in children's age groups make a difference in how important they are to environmental qualities. The age group of 7-9 years old is interested in painting and playing games and pays attention to facilities and equipment, sense of place and participation, while the age group of 10-12 years old is more interested in painting, singing and playing ball, and they They pay attention to identity and diversity in urban spaces
Dr Akram Hafezi,
Volume 14, Issue 48 (8-2024)

The problems in identifying effective strategies to improve the mental health and emotional well-being of hearing-impaired children and the emotional and psychological problems that most of these children face in their daily lives make clear the need for research and increased attention to this area. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of play therapy based on Axline's approach on the mental health and emotional well-being of primary hearing impaired children based on the ABC method. The current research was a semi-experimental design of single case type with baseline, intervention and follow-up design. Using available sampling method, 3 hearing impaired primary school children were selected from Pajhwok Family and Hearing Impaired Child Rehabilitation Center in Tehran. The measurement tools in this research were the children's mental health questionnaire by Jelink et al., the mental well-being questionnaire by Diener et al., and the record sheet. First, the questionnaires were administered 3 times with an interval of 3 days as a baseline. It was found that there is a relative stability in the grades. Then the intervention was implemented in 8 sessions. After each session, the participants were evaluated once and 2 weeks later, the same questionnaire was administered 3 times with a time interval of 2 days as a follow-up phase. The data were analyzed using Excel and SPSS 26 software and by intra-site and inter-site analysis. The results indicated that mental health and emotional well-being increased in each of the subjects after the intervention. 8 intervention sessions have been held, after which the frequency of variables was recorded in the session. According to the graphs, the increasing trend of the variables can be seen, and in the final part of the graph, 3 follow-up sessions, which are considered two weeks after the last intervention, still show the approximate stability trend of the variables.

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