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Showing 3 results for Gender

Mss Soheila Jalilian, Mr Ehsan Azimpoor, Mss Fariba Jalilian,
Volume 3, Issue 32 (8-2016)

This study examined the effects of Philosophy for Children Program (P4C) on the problem solving abilities and Moral Judgment of nurturance in the third Grade Primary Students of east Eslam Abad. The Population of this research was all the girl students in the third Grade in 2014- 2015 academic year. The research method a pre-test post-test design with control group was used. To this end, we chose 80 students to random cluster sampling in two groups experimental (n=40) and control (n=40) through randomized placement technique. For data gathering in this research the Long and Cassidy problem-solving questionnaire (1996) and Moral Judgment Test (MJT) were used. After this, the philosophy for children program was performed in 12 sessions for the experimental group. At the end of this intervention, post-tests was performed on participates of both groups. The results of analysis of covariance showed that the difference between the means of the two groups was significant (p<0.001), In other words of teaching philosophy to children to enhance students' problem solving ability and moral judgment had a positive effect. Also, the effect of the increase in problem-solving and moral judgment teaching philosophy to children by gender were not significant.

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Volume 5, Issue 37 (11-2018)

The growing presence of girls in higher education is an issue that has attracted attention and has a lot of opponents and proponents. In this article, effects of this event were studied in three dimensions, cultural, social and educational. Research method was descriptive – survey and the population of study was all students and faculty members at Isfahan University, Isfahan University of Technology and Isfahan University of Art. Sampling was classified according to size. Data were collected through a researcher made questionnaire and were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings showed that students and faculty members believe that increase in girl’s admission have more than average effect upon all three dimensions. In according of faculty members view, averages of social and cultural dimensions are higher and in student’s view, average of educational dimension. Finally, considering the pros and cons of the increased acceptance of girls, it is recommended to provide facilities to raise awareness of girls toward life situations to make better decisions.

Mrs Roya Jadidi, Mr Ramazan Barkhordari, Alireza Mahmoudnia,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (9-2023)

 The main purpose of this study is "critical discourse analysis" of "female gender identity" in the official documents of education of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its consequences in the formal female gender education. Materials and Methods: Among the quantitative and qualitative methods in social research, in the present study, the qualitative method and the approach of "critical discourse analysis" have been used. In fact, the present study attempts to use "critical discourse analysis" of official education documents to examine whether there are any indications of the dominance of a particular discourse regarding women's gender identity in these documents: In order to achieve the objectives of the research, five official documents of education of the Islamic Republic of Iran were selected as a sample. Denial of conscious agency (despite its constructive role in discourses); Ambiguity; Semantic obstruction, formation of potentially conflicting semantic fragments, potential and sometimes actual hegemonic conflicts and interferences with informal discourse order, ambiguous patterns born of erroneous equivalence logic and then differences, etc. were evident in the construction of female gender identity. Conclusion: Identity crisis as an undeniable consequence of the discourse fluctuation of documents - failure to clarify the proposition of "gender identity" - in line with the prescriptive policies of its compilers. In other words, the domination of marginal discourse " "Otherness" is done; An event that, with the consequence of the possibility and instability of discourses in the conditions of discourse faltering, will lead to unrest and deconstruction, and ultimately the domination of rival discourse.
 Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Female Gender Identity, Gender Education

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