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Showing 1 results for Mathematics Anxiety

Saeed Ariapooran, Mansoor Karimi,
Volume 8, Issue 42 (3-2021)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of mathematics anxiety in the outbreak of COVID-19 and role of mathematics motivated strategies for learning (cognitive, metacognitive, informational and non-informational resources management) and mathematic resilience in discriminating the membership in high school students (with low academic performance) with low and high mathematics anxiety. The research method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of all male high school students of Bahar city from Hamadan province (N=621). The study sample consisted of 247 male students who were selected by randomized cluster sampling. Mathematics Motivated Strategies for Learning (Liu & Lin, 2012), mathematics resilience (Kooken et al., 2016) and Mathematics Anxiety (Bai et al., 2009) scales were used for data collection. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise discriminant analysis were used for data analysis. Descriptive analysis indicated that 67.21% of students had low mathematics anxiety in the outbreak of COVID-19. According to One-sample t-test, students were in a low status in terms of using mathematical learning strategies and high status in mathematics anxiety. There was a negative relationship between mathematical learning strategies (cognitive, meta-cognitive, informational and non-informational resources management) and mathematics anxiety. Also, only the role of metacognitive strategies and mathematical resilience in predicting group membership of students with high and low math anxiety was significant. Teaching mathematics learning strategies and mathematics resilience to students with low mathematics achievements and incorporating mathematical teaching methods based on metacognition strategies and mathematics resilience into in-service programs for mathematics teachers, will be useful for decreasing students' mathematics anxiety in the outbreak of COVID-19.

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