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Showing 1 results for Reception Theory

Hamed Pourmorad, Alireza Mahmoudnia,
Volume 7, Issue 41 (10-2020)

One of the fundamental aspects of education is social education. This term of the education in consider to magnitude, complexity and comprehensiveness covering all educational institutions and overlooks the education of individuals, in one hand, develop individual character and the other hand, transmits heritage to the next generation. In the media field, one of the most fundamental question in communication science which engaged researchers’ and experts’ mind is the extent of Influence of media and their powerful in shaping the beliefs and the audiences’ ability to select and different conceptualizations of the message. Firstly, we surveyed what is the nature of media, related issues and its perspectives? And secondly, what is the role of media on social education regard to reception theory that suppose   a person is active in receiving a message? In this regard, the researcher used qualitative research methods such as content analysis and practical syllogism to define:  media, media types, nature of the media, issues related to media.  Reception theory, social education, its objectives and methods, and finally conclusion drawn four types of relationships involving media and social education and understanding of the role of media in the social education with emphasizing on “reception theory”.

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