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Showing 2 results for Virtual Social Networks

Dr Mehdi Mohammadi, Dr Fahimeh Keshavarzi, Dr Reza Naseri Jahromi, Mrs Rahil Naseri Jahromi, Mrs Zahra Hesampoor, Mrs Fatemeh Mirghafari, Mrs Shima Ebrahimi,
Volume 7, Issue 40 (3-2020)

Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, the closure of schools and the need to continued education in the school coerces, teachers were forced to provide training on social networks. The main purpose of the present study was to understand the lived experience of parents of first course of elementary school students in the challenges of virtual education in social networks due to the Outbreak of coronavirus, which was implemented using phenomenological methods. The data collection method was to use a semi-structured interview questionnaire. Accordingly, with a targeted sampling approach and standard method, parents whose children have used virtual education on social media for at least a month were selected, and 16 people were finally interviewed based on theoretical saturation.

Interview analysis was performed using a cleavage model and thematic analysis method. After extracting and categorizing the topic, the advantages and disadvantages of virtual education in social networks in five educational categories (advantages: preventing academic backwardness and creating opportunities for creativity; Disadvantages: unwillingness to complete class assignments and reduction of adherence to class discipline regulations), Social (advantages: student freedom of action and greater parental supervision; Disadvantages: Elimination of group activity and laziness and distraction of students), cultural (advantages: entering virtual education into the education system and creating new experiences; Disadvantages: eliminating the charisma of teacher presence and fatigue and boredom of some parents), Economic (advantages : reducing travel costs and saving travel time; disadvantages: time for additional training and the cost of providing the necessary hardware) and technical (improving media literacy of parents as good; disadvantages: lack of visual appeal of videos and Lack of mastery of information technology ) were classified. In addition to the disadvantages mentioned by parents, it is necessary to design a coherent and effective infrastructure for providing virtual education
Phd Amir Moradi, Phd Susan Keshavarz, Phd Mohsen Kordlo,
Volume 7, Issue 40 (3-2020)

      Today, with the expansion of the Internet and social media, new educational environments have emerged and expanded the names of social networks which has attracted children and adolescents due to their unique features and capabilities. Because technology is not neutral, children and adolescents with numerous educational opportunities and dilemmas by social networks are faced. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study the educational bottlenecks of social networks on children and adolescents and providing preventive strategies with emphasizing the educational teachings of the Qur'an and hadiths. The method of this study is qualitative and descriptive-analytic (qualitative content analysis) and inference of practical analogy. Findings of the research showed; educational bottlenecks of social networks on the education of children and adolescents, including breaking the norm (such as breaking the law, violence and aggression, sexual freedom and the promotion of abusive content, the promotion and normalization of the illegitimate relations of girls and boys, promotion of luxury and extreme consumerism, violating some ethical and religious virtues, routine and stereotypes), addiction to social networks and away from god and violation of privacy. Also, culturalize, Promoting Conscious parental supervision, protect privacy, fill leisure time and emphasize the importance of self-esteem and breeding its skills is a suggested solutions which leads to the study of the Qur'an and traditions to reduce the negative effects of our social networks.

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