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Showing 2 results for Thought Control Strategies

Hossein Zare, Sheyda Sharifi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (10-2014)

Purpose of this research was the effect of meta-cognitive treatment in group method onthought control strategies in addict man under methadone treatment. Among patients treated with methadone during methadone treatment center in Tarighat no of Tehran city on date Bahman to Ordibehesht 1393 ,30 persons were recruited and randomly assigned to two groups an experiment (n = 15) and group controls (n = 15) were assigned. The participants fill the questionnaires for thought control strategies Wells and Davies before training in method of meta-cognitive and after it. To examin the effect of Metacognitive training method, pre-test was subtracted from pos-testand the means of two experimental and control groups were compared using t-test.  The results showed that there was significant differences in thought control strategies between two groups and he mean of the experimental group was lower According to the results about the difference between the control and experimental groups  in receiving cognitive training intervention on  the Addicts' mind control, it seems, this teaching can be effective in meta-cognitive of the addicts and as a result modify their thought control strategies.

Yazdan Moradizadeh, Robabeh Nouri Ghasmabadi, Jafar Hasani,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2017)

The aim of present study was to investigation the role of metacognitive beliefs and thought control strategies in test anxiety symptoms of students. In a frame of correlation design, using multi-stage cluster sampling among high school students of Estahban and Shiraz in the 93-94 academic year, 401 students (male and female) were selected and completed test anxiety inventory (TAI), metacognitive questionnaire (MCQ-30) and thought control questionnaire (TCQ). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Pearson correlation coefficient showed that the cognitive components of positive beliefs about worry, uncontrollability, danger and cognitive confidence had a positive relationship with test anxiety symptoms of students. Also, among thought control strategies, worry, social control and punishment had a positive relationship with test anxiety symptoms of student, but attention diversion had a negative relationship. The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis of variables combination showed that uncontrollability and danger, cognitive confidence, punishment and need to thoughts control predict test anxiety symptoms of students, respectively.  The results of this study suggests that one of important factors in incidence of test anxiety in students is metacognitive beliefs and copying strategies about them. Therefore, it is recommended that pay particular attention to metacognitive beliefs and copying strategies in the prevention programs or treatment of test anxiety. 

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