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Showing 1 results for مدلسازی عدی

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Volume 4, Issue 1 (11-2010)

One of the major problems in urban subway tunnels is tunnel stability analysis and determination of the safety factor, and the prediction of the settlement that caused to provide stability during the performance, and then at the time utilization structure. The objectives of this study is using different methods to predict and development of these methods by use of each other. In this  paper, analyze and evaluate the stability of Tabriz Metro tunnel- Line 1 has been carried out using numerical methods, artificial neural networks and empirical  equations. The two excavating methods used in Tabriz Metro tunnel- Line 1 (using machine TBM tunnel method and NATM). In the first part of this  research, the excavated zone of the tunnel with NATM method has been analyzed  using numerical method and surface settlement and amount of tunnel convergence in the tunnel walls have been predicted by this method. After that, surface settlement has been predicted using artificial neural networks and then it has  been compared with obtained value from numerical method analysis and empirical relations.  Then, based on these results, empirical relations of convergence - settlement have been modified for Tabriz Metro tunnel- Line 1. In the second part of the research, the TBM penetration rate was predicted by use of neural network which is an important parameter, when one faced with troublesome areas and is very useful to use appropriate pressure EPB for TBM.  

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