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Showing 1 results for Mahallat-Hajiabad.

Reza Ahmadi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2023)

In the present study, productivity was determined as one of the most important evaluation criteria for the building stone to cut the different faces of travertine using the diamond wire cutting method. For this purpose, measurements were carried out in two zones named 8E and 8W in the northern region of Mahallat, Hajiabad travertine located in the Markazi Province. These zones were selected because of their greater similarity in terms of geological conditions, physical and mechanical properties of the stone, quarrying facilities, machinery and equipment. In order to achieve the objective, structural studies as joint study were first carried out as a joint study through field observations of fractures, drawing rose diagrams and analyzing them. Then, the productivity of electro deposited type diamond wire cutting was measured on seven blocks in two cutting panels of the 8E zone and 13 blocks in three cutting panels of the 8W zone over a period of 45 working days was measured. The results of the research indicate that the average productivities are 7.09 and 5.71 square meters per hour for the 8E and 8W zones, respectively and the overall average value for the 8E and 8W zones is 6.4 square meters per hour. Based on these results, although the average productivity level in these zones is acceptable, but well below the ideal level (18 square meters per hour). Therefore, the productivity in this area needs to be increased.

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