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Showing 2 results for Plate Load Test

Zohreh Safipoor Rashvanlu, Ali Ghanbari, Seyed Jamal Zakariaee,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

The ever increasing growth and development of the metropolitan city of Karaj in recent years has placed implementation of basic studies on Alluvium of Karaj Plain on the top of significant priorities of the region’s development projects. Therefore, in the present paper, the alluvium of South Karaj was studied based on relevant numerous geotechnical laboratory and field tests. In this regard, an area from Pol-e Fardis to Serāh-e Andishe with a length of 10 km is selected and the geotechnical engineering features of this area were taken into careful consideration and study. The carried out studies divide South Karaj Alluvium into five independent parts whose engineering description are presented. On the other hand, since the results of most of relevant laboratory and field tests have been collected, some relations for calculating Elasticity Modulus, Soil Inner Friction Angle as well as other geotechnical parameters in South Karaj Alluvium are introduced. Finally, the process of soil classification in South Karaj Alluvium is compared with the same process in other regions of Karaj, and, given the soil engineering features of Southern part of South Karaj Alluvium, some suggestions are presented for optimization and facilitation of future development projects in south Karaj Alluvium. Geotechnical studies.
Dr Ali Ghanbari, Mr Mohammadreza Harirsaz, Dr Gholamhosien Tavakoli Mehrjardi,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (12-2024)

 A series of reduced scale plate load tests was conducted to evaluate the bearing capacity of a strip footing resting on granular slopes. The effect of three factors including geocell burial depth, geocell length and spacing of geocell layers were discussed and evaluated. In this regard, 18 tests were performed to investigate the behavior of one and two layers geocell-reinforced slope as well as the unreinforced slope and plain condition.The results suggest that in the single-layered geocell-reinforced slope, the optimum burial depth of the first layer of geocell reinforcement is 0.1 times of the strip footing width, whereas at greater depth beneficial effect of the geocell reduces.  In addition, expanding the reinforcement length up to approximately three times the foundation width could effectively increase the bearing capacity, whereas extending the length beyond that does not lead to any significant improvement. Furthermore, use of two geocell layers by considering an optimum geocell space of 0.2 times of the foundation width could enhance the bearing capacity up to 226% in comparison with the unreinforced slope, and up to 79% of the plane condition for settlement ratio of 15%. Finally, the results indicate that the efficiency of the geocell reinforcements in lessening the gap between slope and plane conditions increases as the settlement of the footing rises due to the better mobilization of dilation characteristics of granular backfill material and better lateral confinement of coarse aggregates by geocell in greater strains.

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