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Showing 1 results for Soil Reinforcement

, , Morteza Jiriaei Sharahi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Soil stabilization and reinforcement has long played an important role in civil engineering, especially in geotechnics, and over time and the need for a more robust and stable ground to withstand gravity and higher shear forces, has become particularly important. Also, in recent years, with the entry of the environment into the construction industry, with the aim of reducing the adverse effects of industrial waste and construction waste on people's living environment and preserving the environment for the future, in many cases reduces the economic costs of projects. In this research, granular soil is reinforced in two loose and semi-dense states using a waste material called ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA). The experiments were performed without adding moisture, by weight percentage method and using CBR device. The results show that soil resistance increases significantly with the use of these additives and its effect on soil increases with decreasing soil specific gravity. Also, the optimal amount of additives in loose and semi-dense state is 2% additive and 1% additive, respectively.


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