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Showing 5 results for Azmi

Dr Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mr Meysam Toulabi Nejad, Mr Alireza Rahimi, Mrs Nasrin Bazmi, Mrs Atefeh Bosak,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

The aim of this study is modeling spatiotemporal variations of albedo. This study was conducted using simultaneous effects of several components, such as wetness of surface layer of soil, cloudiness, topography and vegetation density (NDVI), using MEERA2 model with a resolution of 50 in 50 km during 2000-2010 in Iran. The results of spatial analysis of albedo values in Iran showed that the highest value is in 44 to 45 degrees of east longitude about 2.8 to 3.3 and the lowest value of albedo is also in 52 to 53 degrees of east longitude, that is, the eastern slopes of the Zagros Mountains, have been recorded at 1 to 1.5 units. In terms of provincial rank, the largest albedo is about 0.25 units in Ilam province and the Fars province is ranked next about 0.24 units. The lowest amount of albedo also in the Gilan provinces and in next Mazandaran province are about 0.19 and 0.18 respectively. In addition, the results of temporal analysis in seasonal scale showed that the highest albedo in Iran in winter was 0.26 and its lowest amount was recorded in spring with 0.23 units. In general, according to the factors used, it can be said that the western and central parts of the country have a highest albedo, and the north and northwest regions of the country have a lowest albedo.

Meysam Toulabi Nejad, Dr Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mrs Atefeh Bosak, Mrs Nasrin Bazmi,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the middle levels of Atmosphere and precipitation changes in the West of country. To do this, first monthly rainfall data of 17 synoptic stations of the West Country in period of 30 years from 1984 to 2014 of country were collected from Meteorological Organization. As well as North Atlantic Oscillation data and anomalies geopotential height data, sea level pressure and precipitation were received from NOAA. To clarify the relationship between the NAO index phase with precipitation of west of Iran used Pearson correlation coefficient was at least 95%, (P_value = 0.05). Finally, using synoptic maps, spatial relationships among data, were analyzed. The results indicate that between North Atlantic Oscillation changes with middle level height anomalies of the Atmosphere and the amount of precipitation in West of Iran in January, March, April and November there is communication and concurrency.  The results showed that , at a time of sovereignty positive phase of the North Atlantic oscillation , an average of height atmospheric middle level in mid - western Iran 17 meters long - term and less than the average rainfall per month 23.5 mm increased and wetly sovereign. But when phase of governance is negative, high atmospheric middle level anomaly to an average of 20 meters more than normal. As a result, the drought will prevail in the west and precipitation in the region each month will face a reduction of 30 mm. In general, we can say that droughts more severe than wet coincide with the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation is positive phase.

Hossein Asakereh, Robab Razmi,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

In the present study, the main aim was the spatial evaluation summer rainfall of northwest of Iran based on30 stations in northwest of Iran during 30 years of statistical period (1985-2014). An attempt, using geo-statistical modeling by ordinary least squares (OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) procedures, was also made. The results represented that the GWR model with higher S2, lower residuals and lower RMSE is an optimized geo-statistical model for rainfall modeling of this area. This model can explain spatio-temporal rainfall distribution in northwest of Iran in a diversified topographical and geographical background. This model revealed that two spatial factors including elevation and slope, have the most important role in the summer rainfall behavior.Therefore Elevations in the mountainous and eastern parts of Lake Urmia, Latitude in the northern regions and slopes in the east of the region, have the most role in the spatial variations of summer precipitation in northwestern Iran.

Dr Aeizh Azmi, Mrs Akram Razlansari, Mrs Leila Mataei,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

In this project government endow loam to villagers for improving their houses. This project help to villagers for improvement their life and it help to villagers for preparation for sudden hazards. Improvement rural houses project improve quality of life villagers. Therefore, this project presents for resolving problems and challenges that improvement rural houses project confront with them. Investigative method was descriptive-survey and we used from questionnaire for collecting data. Statistical society includes 50 people that we used from census method for sampling method. Statistical method was technical supervisors in Kermanshah County.  Reliability calculated by alpha Cronbach method that equal 0.72 and validity calculated by K.M.O and Bartlet method that equal (K.M. O=74/0) and Bartlet significant equal (0.0).  But technical supervisors have positive attitude about housing foundation of Islamic revolution performance. They were satisfaction from workshops and upstream supervisors in housing foundation of Islamic revolution of province of Kermanshah. Results shows that there is relationship between distance village from city and quality of building materials quality. Also, there is relationship between knowledge of people about project and time periods. It shows that knowledge people increase. Finally, by factor analysis we understand that there are 5 components that effect on improvement rural houses projects that include: dimension of individual people and technical supervisors, attitude of people to improvement rural houses projects, life quality and improvement in life style, challenge in law and discipline and time of project. They explain 65.85% of total of variance. Also, the findings show that there is a meaningful and reverse relationship between the beginning of the technical observer's period and the amount of his attention to the consciousness of the people at the level of 0/05. Meanwhile, people's awareness has increased over time.
Nasrinalsadat Bazmi, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Parviz Zeaiea Firoabadi, Qholamreza Janbazghobadi,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

This article was written with the aim of revealing land use changes in Urmia city using remote sensing of Landsat satellite images for 4 periods of 8 years between 1990 and 2019. For this purpose, two categories of data will be used in this research. The first category includes data obtained from satellite images and the second category includes ground data taken from Urmia ground station, which includes temperature and other parameters used in this research. The results showed that urban land use in Urmia city has faced significant changes during the statistical period of 30 years. This user has had an increasing trend during all the studied periods, so that during the study period, it has faced a 5-fold increase. Swampy areas and sludge fields east of Lake Urmia have undergone a significant decline during 1990-2019 and has reached less than 6,000 hectares. The citychr('39')s barren lands, which cover a small percentage of the citychr('39')s area, have been declining over the 30-year period under review. The use of gardens has increased during all periods, so that in 2019, its area has reached more than 20,000 hectares. The use of irrigated agriculture has increased during all the studied periods and its area has reached more than 80,000 hectares by 2019. The area of ​​rainfed agricultural lands, after the rangelands, is the widest land use in Urmia, but with a relatively gentle slope has a decreasing trend. Water areas have also been declining, so that in 2019, it has decreased by about 26% compared to 2012. Rangelands, which is the largest land cover in Urmia city, has gone through three different processes during the study period. From 1990 to 1998, these lands did not change significantly, but from 1998 to 2005, the increasing trend and in 2019, with a 10% decrease compared to 2012, reached its lowest area during the statistical period under study, ie less than 20,000 hectares.

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