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Showing 2 results for GHALEH

Mahrookh Ghazayi, Nazfar Aghazadeh, Ehsan Ghaleh, Elhameh Ebaddyy,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Lack of surface water resources has led to uncontrolled abstraction of groundwater in many parts of the world and severe depletion of groundwater table levels. With the increasing population, the extraction of these resources has increased and these natural reserves are facing a serious threat. The present study was conducted to monitor the groundwater level using satellite images and the relationship that it can have with land use. In order to achieve the desired result, first the relevant satellite images were taken, and the necessary pre-processing was applied on each of them. Among the important tools, the use of object-oriented method, land use classification map was extracted for both years and Land use change map was extracted for a period of 15 years (2000-2015). Finally, in order to monitor the groundwater level map, the groundwater level map of the study area for both years was extracted by Gaussian method, which was the most accurate method. The results showed that there is a strong and significant relationship between land use and groundwater level. Areas of the study area that have higher vegetation have lower groundwater levels than other areas. It follows the earth and also causes water to flow from high potential points to these points. Also, irrigated agricultural use had the highest average drop in water level compared to other uses, which indicates the excessive use of groundwater to irrigate irrigated agricultural products in the study area.The results also showed that the conventional kriging method with Gaussian variance is more accurate than the other methods used to estimate the depth of groundwater water table in both statistical periods. Conveying by conventional kriging method showed that the groundwater level in most parts of the plain has decreased during the study period. The maximum drop is 40 meters and the average is 15 meters.
Mohsen Abdehkolahchi, Abdehkolahchi Ghalehnoee, ,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Urban land use change is one of the key issues in urban planning that has been addressed by researchers in many different aspects, especially from the perspective of space. But the point that has been overlooked in various studies is that the analysis of different aspects of land use change is not limited to classical and spatial factors, and because of the various interest of land use change, many stakeholders aim to derive interest from this process in urban land developments. Accordingly, this paper aims to apply the communicative planning framework in identifying and explaining the factors affecting the distribution of land use change interests, because communicative planning as one of the major urban planning theories has focused on proper distribution of interests among stakeholders. In this study, after formulating the study results from theoretical studies, using a quantitative approach and exploratory factor analysis technique, the factors affecting the distribution of land use change interests have been identified and explained based on Approvals of the Commission Article 5 of the Ahvaz City (as one of the official references to land use change in the urban planning system). The results show that 9 factors with cumulative variance of 70/851% provide a proper explanation of user change interests distribution, among which "mediation legitimacy of planners and decision makers" has the most effect. Of course, the quality of these factors with 42.31% of the land quality shows the distribution of land use interests among the stakeholders was not very appropriate, which can lead to interest conflicts, especially between groups with economical-political interests and the public interest, and thus cause social instability in Ahvaz city.

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