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Mahdi Yaraghi Fard, Samaneh Jalili Saassistant Professor of Urdrabad,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

A healthy city is an idea to prevent the development of various diseases through the issues of urban design and land use. Shiraz city and Fars province have the highest number of road and pedestrian accidents. Also, depression of the elderly is the basis of other diseases and requires social and health care and increasing awareness in this field to increase life expectancy and strengthen the sense of belonging in society. The present study was investigated to measure indicators and explain healthy urban spaces with a smart city approach in Shiraz city. This research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical regarding its nature and method. The statistical population of the research was selected from a group of university experts and municipal employees to identify the ideas of the health-oriented city with the smart city approach. The collection of information required for research is based on detailed library studies. In this study, to analyze the data from an inferential method, the single-sample t-test; analysis of variance test (ANOVA); Scheffe's post hoc test, and factor analysis test were used. To analyze the data, SPSS software was used. The results showed that the indicators of this research are not in conflict with each other and play a role in the health of the citizens. Also, 11 factors have been identified as effective dimensions for a healthy city with a smart city approach, which are: air quality, social interaction, safety level, social participation, climatic comfort, social security, access to water, sewage, and waste management, social justice, urban green space, education, poverty, and employment. Finally, the hypotheses of the research have been confirmed.
Mehdi Mohammadi Kuchesfahani, Mohammad Jalili, Mahmoud Nouraie,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Despite Iran's capabilities in the field of tourism, unfortunately, it has not been able to achieve a worthy position in this industry. One of the factors that can develop and improve the country's tourism industry is the use of effective marketing tools and parameters, including introverted marketing. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of incoming tourists to hotels and restaurants active in the city of Rasht who were active in social networks. The sample size was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed as qualitative and quantitative validity and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha method and combined reliability. In this study, in order to analyze the research data from the software SPSS and Amose were used. The findings of this study showed that the components of social construction, social listening and online content of introverted marketing have a positive and significant effect on the intention of electronic advertising. The results of this study also showed that the components of introverted marketing, ie social construction, social listening and online content have a positive and significant effect on the selection of tourism destinations. Other results of this study can be the positive and significant effect of advertising intentions on the choice of tourism destinations and also the mediating role of this variable in the relationship between the components of introverted marketing with the selection of tourism destinations.

Dr Samaneh Jalilisadrabad, Eng. Somayeh Jalilisadrabad,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Public spaces and social interactions have a reciprocal relationship. The rapid urbanization, limited land availability, and neglect of these spaces in urban development initiatives have resulted in a scarcity of open and green areas per capita, consequently reducing social interactions. District 10 of Tehran, as the most densely populated area, suffers from a lack of both quantity and quality in public and open spaces. Furthermore, issues such as physical deterioration, disrupted urban landscapes, a high tenant rate, low social security, and a transient population have further diminished the quality of existing public spaces and the level of social interaction in this particular district. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore the potential for enhancing public spaces in order to promote social interactions in District 10 of Tehran. The chosen research methodology is descriptive-survey, with data collected through documentary and field studies. The SWOT and QSPM techniques have been employed for analysis.  The findings reveal that various factors play a significant role in facilitating social interaction in public spaces. These factors include the diversity of activities, integration of land use, social inclusion, accessibility to public transportation, social security, memorability, safety, engagement of all senses, readability, visibility, flexibility, availability of urban furniture, materials used in urban furniture and pavements, climate comfort, and environmental health. Moreover, creating favorable conditions for the presence of children and the elderly would lead to increased supervision and social security.  The superior scenario proposes a set of strategies, including aggressive strategies (SO1: Enhancing social security in existing public spaces, SO2: Promoting the development of open and green spaces on a per capita basis, SO4: Establishing local hangout spots and micro spaces for community gatherings, SO5: Allocating multicultural and artistic spaces, sports venues, etc.) and conservative strategies (ST1: Repurposing inactive municipal-owned spaces, ST2: Encouraging greater citizen participation in social activities). Ultimately, six prioritized strategies are identified, resulting in the formulation of 18 policies and 31 action plans.

Laaya Jalilian, , Mohsen Ahadnejad,,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Policy-making in tourism development planning requires the use of new methods in the field of urban governance. In accordance with this approach, it is necessary to apply policy focusing on the processes of "developing a good governance model for tourism in the post-corona era in Iran" in order to solve the problems caused by this disease, which puts double pressure on the body of the tourism industry, through To reduce the evaluation of tourism governance indicators and provide the basis for their implementation. The method of this research is descriptive-survey and with practical purpose, using documentary studies and field research. We have used the interview tool for the qualitative part (data analysis of the foundation) and studying the appropriate indicators of tourism. The statistical population includes elites and people involved in tourism in the country, and the statistical sample includes 14 of these people, who were selected by a combination of judgmental and snowball sampling methods. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted by comparing data in open, central and selective coding until the stage of theoretical saturation and separation of main and sub-categories, and the data theory method of the Strauss and Corbin Foundation (1998) was used to analyze the obtained data. has been The results of this research, according to the identification of the indicators of meritocracy and the introduction of the causal conditions of the use of meritocracy in Iran's tourism industry, lay the groundwork for the formation of consequences such as; Improving the business environment, especially after the recession crisis of this industry due to the spread of Covid-19, creating a competitive advantage, etc. through providing suitable platforms, including: organizational measures, strengthening and improving infrastructure, technological capabilities, etc. and using information and communication management strategies, marketing strategies, supervision and monitoring, etc., which are displayed as a model.

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