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Showing 29 results for Ahmadi

Hamzeh Alizadeh, Mehry Akbary, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mohamad Ahmadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Kermanshah province, especially Ravansar city is one of the important regions of the country in the agricultural and horticultural sector, most of the time the hail phenomenon causes significant damage to these sectors. One way to reduce this damage is to install an anti-hail system. To achieve this goal, 37 station hail data were clustered and three main clusters were obtained representing hail days; Each of the clusters has been plotted and analyzed in terms of geopotential height of 500 hPa, moisture level of 700, and map of 1000 to 500 hPa of temperature and omega. The results of the study of hail patterns show; A low-altitude system is essential in the Middle East; To direct hot and humid air from the southern offerings to the region; At the same time, it is necessary to have high instability and weak static stability in the atmosphere on the surface of the earth, as well as the presence of sufficient moisture that can provide showers. Hierarchical analysis (AHP) method was used for location in GIS environment and parameters such as (slope, slope direction, temperature, humidity ...) were evaluated. These criteria were classified as operating maps, each separately and were scored according to the degree of priority in establishing the device. The final map shows the location of the system: Parts of the northwest of the region (Mansour Aghaei and Ghori Qaleh) and northeast of the central part of Ravansar and parts of the southwest of the area due to the appropriate geographical conditions and appropriate to them, sufficient temperature and humidity and the direction of the southwest slope, and having Favorable conditions for severe instability followed by hail; Anti-hail system is very important for construction in these areas. In general, about 32.6 square kilometers have relatively favorable conditions and about 3 square kilometers have very favorable conditions for the construction of the system.
Ali Ahmadi, Majid Vali Shariat Panahi, Reza Borna, Rahmatollah Farhoodi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Due to the many complexities, housing planning, especially for vulnerable groups, in a city as large as Tehran, requires a model to simplify the process and speed up calculations, which does not currently exist. With the aim of solving this problem, the present study proposes a model with the following steps: 1) Explaining the objectives 2) Estimating the housing needs of the target community 3) Identifying expandable areas 4) Proposing construction patterns 5) Proposing dispersion patterns 6) Calculations and patterns Financial and 7) suggest operating patterns. The information required to implement the model was collected from two questionnaires and data from the Statistics Center. In this model, three housing models with minimum, optimal and average areas and three types of existing housing construction, 100% infrastructure and freeing up the yard space were used as public urban space. The proposed zoning was adapted to the 22 districts of Tehran Municipality due to compliance with the available data. Sales price and financial calculations were calculated based on the internal rate of return of 20% and contract subsidies, and finally 4 free transfer models, lifelong lease, lease on condition of ownership in the program areas were proposed. The results show that one of the problems in this sector is the lack of appropriate decision-making structure and planning tools that can provide a comprehensive and complete review of the current situation, comprehensive and comprehensive solutions. Therefore, according to the model and using the indicators used, regions 2, 6 and 13 have the lowest and regions 19 and 22 have the highest potential for housing development of low-income and vulnerable groups, and finally, the model has suggested the most housing in regions 22, 4, 19 and 11.
Esmaeail Ahmadi, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Bohlol Alijani, Mohammad Saligheh, Hassan Danaie Fard,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

The more exposure to Climate change / variability, the more vulnerability and a community with low adaptive capacity and high sensitivity is more vulnerable. Vulnerability reduction depends on adaptation policy and strategies. Designing and assessing these strategies require climate vulnerability (CV) measuring. To produce a new CV index, as a main propose of this study, first: The score of exposure factor for two five span years was calculated based on four synoptic stations data (Zabol, Zahedan, Iranshahr and Chabahar). Second: The scores of adaptive capacity and climate sensitivity were determined using all of the country census and yearbook data for 1385 and 1390. Third: Due to the nature and factors of vulnerability, a climate vulnerability index was developed based on the multiplicative-exponential model (CVIMEM). Forth: The index was calculated for the province and sub regions. The result shows, although the Sistan and Baluchistan (SB) adaptation capacity was increased, but because of the increased exposure and sensitivity, this province is 16.3% more vulnerable. Area with very high vulnerability label expanded from 57.5% to 100%, which reflects the spatial expansion of vulnerability over SB. The overall result is that vulnerability reduction needs for accurate and continuous measurement, on the increase adaptation capacity and mitigate climate sensitivity.
Daryosh Yarahmdi, Asadollah Khoshkish, Mustafa Karampour, Ismail Ahmadi,
Volume 16, Issue 40 (3-2016)

One of the Siberian high pressure system is the Earth climate system, atmospheric important. The purpose of this study, analysis of core changes Siberian high pressure system in the period mentioned. To identify the core spatial variations in the timeframe mentioned data, daily sea level pressure and temperature of the earth's surface with a resolution of 2.5 degrees within the space of 30 to 65 degrees north latitude and 130 degrees east longitude from the database 45 to NOAA NCEP / NCAR for the cold was extracted. The core of the GIS spatial data analysis system and two separate zones and point to output six decades was ten years old and were analyzed. To study the process of change, determine the direction of the trend, type and timing of changes in temperature and pressure of the core of the system the test of Mann-Kendal is used. Comparison between the first and sixth decades 60-year period showed that the core in January from the East to the West and in October and March from the North East to the South West from the Balkhash Lake to Baikal there has been a significant shift. Results also showed that during the same period the Siberian High central pressure was reduced in January while the land surface temperatures in January showed a significant upward trend. Unlike the months of October and January, in March the central pressure had few mutations but no trend was observed. However, during this month the Earth's surface temperature has increased significantly during thementioned period.

Esmaeil Nasiri, Ali Ahmadi, Reza Rahmani ,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)

Migration is among important issues that less developed and developing countries have confirmed during the recent five decades. This issues in Iran has attraced a lot of researcher and planner views. Irregular and increasing migrations have created a lot of consequences for cities and the target settlements, social effects of migration on the cities is among such consequence these, in this project, ethnocentrism, linguistic diversity and conformance quality are considered among the city's residents. This issue has been studied in Takestan Qazvin. For illustrating the issue, theories of Michael Todaro, Edward Sapir, Benjamin Whorf and William Samner have been used. The research has been done according to library methods (documents) and field methods (special for questionnaires and measurement).In addition to confirming the questionnaire by the experienced faculties, its reliability has been obtained in accordance with Cornbrash’s Alpha coefficient by 82,2 percent and the SPSS software is used for analyzing and processing. The result obtained by analyzing questionnaire filled in by 400 people that the number has been chosen according to Morgan's Table, and the people have been chosen randomly, shows that there is a meaning full relation ship between ethnocentrism and linguistic diversity with development of the city. 

Elham Yarahmadi, Mostafa Karampoor, Hooshang Ghaemi, Mohammad Moradi, Behrouz Nasiri,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Investigating of rainfall behavior in the spatial-temporal dimension and determining the tolerance thresholds of different geographical areas with respect to vegetation, animal life and human activities, is essential for any decision in the environment. Therefore, precipitation data of 27 stations were received from the Meteorological Organization during the 60-year period and After the data were evaluated qualitatively, The distribution of temporal and spatial mean, coefficient of variation, skewness and probability distribution of 20% maximum and minimum monthly and seasonal autumn and winter, for a period of 60 years (1951-2010), two 30-year periods (1980-1951), (1981- 2010) and two 10-year periods (2010-2001), (1951-1960) were calculated  and were zoned using GIS. Studies show, except on the shores of the Caspian Sea, there is little change between autumn and winter patterns. The average rainfall of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea has decreased to the west and east. in other areas of the country, the spatial and temporal variations of rainfall in the autumn are very highand from the north to the south, the mean decreases and the coefficient of variation and skewness increase. In winter, maintaining the pattern of autumn, the average precipitation increases and the coefficient of variation decreases. The average precipitation of 30 years and 10 years of the second winter season, compared to the first 30 years and 10 years, and also the 60 year period, has decreased in most stations, which is consistent with the results of the Mannkundal test. Analysis and review of the 20% minimum and maximum seasonal rainfall show that the intensity and range of performance of winter precipitation systems in the second 30 years have decreased. Also, the frequency and severity of drought in the autumn season have increased in the second 30 years and in the last 10 years. The highest decline occurred in the western and eastern parts of the Caspian coast and in the northwest, which requires special attention to managers in light of the areas of activity and concentration of the population.

Dr Ehsan Lashgari Tafreshi, Dr َabbas Ahmadi,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)

The emergence of decentralization approach and transfer some political authority to non-state actors has provided new actions for the management of geographical space under the name of spatial governance. The roots of the emergence of the concept of spatial governance return to the economic-political changing in the 1980s. The emergence of a decentralization approach and the transfer powers from government to nongovernmental institutions has provided a new concept in the name of "spatial governance". Therefore, governance is beyond the government and includes the private sector and civil society with the approach of market economy and participatory democracy. So, in this paper major question is “who spatial governance functioned in the post- positivism methodology?” In this regard, in the first step has been made to define the concept of governance and its dimensions and sub-sets in relation to geographical space. Then, by matching the spatial governance conceptual relationship with post-positivism approach, a new perspective on the causes of the greater impact of this school is presented in understanding this concept. According to the governance framework, the management and production of space is not only an objective or objective action, but also it is a constructive, unfinished, contingent, and conditional, conditional and social condition. therefore, the space policy was created in a cultural-historical territory must be consistent with the cultural and historical values of a particular of human beings group and the conditions for the development and optimization of space by these policies should fit into the pattern of their social life. in governance approach, some of the concepts such as truth, rationality, justice, goodness, and especially development, are not independent from its the social processes that shape it. On this basis, spatial governance cannot have universal dimensions.  Because social action is faced with a process that can create a single position at any given time, pro-active methodology cannot predict and predict it.
Miss Leila Montaseri, Dr Abolghasem Amir Ahmadi, Dr Mohammad Ali Zangeneh Asadi,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

In this research, to review the role of geomorphological phenomena has been discussed in the change of chemical quality of water in the part of geography the north east of the country. Geomorphological phenomenon discussed in this research is marly hills that is result of volcanic-sedimentary activities of geological tertiary and is discussed the role of chemical effects this hills in mudding water one of the rivers current in its area (Kalateh-Sadat river in west Sabzevar) to irrigate agricultural lands around this river, that slang term to it "water-coloring" they say. In this study, methods of field observation, interview with local farmers, sampling and analysis of water and physicochemical experiments have been used. The results of tests and comparative the chemical quality of clear water and muddy water showed that the rate of deposition percent (turbidity), total hardness (concentration of calcium and magnesium) and water salinity (Electrical Conductivity) is higher in muddy water; but statistical analysis and diagramming Schuler & Wilcox and classification of SSP and SAR determined that this increase is not as critical and dangerous and the quality of potable and agricultural water of Kalateh Sadat river and even its total hardness is in favorable condition and well. In other words, marly hills and water mudding does not cause of significant changes in water chemical quality of river; Therefore, can be used of muddy water for irrigating agricultural land.

Dr Dariush Yarahmadi, Dr Amanolah Fathnia, Mehdi Sherafat,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

The extention of Snow cover and its spatial and temporal changes considered as a basic parameter in climatic and hydrologic studies. Data from satellite images due to the low cost and the large extention of cover are, effectively help the identifying of the snowy basins. Since the satellites are able to imaging a surface at different times, this will allow snow survey studies to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of snow. In this research, Snow line changes and the surface temperature line in Alborz Mountains using NOAA-AVHRR satellite images since 2006 from 2015 was studied. The results showed that at the study period, maximum area of snow have been observed in April 2015, with the amount of 12051 square kilometers and the minimum area snow have been observed in June 2008, with the amount of 33 square kilometers. The average of the lowest elevation of snow covered areas, have been observed in April 2007, with the amount of 2662 meters and its highest value have been observed in June 2008 with the amount of 3820 meters. Also the most of the snow line change occurred between the years 2007 to 2008. Moreover, in almost of 15 years, the isoterm of zero degrees Celsius, matches with the snow line and its elevation has changed as the snow area is changed.
Hasan Kamran Dastjerdi, Marjan Badiee Azandehie, Yashar Zaki, Abbas Ahmadi, Narjessadat Hossainy Nasrabady,,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

 In today's world, the process of globalization and communication and information innovations has brought the "cities" into an actor of national and global competition. No urban point in the world can rely on maintaining its traditional role in the urban hierarchy, as other urban areas compete in a network structure with other cities in order to enhance their position on the network and overcome other competitors. In contemporary cities, forces, activists, and urban actors face a different role in their political, economic, social, and cultural domains, with a view to their modern and highly sensitive interests, and therefore competition between the positive and the negative ones It has emerged or is underway. Given the importance of this, political geographers and geopolitics are studying the important process, which is in fact the "urban geopolitics", created in the wake of urban competition, and with the growing competition of urban action-makers and forwards ahead. , Pay. The present paper uses a descriptive-analytical method to make it clear that urban geopolitics, on the one hand, includes a set of common rivalries, ideas and perceptions of political factions, religious denominations, or other social centers that social groups It brings to the fore and creates a worldview for them. On the other hand, the concept of this survey shows how these perceptions, the field of decision-making by citizens, and the occurrence of competition, change, and sometimes even protests in urban environments. It then changes with inspiration from geopolitical conditions. Hence, a kind of geopolitical measure on a city scale has made cities important actors in diverse geographic areas. The results of this research show that the multi-dimensional phenomenon of the city is studied by political geographers and geopolitics, with emphasis on the pivotal elements of space, politics, power and competition.

Parisa Ahadi, Shahriar Khaledi, Mahmoud Ahmadi,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Dust is referred to sediments of less than 100 microns in size which are transmitted as suspended particles. Dust storms are events which naturally occur in arid and semi-arid areas, especially in subtropical latitudes. One of the most known sources of dust is the west of Asia, including Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, especially Khuzestan Province. The purpose of this study is to investigate the frequency and trend of dust phenomena on hourly, monthly, seasonal and annual scale between 1995 and 2015 in Khuzestan Province. The method in this study is based on statistical computation of dust parameters and also the trend analysis of data based on Mann-Kendall test and spatial distribution maps of dust phenomena. The results suggests that 78.57 percent of dust event are occurred between 9.30 am to 15.30 pm local time, concurrent with peak of sun radiation and earth surface warming, dryness of soil and local pressure difference. The hourly trend analysis is increasing and significant in all hours and the highest increase occurred at 9.30 pm to 12.30 pm.49 percent of dusty days occurred in June, July and May and also 73 percent of them are in spring and summer as following from temperature increase and water and soil resources drying in the province. The seasonal and annual spatial distribution of dust indicates that most of dusty days in all seasons are located in west of province which suggests dominance of external sources as the main source of dust and the importance of topography factor in this area.The Z value spatial analysis suggests high increase of dust event in recent 20 years in southeast, south and central areas of the province and also on last hours of day which demonstrator development of internal sources activities in increasing trend of dust event in recent decades.

Mr Mohammadreza Mirsaeedi, Dr Moslem Seyed Alhossaini, Dr Fereshteh Ahmadi, Dr Amir Hossain Shabani,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Generally speaking the existence of metropolises, alongwith the high various business districts have led to high valume of travels to these centers.The density and separation of these centers brings about the increase and the decrease of the vehicles. The adoption of location determination strategies and that of the comunicational centers and the city activities has made the cities continue the developement process while cosidering the fairly service destribution and the spatial equalities.The goal of this research is the recognition and determination of the city spatial organization working centers and activity model and the relation of service functioning with one another so that the mono central and poly central cities can have a important effect on the destribution system and service centers and the vast changes of the citizens .The analysis method is a kind of quantity and quality one. In the quality part of that the descriptive statistics ( the geometrical presentation , graphical disparation, the centralism measures) and the Hansen Model. In the areas of planning, a great difference is seen in the levels of land uses so that the land use of higher educations in the western metropolitan city of Mashhad area is 84 percent while that of the eastern area is 3 percent. It is the same about the equipped medicinal, commercial and green space areas.Only in the areas of managerial levels  there is a relative balance. Finaly the city is devided by three areas throughwhich while considering the employment , the developement potential and distance , the land use determining rate was found out. 
Farnaz Izadi, Atefeh Ahmadi, Farzin Charehjoo,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Future study as an emerging knowledge is the evolutionary form of strategic planning. This knowledge has been used purposefully in recent years to meet the uncertainty and complexity of various dimension of issues and to designing the future of systems. In this regard, Kurdistan province in western Iran, despite the potential and actual capabilities, has not achieved the development appropriate with capacities and there are many structural problems in achieving this purpose. In this regard, the present study has examined the problems and challenges of lack of development in Kurdistan province with a descriptive-analytical and future study approach. The method of data collection is a survey and documentary studies. The problems and challenges and their effects on the development of the province have been identified to achieve results based on a semi-structured interview from elites and experts. MIC MAC software, environmental scanning method, and system analysis are used to analyzing the data. The results of the research in assessing the extent and the way of influencing of issues and challenges on each other and on the future status of development in Kurdistan province, respectively in the direct and indirect  effectiveness and impressionability, indicates that water crisis, poverty, lack of development of industry, unbalanced tourism and animal husbandry, environmental degradation and lack of access to health services, unemployment, and improper management of water facilities play a major role in the future of development in Kurdistan province
Nafise Marsousi, Majid Akbari, Nazanin Hajipour, Vahid Boustan Ahmadi,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

According the increasing population, especially the urban population in the world and increasing environmental pollution caused by it, The need for urban planning and management approaches based on indicators such as Healthy Cities approach seems inevitable. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the efficiency and ranking of healthy city indicators through 36 indicators (socioeconomic, health services, environmental and health care). research method applied research is descriptive, analytic and development. To analyze the data from the non-parametric linear programming technique of data envelopment analysis, cross ineffective, models and software Dea slover Shannon entropy is used. The geographic area of this study is Khuzestan province and its statistical population is 22 cities according to the census of 2016. The results of this research show that in terms of relative efficiency of Ahwaz city due to the centrality of the province and the availability of infrastructure and sanitary services with a relatively high distance with the highest performance and high level of performance was in the first rank. And the cities of Dezful, Shosh, Khorramshahr, Shoshtar, Abadan, Masjed Soleyman and Behbahan were selected as semi-efficient cities. Finally, it can be concluded that in terms of having the indicators of the healthy city, most of the cities of the province are Inefficient (64%).

Mr Mahdi Moharreri, D.r Mohammad Naghizade, D.r Fereshte Ahmadi, D.r Shirin Toghyani,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

One of the issues facing today's cities in Iran is the issue of maintaining and upgrading existing streets. The way of managing theses streets and dealing with them has caused various problems in different aspects of cities. The purpose of this research is investigating the principles of maintenance and promotion of urban streets with a focus on Islamic teachings and Iranian culture. This research also explains some ways to improve the quality of urban streets using Islamic teachings and Iranian culture. Gathering information was done through observation, field study and documentary studies. Using content analysis methods, documenting and graphical analysis, information and data were analyzed. The quality of the cities depends on the quality of the streets and the quality of the streets is also based on the details of the streets. After designing and constructing urban streets, they need attention, maintenance and promotion in order to be always attractive and desirable for citizens. The results of this study indicate neglecting the indigenous material, art, culture, religion, needs and interests of citizens which has led to the construction of unqualified urban spaces in the metropolitan areas of today's Iranian cities. This research did not seek to provide a template for urban streets designing, but it is in direction of developing principles of planning and designing urban streets based on Islamic teachings and Iranian culture. In addition to having appearances according to Islamic teachings and Iranian culture, desirable street for Iranian citizens should also be Islamic and Iranian internally. With Just the correctness of appearances it can be said that only hypocrisy is obtained, but with internal reforming, honesty can be created in urban spaces.
Abdolmajid Ahmadi, Ebrahim Akbari, Javad Jamalabadi, Maryam Alemohammad,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Awareness of the status of vegetation, land use change and surface temperature in each region, and the timing and location of their changes over time are important for micro and macro planning. In order to make optimal use of land, knowledge of land use changes is necessary, which is usually possible by detecting and predicting land use changes. Measuring the role of researches and researchers has been instrumental in the study of natural resources, especially vegetation, surface temperature and user variations in each location, as well as the availability of information for different times for valuable studies. In this study, ETM and OLI were used to study the process of land use change, vegetation cover, surface temperature, and hazards caused by them in perennial seasons. The results show that the area of use changes over the period 2000-2010 has decreased the area of use of the developed area, agricultural and growing gardens and the area of land and rangelands. Artificial vegetation has risen in aggregate and rangeland lands are showing a decreasing trend. Due to the importance of vegetation and its role in reducing the temperature of the earth's surface, the trend has been decreasing in regions with intensive vegetation and high temperature. Also, in the period from 2010 to 2017, the range was further increased and the city's growth continued sporadically, causing environmental changes and rising temperatures in the city. The change in the city's increased range has increased environmental risks, including the loss of good agricultural land and the increase in the temperature of the city. Due to the fact that most agricultural land is located in the vicinity of the city under cultivation of saffron, which in the warm seasons does not have surface coatings, changes in the type of cultivation can also affect the temperature of the earth.

Ahadollah Fatahi, Afsaneh Ahmadi, Vahid Riahi, Hamid Jalalian,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

The diversification of economic activities in rural areas is considered as a strategy where rural households increase their income sources. The villages of Saqez city, despite having high environmental potential and capacity in different sectors, such as agriculture, have a poor livelihood and economic status. Therefore, the present article seeks to answer the following questions: What are the appropriate strategies for diversifying economic activities in the villages of Saqiz? The present study was conducted through descriptive-analytic method. In a survey method, SWOC analysis model and QSPM evaluation matrix, we presented appropriate strategies. To design a strategic model and determine the ranking of factors 20 from experts and also to factor out the factors of 300 villagers in the area. The study sample is selected as sample. The results of the SWOC model show that the existence of an appropriate ecosystem in the region for tourism development, the existence of four climates in the region and the possibility of cultivation in each season, as well as the presence of the leading farmers in the region, are the most important strengths against the weakness of the financial and economic context of many Villagers and traditional exploitation are the most important internal weaknesses for diversifying economic activities in the study area. Also, the results of this model indicate that in the external environment 34 opportunities have been identified, the attention of the authorities to the conversion and complementary industries, the border area and the suitable field for exporting agricultural products to the Iraqi countries, are the most important external opportunities and in contrast to 36 challenges and limitations. The key factors of the migration and exodus of elite educated to Tehran and neighboring provinces, climate change and increasing natural hazards such as floods and droughts are the most important external barriers affecting the diversification of economic activities in the villages of the study area. Also, the results indicate It gives diversification of the activities of the economy The studied villages should be focused on strengths and opportunities.
Reyhaneh Salehabadi, Mr Mohammad Reza Hafeznia, Mr Seyyed Hadi Zarghani, Syrus Ahmadi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

The national strength of algebraic aggregation is a large number of positive and negative factors that are composed of numerous sources and resources. One of the important sources of national power in the world today and in the post-Cold War period is economic power, which is itself the bedrock of other superstructures, such as political, military, and so on. This research uses descriptive-analytical method and using library resources and field research to answer this question. What are the most important variables and indicators that shape economic power of countries? The findings of the research by examining library documents show that the four main components of economic power including infrastructure, production exchange, production level and financial resources can affect economic power. Meanwhile, 61 variables related to quadruple components were identified. Then, by using the Likert spectrum questionnaire, internal knowledge was measured to measure the importance of each of these variables. Accordingly, economic infrastructure, high-tech exports, food imports and international currency reserves were of high importance. On the other hand, variables such as the share of the poor in the consumption of national income, economic competition, foreign ownership, and commercial costs of violent crimes were of minor importance. Finally, it can be argued that countries have an obligation to take into account the factors and variables in the economic dimension to achieve their national interests and interests.

Esmaiel Safaralizadeh, Majid Akbari, Vahid Boostan Ahmadi, Chamran Mousavi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

 the development of sustainable urban development depends on providing relative prosperity, citizen participation and increasing social awareness for all members of society. The purpose of this paper is to measure social capital indices and its relationship with sustainable urban development in urban areas of Ahwaz. The present study is a descriptive-correlational one from a methodological point of view. From a single point of view, it is based on structural equations which has been done in Ahwaz in 2018. In this regard, library studies have been used to explain the literature and theoretical foundations and field method has been used to study the case study. Data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the descriptive-inferential statistics data and SPSS and Amos software were used. The statistical population of the study was 384 citizens of Ahwaz city and the sampling method was random. The results of this paper showed that social capital and Sustainable Urban Development status are different between Ahwaz city areas. In other words, high social capital among the citizens of Ahwaz is a means of enhancing the sustainable urban development and structural dimensions of the city including economy, community, institutions, space and environment. The implications of this research for the strong link between social capital and sustainable urban development, the need to pay attention to the components of social capital and to adopt policies to maintain, enhance and enhance social capital to ensure sustainable urban development in the geographical area of ​​Ahvaz. It looks great.

Mrs Malihe Mohamadnia, Dr Abolghasem Amirahmadi, Dr Mohamadali Zanganeasadi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

 The purpose of this research is to use granulometric analyzes in desertification studies in Gonabad city,  To achieve this goal, after the preparation of geomorphological maps of the region, 14 sediment samples were taken from the erosion-sensitive facies of the region. In the laboratory, a series of sieve with a diameter of 2000, 1000, 500, 250, and 64 micrometers, and a container Gatherings of sediment smaller than 64 μm were screened. The results showed that the highest frequency of particle diameter in sand samples was in the 250-225 micron class. And, given the average particle relationship with their transport intervals, it can be concluded that the distance between the particles was close to a point. Variants of different samples varied from 1.502 to 1.319. The most prevalent plots of ridge and the smallest slopes with low slope were the highest. In surveys in the skidding section, precipitates were mostly positive tilted, indicating the prevalence of fine particles in the region.

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