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Showing 7 results for sasanpour

Zeinab Mohebbi, Dr Farzaneh Sasanpour, Dr Ali Shamaei, Dr Habib Fasihi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, cities are looking for advanced ways to improve their individual personality and one of the most important strategies is to characterize the characteristics of city branding, which can be a solution for the development and improvement of the city. Qom metropolis, as one of the religious and historical cities of Iran with a cultural-religious role at the national level, hosts a large number of tourists every year, but the tourists who stay in the city are very few and it seems that the city can find a solution. Have. development of the city. This research analyzes the composition of branding of Qom in metropolitan areas and finally determines the position and level of the metropolis based on branding ranking. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its nature and research method. The researcher's self-made questionnaire was used in the field method. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts (30 people). The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha formula in SPSS 19 software equal to 0.76. TOPSIS method was used to rank the regions and Arc GIS 11 was used to produce the maps. Based on the obtained results, the 4th region of Qom city is in a favorable condition and the 2nd region is in an unfavorable condition, and the city of Qom is in an average condition in terms of management, physical and social, and in an unfavorable condition in terms of economy. Since the commercial and economic indicators of Qom metropolis are in a bad situation, paying attention to the increase of capital in the city can improve the urban environment, which as a result can be achieved as a resistance economy.  From a physical point of view, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the elements and symbols of the city are permanent in the minds of the beneficiaries of the city.

Farzaneh Sasanpour, , ,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

Urbanization bubble is a new concept in urban planning issues for examining sustainability at various levels of social, economic, environmental, and management. So far, no common definition provided for urbanization bubble that indicate a lack of research in this field. This research aimed at assessing futures studies of urbanization bubble in Tehran metropolitan with focus on scenario planning. Research method in term of purpose is applied and in term of method is exploratory descriptive analytic one. Required data gathered through field study and document review. In field studies, Delphi technique performed in the form of a group of 30 people. For data analyzing, cross impact analyzes used in MICMAC software. Results indicate that 56 factors identified as key factors in five institutional, managerial, economic, social and environmental dimensions affecting future condition of urbanization bubble. Then, based on experts’ comments, 25 agents identified. Dispersion of the variables indicates the instability of Tehran's metropolitan system. Five categories of influential, dual, regulatory, influential and independent factors identified. Final scores and ranking of key factors carried out and finally, three scenarios presented for the future status of urbanization bubble in Tehran metropolitan.
Farzaneh Sasanpour, Sara Alizadeh, Hourieh Aarabi Moghadam,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

Livability approach is defined as the healthy, safe, suitable and economically accessible urban system that brings about high life quality and is considered as a subset of sustainable development. Although investigating urban livability can be advantageous in identifying deficiencies and taking actions in order to improve livability of the living environment of residents, but unfortunately there has been inadequate considerations about livability theory in Iran. the result, in this study, the livability of Urumia city has been investigated. Firstly, after devising 24 factors in 4 aspects (Physical-Environmental, Economic, Social and Health) this index was evaluated in urban areas by using newly invented model RALSPI with descriptive-analytical approach. Finally, based on this model, the areas were placed within the range of very livable to intolerable, so that District #1 was determined as the best area with livability score of 0.31 and District #2 was determined as the most unlivable area with the score of 0.007. This issue revealed a huge gap between the areas of the city.

Mrs Fatemeh Khodadadi, Dr Mojgan Entezari, Dr Farzaneh Sasanpour,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Today, in view of the growing population and population density in urban areas, especially in densely populated and susceptible cities, the need for an inclusive and comprehensive approach to natural disasters and disasters caused by their occurrence has become more evident . Focusing more than the size of the population in specific urban areas, lack of preventive planning and lack of readiness to deal with accidents such as earthquakes, is a very serious and important threat to citizens and the survival of the city. The capital city of Karaj, as one of the major cities in Iran, has a high risk of earthquakes due to the presence of several active faults inside and outside it. Accordingly, investigations of the seismic vulnerability of this city are one of the necessities of Karaj city management. Regarding this, the metropolis of karaj was selected as the study area. The method of research and analysis of information collected based on database-based methods using the ELECTRE FUZZY model and Criteria for building materials, number of floors, quality of buildings, population density, building density, area of parts, width of passageways, geology, distance from faults, distance from medical centers, distance from public space, distance from urban facilities and travel compatibility for research purposes Were used. The results indicate that 6, 8, 1, and 7 areas of Karaj municipality are vulnerable to earthquake, so that more than 70 percent of Karaj city is vulnerable to earthquake vulnerability on low and low floors and Only about 20% of the city of Karaj due to its proximity to the fault and the high density of population, construction and ... is in high and high risk areas. According to the principles of urban planning, the regulations of 2800 can cover earthquake damage in these areas.

Afshar Hatami, Farzaneh Sasanpour, Alberto Ziparo, Mohammad Soleymani,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Increased urbanization, population growth and socio-economic and environmental problems besides growth and development of ICT at the global level are the sign of the 21st century. The contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection, encountering ultra-modern citizens with industrial cities and lack of responsibility to current citizens has led to a smart sustainable city that thanks to ICT such as IoT following to solve mentioned problems. This paper beside introducing smart sustainable approach as a counterpoint to Neoliberal approach, assessing emergence, evolution, aspects, indices, and differences between similar approaches like smart city. This research from the view of aim is basic research and from the view of nature and research method is descriptive analytic one. The results of the research indicate that also there is no universal definition of smart sustainable city, but there is an agreement on the final goal to obtain sustainable development. The reason for this necessity is the third wave of sustainability and crisis of social, economic and environmental challenges in the context of the cities. Also, primary focus of these definitions is equity and social inclusiveness, quality of life, efficiency, flexible infrastructure, ICT and environment protection. Furthermore, there was such a futuristic gap in the definition of smart sustainable city that a new definition presented based on future study approach. In contrast to similar approaches, the core of the smart sustainable city is ICT and environment protection. Also, results shows that for implementation of this aprroah inaddtion to use theory of change, future study and systems theory, should consider the slogan of “think globaly and act localy” and localization of smart sustainable approach based on social, economic, political and futuristic condition of Iranian metropolises.
Haniyeh Asadzadeh, Afshar Hatami, Farzaneh Sasanpour,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

According to a new urban paradigm using new innovative systems like crating ubiquitous city with smart convergent systems is a way to solve urban problems. The ubiquitous city is a future city in which physical spaces and electronic spaces are convergent. In terms of structural view ubiquitous city consists of space, ICT, and human. This research method is applied and descriptive analytic one. By reviewing the literature on 15 aspects and 77 indices are gathered and selected. Required data for research gathered through field study. Research result indicates that the distribution of indicators of Ubiquitous city in Tehran metropolitan is very inappropriate. The most significant shortage (More than 50 %) in Tehran metropolitan are in U-Health and care U-Governance, U-culture, and sports, U-education, U-housing, U-transportation, infrastructure, citizens, trade and finance aspects. In turn, U-facilities, U-environment, U-energy network, and U-water network are the only aspects that the distribution of indicators (More than 50 %) are appropriate. In general, dimensional classification showed that 13.33 percent of the dimensions were in an excellent condition, 13.33 percent in good condition, 20 percent in moderate condition, 40 percent in poor condition and 13.33 percent in deplorable condition. The existence of indicators also showed that 33.76 percent of the index is not available at all85% of the indicators are incomplete, and only 23.37% of the indicators are fully exhaustive — finally, the priority of indicators propose to the development of U-city in Tehran metropolis. the results of this research applicable for furthor transformation of Tehran to ubiquitous city.
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Haniyeh Asadzadeh, Tajaldin Karami, Farzaneh Sasanpour, Ali Shamaie,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

Today, due to structural changes in the economy, rapid developments in science and technology, restrictions on financial and human resources, the interdependence of countries, global competition, increasing desire for globalization, the need for a better understanding of "change" and "future" for governments, businesses, organizations, organizations And people demand it. To this end, futures studies help policymakers and planners to design appropriate development programs by establishing communication, coordination, and collaboration between organizations and institutions. This research is applied in terms of practical purpose and in terms of the nature and method of descriptive-analytical research and in terms of exploratory scenario modelling. Data were collected through documentary and field methods. In the field method, the researcher-made questionnaire was provided to the experts in the form of a mutual matrix for scoring factors. 30 experts were selected by Delphi method. The distribution of questionnaires was also unlikely. Mick McMurphy software was used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the system of Tehran's urban area is in an unstable state. Also, the ten driving forces, including the ideologies of the ruling ideology, integrated management, expanding the infrastructure of information and communication technology, e-commerce, expanding economic competitiveness, economic branding, electronic management system, political transparency, facilitating the entry of multinational corporations, expanding urban diplomacy as drivers Influential ones were extracted in the development of Tehran's urban area. Finally, the scenarios facing the development of Tehran's urban area showed that there are eight scenarios, the first scenario with the highest probability of occurrence has 9 pessimistic and one pessimistic.

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