Showing 12 results for shams
Joan Amini, Mehri Akbari, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Ali Akbar Shamsipur,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
Green spaces have a key role in moderating urban micro-climatic conditions, beautifying urban landscapes, citizens' leisure time, and also reducing noise and air pollution and absorption of Aerosols. In addition to the significant advantages of green space, water consumption and irrigation needs is one of the main limitations of green space development in Tehran that nowadays faced to critical water shortage. Calculating water footprint in green spaces, as the total amount of fresh water required to maintain green space throughout the year, is one of the indicators by which the compatibility of tree and plant species with climatic conditions can be assessed. The main object of this study is to estimate the water footprint of Laleh Park in Tehran province of Iran. The Green space soil water balance (SWB) model was used to calculate water footprint in this park. The required data that including: average daily temperature, total precipitation and moisture depth of zero to 30 cm of soil, were obtained from the Geophysical meteorological station of Tehran for 2018. Data related to soil water drainage were also estimated based on standard laboratory samples of green space soils. The results indicated that in the warm months (June to September) of the year, the total water footprint of Laleh Park in Tehran was 4 to 5 thousand cubic meters per month (m3/m), while the winter months (December to March) total estimated water footprint were less than 1400 cubic meters per month. The generalization of 30 Centimeters depth soil moisture data of the geophysical meteorological station to Laleh Park, released that, in the warm month of the year, Green Water (groundwater or surface water) had the largest portion (more than 90%) in the water footprint of Laleh Park, While in the winter months (December and to march), the green water (water from snow and rain) is main participant in providing soil moisture, more than 90% of the total water footprint of Laleh Park has related to this source.
Hosein Shamsi, Rahmat Mohammadzadeh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
Lefebvre's theory has received much attention in the field of space production, and its importance is especially in the fact that it is systematically integrated in the categories of city and space as a comprehensive and comprehensible social theory.
The traditional planning of land use is completely abstract and formal and devoid of perceptual and meaningful components, but Lefouri's trialectic approach is not like this and consists of three virtues (spatial practice-spatial representation and representational space) that are in communication with each other and collaboratively and at the same time in the moment. They form, produce a whole.This research has a descriptive and analytical method, and in terms of its purpose, it is fundamental. The changes caused by the arrival of new paradigms in the approaches of urban planning and urban design, which assigns a different nature to the strategic system of urban development changes, and on the other hand, new attention to space and finding the concept of living space to be important, it seems that Lefebvre's trialectic approach is contrary to traditional user planning. The land values the everyday space and lived experience of the residents and can create spaces that increase the sense of place and sense of belonging of the residents to their living space.The review of the concepts shows that the concept of lived space (abstract-concrete space) was influenced by different approaches of the philosophy of science (interpretative and critical) and now it is witnessing an approach change (paradigm), which can show social transformations. This study shows that space-place (living space or space-love) is, unlike the previous definition of space based on positivist (mental and perceptual), abstract and generalist approaches, mainly a demarcated area of space that has physical-concrete characteristics and It is formed and filled with meaning through human experience.
Mostafa Karimi, Ghasem Azizi, Aliakbar Shamsipour, Lila Rezaee Mahdi,
Volume 16, Issue 41 (6-2016)
In this study is simulation of role of topography in thickness and Inland penetration of sea-breeze in southern coast of the Caspian Sea. The RegCM4 as a regional scale climate model coupled with a lake model and also the reanalysis data of NCEP / NCAR used to determine of the initial conditions of the model. The model was run during the peak of sea breeze on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea (July 2002) in both conditions (with mountains) and (without mountains). the outputs indicated that in without topography condition depth of the sea breeze will increase to the current position the southern slopes of the Alborz Mountains ( latitude ᵒ35 ) but the land breeze in the area is gone. The maximum speed and changes in wind direction observed on the coast southeast and central Alborz respectively. In addition with non-topography conditions, the thickness of sea breeze in different areas significantly has increased with the highest rate on the eastern coast (longitude ᵒ53).
Fatemeh Ghiasabadi Farahani, Faramarz Khoshakhlagh, Aliakbar Shamsipour, Ghasem Azizi, Ebrahim Fattahi,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)
The present research about the spatial changes of precipitation is mainly focused on western areas of Iran. Precipitation data for three seasons of fall, winter, and spring have been obtained from Esafzari Database, with 15*15 km spatial resolution in the form of a Lambert Cone Image System for the period from 1986 to 2015. To examine the prevailing pattern of precipitation in west of Iran, we have used geostatistical methods of spatial autocorrelation. The changes in precipitation trends have been analyzed using parametric and non-parametric analyses of regression and Mann Kendal. We have used MATLAB for analysis of the data. We have also used ArcGIS and Surfer for drawing maps. The results of inter-decade changes of positive spatial autocorrelation of precipitation in west of Iran have indicated that there has been a decline in spatial extent of the positive spatial autocorrelation pattern in spring and fall, except for winter with a negligible increasing trend. Nevertheless, except for the second period, no considerable spatial changes were observed in the spatial pattern of precipitation in the region. However, there was a decreasing trend in the negative spatial autocorrelation of precipitation in annual and seasonal scales. The results of trend analysis have indicated that there was a decreasing trend in a vast area of the west parts of the country in annual scale and also in winter. Although there was an increasing trend in precipitation in fall and spring, but the trend was not significant in 95 % of confidence interval. The results of Man Kendal test have confirmed the results obtained from linear regression.
Shamsollah Asgari, Amir Safari, ,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)
One of the important and effective factors in the destruction of natural resources is the flood phenomenon, identification of this phenomenon and effective parameters in flood occurrence in natural resources and catchment areas is necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the flooding of sub-basins in Jafarabad basin in Ilam province. In this research, the Jafarabad basin in Ilam Province is divided in to 12 sub-basins. For each sub-basin, 28 geometric, climatic, permeable and physiographic parameters such as area, environment, length and slope of main stream, length and slope of the basin, time of concentration, The coefficients of shape and variability of precipitation, vegetation cover, CN, discharge and ... have been calculated using GIS software. Factor analysis was used to determine the flood potential of the sub basins. The data of 28 sub-basin variables were analyzed by SPSS software and summarized in 5 main factors (shape, flow, slope, drainage and runoff). The results indicate that the factor of the form with a specific value of 11/30 is the most important factor in the flooding of the studied basin. Channel, slope, drainage and runoff factors with a specific value of 7.21,4.34,3.22 and 3.10 respectively Priority is in the next rank. Then, based on the factor scores of the study area, three large, medium and low flooding categories were mapped and a zoning map of the flood potential of the sub-basins was drawn in the GIS environment. Sub-basins (9,8,5,3) in the shape of the sub-basins (1,6,11) in the gradient factor, sub-basins (2, 7) in the drainage factor and in the runoff factor of the sub-basins (4,10,12 ) Have a lot of flood potential. In sub-basins, the similarity of flooding, erosion, vegetation, and human performance impacts is divided into 3 groups with high, medium and low flood potential. Sub-basins play a major role in the flooding of the basin, which affects the vast agricultural fields of the lower reaches.
Mohtaram Mirzaeian, Dr Bijan Rahmani, Dr Majid Shams, Dr Abbas Malekhoseini,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)
The real world has been created of extremely complex mosaics. The regional analysis entails the study of the mechanism of the processes involved in systems that are capable to explain the emergence, growth and decline of a region, but like any other geographic research, doing comparison in such a study is inevitable. The cities of the world are now the homes of more than half of the world’s population. Perhaps the most important global challenge of our age is to make sure that whether the planet remains habitable and provides sufficient resources for future generations. In this study, a descriptive-analytic method has been used to analyze the effects of information and communication technology in urban sustainable development in west urban areas of Kermanshah province. The statistical population of the study consisted of 184642 people that 386 individuals were randomly selected as the sample. The required data were collected by documentary-library method and field study and analyzed and processed using SPSS software and variance analysis model. The results showed that the cities of Qasr-eShirin, Gilan-e Gharb, KerendGharb, Sarpol-e Zahab and Islam AbadGharb obtained the first to fifth ranks respectively in terms of the affectability from information and communication technology in sustainable urban development.
Shamsi Sadat Mir Asadollahi, Sadraldin Motavali, Gholam Reza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)
Natural disasters are a set of harmful events that are natural origin that sometimes human factors are also effective in exacerbating. In the same vein strengthening the social and economic component and after that resiliency can play an important and effective role in reducing flood damage. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive –analytical and field nature. Survey method and data gathering tool were closed questionnaires, the analysis method is based on correlation and regression test. The statistical population includes citizens living around the river and flood areas that 383 people selected as sample and the questionnaire was distributed by cluster sampling among respondents, according to research finding , the average social resilience 1/60 , average economic aberration ( the amount of damage ) 4/53 ,average capacity with ability to compensate 8/69 , eventually average return to appropriate condition 4/67 .in the test section, hypotheses are determined according to the result of the regression test and correlation which has a significant relationship between urban and urban spatial and social dimensions. Strengthen local organs and organizations in a decentralized state , one of the important ways to increase the social participation of citizens of Gorgan during the providing people's participation and strengthening the people's economic ability when natural hazards occur including flood, the initiative of the people is strengthened and the scope for reducing the damage caused by the flood is reduced . people are faced with real and tangible issues with the executive and so on their gap crisis management and conflicts of interest will diminish.
Shamsallah Asgari, Hamidreza Peravan, Samad Shadfar, Mashallahe Mohamadpoor, Manouchehr Tahmasebi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)
In some areas, it is surprisingly possible to see a dense cover of rangeland species that has sustained soils and controlled the sedimentation rate of marl lands. It seems that some of the physical and chemical properties of marl are the main reasons for such a cover in the areas covered by Marlene formations. This research was carried out with the aim of thorough and systematic examination of plant species and determining the need for habitat and their protective role in the eastern, southern and western regions of Ilam. For this purpose, 48 specimens of Marne deposit were harvested from three areas and 33 physical and chemical tests were carried out. Botanical investigations were carried out using recurrent field observations and plots at 180 points, and plant specimens were identified after transfer to the plant museum According to the results of experiments on marl samples in these three regions, according to the stratigraphy of marl formations Gurpi, Pabdeh, Gachsaran and Aghajari, the sediments of these three areas were evaluated for the salinity (EC), bulk density (BD), sodium (Na +) and Soil saturation percentage (SP) and some physical parameters such as sand, sand and silt particles have significant differences. This difference can be one of the factors affecting the diversity and diversity of vegetation grown in three areas. The most important point is that in both eastern and western regions of Ilam, the species of Quercus brantii is abundant and dominant, and it can undoubtedly be considered as the most adapted plant species in the areas covered by Marlene formations of Gurpi and Pabdeh in these zones. . The second dominant species is No mu, Ha sa and Zi nu, which is compatible with the southern marl zone of the city of Ilam.
Ms Zienab Hosinpoor, Dr. Aliakbar Shamsipour, Dr. Mostafa Karimi, Dr. Faramarz Khoshakhlagh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)
Heat waves are important phenomena in Iran, And its upsurge in recent years seems to have a high upside trend.This climate has a negative impact on agriculture, forest fire and forestry, water resources, energy use and human health.The purpose of the research is to explain the frequency, time distribution, continuity of thermal waves, and the identification of its occurrence in the southern foothills of central Alborz.Therefore, using the statistical methods and maximum daily temperature data of Tehran (Mehrabad), Qazvin and Semnan stations for the statistical period of 30 years (1966-2016), the mentioned characteristics were extracted.In the first step, the nonparametric method of Kendal was used to understand the variability and awareness of the monthly trend of maximum temperatures in the study period.In order to determine the severity, duration and frequency of heat wave events, the percentiles (95.98) and normalized temperature deviation (NTD) were used.The results of the study showed that the frequency of short-wave heat waves was higher.Most frequencies are related to 2-day waves, respectively, and Tehran (Mehrabad), Semnan and Qazvin stations are more frequent.The highest frequency of annual events was detected at stations in Tehran (11 waves in 2010), in Semnan (9 waves in 2015) and Qazvin (7 waves in 2015), respectively.The highest frequency of monthly heat wave events was recorded in June and September.The highest continuation (15 days) was obtained in March 2008 with the percentile method at Mehrabad station.In the normalized deviation method, the temperature was calculated as a warm wave (12 days) in 2008.The highest annual frequency of heat loss occurred in all three stations in 2015.The evolution of the process indicated an increase in the incidence of thermal waves in the cold period of the year But in other chapters, no meaningful changes were made.As it says, the decline in cold winter temperatures is on the southern slopes of Alborz.The results of the two methods showed that in the normalized deviation of the temperature, the number of thermal waves more than the percentile method was recorded, but in the percentile method, the thermal wave was more prominent in the cold period of the year.
Shamsallah Asgari, Tayeb Razi, Mohamadreza Jafari, Ali Akbar Noroozi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)
Due to the significance of forests in both the natural and human environment, this study aims to investigate the impact of meteorological drought on oak forest dieback in Ilam province. Specifically, the study seeks to determine the relationship between Zagros Forest drought and droughts in this particular region. The analysis utilizes the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) to identify the frequency of droughts during different time periods. The results indicate that the years 2007, 2008, 2011, 2015, and 2016 experienced the highest occurrence of droughts. Additionally, remote sensing data from MODIS images were employed to examine the trend in tree greenness (NDVI) from 2000 to 2016. The analysis reveals a significant correlation (R2 = 0.9999) between the greenness trend and the drought index (SPI). Moreover, a land survey of oak drying points and simulation using Landsat satellite images, with a 15×15 pixel output from GIS software, indicate that approximately 17,894 hectares of forests in the region experienced drying and destruction between 2000 and 2016. By combining the oak forest drying layer with the output layers derived from drought zoning, visual indicators were created, and statistical analysis was conducted for three 5-year time series. The results demonstrate a correlation coefficient of 96.6% and an explanation coefficient of R2 = 0.985 for the 2002-2006 time series, a correlation coefficient of 95.4% and an explanation coefficient of R2 = 0.980 for the 2007-2011 time series, and a correlation coefficient of 98.8% and an explanation coefficient of R2 = 0.995 for the 2012-2016 time series. These findings illustrate the influence of drought and its variations in terms of intensity and duration on oak forests in the Zagros region of Ilam. Based on the study results, it is predicted that if the drought persists with the same trend, approximately 1,118.4 hectares of oak forests in Ilam province will dry up and be destroyed annually.
Alijan Shamshirband, Reza Nasiri Larimi, Seyed Mehdi Ahmadi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)
One area of activity that receives considerable attention in municipalities, particularly in metropolitan regions, is the management of properties assigned to municipalities for the implementation of detailed plans, comprehensive urban development strategies, and revitalization and renovation initiatives for deteriorated areas. Annually, municipalities engage in the construction or enhancement of road infrastructure and the establishment of recreational and cultural facilities in alignment with urban development and city expansion objectives. The objective of this research is to elucidate the legal issues associated with property ownership in deteriorated areas of historical significance as managed by the municipality of Sari. This study adopts a descriptive-analytical framework, employing an applied-developmental research approach grounded in survey and field methodologies. The data collection strategy utilized in this research comprises library research, document analysis, and field surveys, employing questionnaires administered to a sample of 384 citizens of Sari. Data analysis in this study employs chi-square statistical techniques using SPSS software. The findings reveal that the primary organizational challenges encountered by the municipality in terms of property ownership in deteriorated areas of Sari include insufficient awareness of laws and legal procedures, lack of coordination in implementation processes, failure to regularly update property pricing tariffs, delayed and unplanned project execution, and the absence of legal analyses in project preparation. Consequently, the municipality of Sari should prioritize the enhancement of its internal structure and operational performance, addressing identified weaknesses and fostering structural and functional coherence in property ownership as part of revitalization plans for deteriorated areas, rather than concentrating exclusively on external and inter-organizational dimensions.
Faeze Shoja, Salimeh Sadeghi, Shamsipour,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)
The aim of this research is to evaluate the heat mitigation index (HMI) in the Tehran metropolitan area using the Urban Cooling Model(UCM)approach in a spatial framework. UCM produces maps of the Heat Mitigation Index. This index estimates the cooling potential of urban green spaces in a given location, taking into account various parameters such as evapotranspiration, tree shading, albedo, rural reference air temperature, urban heat island intensity, air temperature maximum blending, and maximum cooling distance. The assessment of environmental factors influencing the UCM in the study area revealed that the urban heat island effect was least intense in regions 1, 22, and the northern parts of region 4 of Tehran municipality, where there are scattered trees, shrubs, open low-rise buildings, and water bodies. The temperature differential between the city and the suburbs ranged from 0 to 1.3 degrees Celsius. However, the study area's central parts showed the highest intensity of the urban heat island, particularly in regions 21, 13, and 14. These regions have a dense and compact texture and an expansion of impervious surfaces, resulting in the lowest values of the evapotranspiration index and albedo.Based on these parameters, the study area's HMI index showed that the cooling capacity varies from 0.08 in the central parts of the city to 0.9 in areas affected by green spaces and water bodies. The maximum cooling capacity index is concentrated in areas with dense and scattered tree cover in the region. On average, these areas have been able to neutralise 2.48 degrees Celsius of the urban heat island effect with a cooling capacity of 63%. The methodology employed in this research can be used as a reference for urban designers in integrating urban cooling approaches and heat island mitigation strategies in urban planning and design.