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Showing 4 results for vatanparast

Morteza Ramezani, Mahdi Vatanparast, Ezatolah Mafi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Due to the increasing importance of tourism, determining the location of Bojnourd is an inevitable necessity. The city of Bojnourd has been affected by this phenomenon by having special capabilities and opportunities for tourism in different economic, social, environmental and physical dimensions. The present research is of applied type and is a descriptive-analytical research method. SPSS, AMOS and Expert choice software were used to analyze the data. The statistical population of the study is the citizens of Bojnourd. The sample size was calculated to be 384 people using the Cochran's formula and was randomly distributed in Bojnourd. Research findings show; With 95% confidence, tourism development has affected the urban development of Bojnourd.
Also, among the variables explaining urban development, the growth of cultural services with a factor load of 0.67 had the highest correlation with the hidden variable of urban development. The index of development of infrastructure and construction facilities and services with a factor load of 0.66 is in the second place and the variable of improving the livelihood of residents with a factor load of 0.56 is in the next place. Finally, the index of increase in public services has a factor of 0.52 and has the lowest correlation with its hidden variable. The results of the structural model also show this Tourism has played an important role in the urban development of Bojnourd.
Miss Ameneh Naghdi, Mr Ezzatolah Mafi, Mr Mehdi Vatanparast,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Natural disasters, which are part of the process of human life, pose a major challenge to the sustainable development of human societies. On the other hand, the unsuccessful implementation of urban regeneration schemes has led to a new phenomenon called sustainability in urban projects, with major approaches to sustainability being the revitalization of urban contexts and the emphasis on regeneration. Therefore, in the present study, quantitative planning matrix has been used to evaluate the regeneration of the worn-out neighborhoods of Faraj city in order to enhance the physical resilience. . The research method in this study is descriptive - analytical and for collecting information besides library documents and studies, questionnaire was used which was distributed among a sample of 30 urban experts. Based on data analysis, Shannon entropy was used to evaluate the physical resilience of Faroj's worn-out tissue sites, and then the studied sites were prioritized in terms of physical resilience. Afterwards, the Vicour method was used to rank the Farouq worn-out tissue localities in terms of physical resilience. Based on the Shannon entropy, it has been concluded that neighborhoods 5 and 7 have been prioritized for physical resilience. Also based on the Vikor method, it has been found that out of the four quarters of the worn-out Faroj textile, the number seven neighborhood has the highest resilience.
Miss Ameneh Naghdi, The Doctor Ezzatolah Mafia, The Doctor Mehdi Vatanparast,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Themain purpose of this research is to analyze status of resilience indicesin the worn out and old fabricof Farujcity. Inthis regard, 32 indicators in four dimensions of physical-environmental, social, economic and institutional-managerial were selected based on theoretical studies of the research. In the next step, a questionnairebased on these indicators was designed and distributed among the residents of the study area. A total of 380 households participated in completion of questionnaires. Then, the collected data were entered into SPSS and analyzed by single sample t-test.Four dimensions of resilience were compared with each other and based on average scores. The results indicated that resilience in the institutional-management dimension with the average score of 2.70 is ranked first. Thesecond rank of resilience was for the physical-environmental dimension with a mean score of 2.47. Finally, social and economic dimensions were ranked third and fourth, respectively. Inanother section of the study, the importance coefficient of each indicator was estimated based on experts' opinions. Then, the results were integrated and indicators with higher priorities were identified. In this method, we are looking for indicators with a low average score but a high coefficient of importance. Based on the analysis, we found nine indicators with these characteristics, of which we can refer to indicators such as access to temporary accommodation, awarenessabout the occurrence of natural and human disasters in the neighborhood, the level of awareness about reactions, how to behave appropriately during the crisis, job security, financial strength of residentsto participate in resolving the crisis, and the extent to which the insurance organizations support the residents.
Mrs Fatemeh Vatanparast Galeh Juq, Dr Bromand Salahi, Batoul Zeinali,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

In this research, the effect of two indicators OMI and RMM of Maden Julian fluctuation on the frequency of dust storms in Abadan, Ahvaz, Bostan, Bandar Mahshahr, Dezful, Ramhormoz and Masjed Soleyman located in Khuzestan province during six months (April to September) of the statistical period (1987 - 2021) was reviewed. Pearson's correlation coefficients between dust data and indicators were investigated and its results were calculated in the form of income zoning maps and the frequency percentage of each indicator for positive and negative phases. The results of the research findings indicate that there is a direct and significant relationship between the positive and negative phases of both indicators with dust, except for Dezful station in the positive phase of OMI and the negative phase of RMM and the highest correlation coefficient for Bandar Mahshahr and Dezful station is between -0.7-20.77 is in the positive phase of the RMM index. The relationship between the Madden Julian Oscillation and dust showed that between 51 and 59 percent of dust storms occurred in the negative phase of the OMI index and 40 to 49 percent in its positive phase. In the RMM index, 56 to 63 percent of dust storms occur in its negative phase and 37 to 50 percent in its positive phase. In fact, the negative phase of the RMM index has a higher percentage of dust storms than the negative phase of the OMI index. According to the results of the Monte Carlo test, the displacement of the positive and negative phases of the RMM index significantly leads to the occurrence of dust storms for most of the stations in Khuzestan province. Tracking the paths of dust entering Khuzestan province with the HYSPLIT model shows the movement of particles from Iraq, Arabia and the eastern parts of Syria towards the studied area. 

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