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Showing 28 results for Tabriz

Fereydoon . Babaei Aghdam, Rahim Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Qassem Rahimifard,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of destination image and service quality on the competitiveness of tourism destinations studied: Tabriz city was written. This research is applied in terms of purpose and analytical in terms of descriptive method. The statistical population consisted of incoming tourists to the city of Tabriz, the sample size of which was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula for an unlimited population. In order to collect field information, a researcher-made questionnaire was used, the validity of which was confirmed by experts. Cronbach's alpha method and combined reliability were also used to evaluate the reliability, and the results of these tests confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire used. In order to analyze the data and information of this research, SPSS and LISREL software were used. The results of the research hypotheses showed that the destination image and service quality have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of tourism destinations. According to the path coefficient obtained for these two independent variables, the effect of the destination image variable on the competitiveness of tourism destinations was higher than the quality of services.
Yaser Nazaryan, Amane Haghzad, Leyla Ebrahimi, Kia Abozorgmehr51,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Vulnerability is the inevitable result of risks and crises that threaten societies to varying degrees. One of the main threats is earthquakes. The recent approach to disaster management programs is to increase the resilience of communities that have different dimensions. One of them is the physical dimension of urban resilience, which is linked to the components of land use planning. In this research, with the aim of analyzing land use criteria affecting the resilience of Tabriz city and using fuzzy AHP method, research has been done.
Based on the results of the study of theoretical foundations, 13 effective criteria have been identified and the basis of action. The required data were extracted and used from maps and spatial information of urban plans, especially the detailed plan of Tabriz, Then Using ARC Map10.3.1 software, each criterion is analyzed and each criterion is presented in the form of a fuzzy map. Sum, Product and gamma fuzzy operators have been used to achieve the final resilience map. Due to the high accuracy of the gamma operator, its results are considered as the final output.
The results show that in the city of Tabriz, 2% have very low resilience, 40.8%, low resilience,15.3% moderate resilience, 23.5% high resilience and 7.2% very high resilience - based on the Used criteria-. Areas with low resilience are generally located in the north of Tabriz city and correspond to the informal settlement texture and the worn-out texture of the city, which corresponds to the fault line of Tabriz and Micronutrient and permeability are other features of these areas. Due to the high population density in these areas, it is necessary to immediately adopt the necessary programs to improve the quality of physical resilience criteria in the city.

Ruhollah Namaki, Akbar Abdollahzadeh Tarf, Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Air pollution and adverse effects of pollution caused by the combustion of fossil fuels in urban settlements are among the important environmental issues of metropolises that need to pay attention to ways to reduce air pollution in cities. Global experience has shown that urban form indicators are one of the most important factors affecting air pollution and energy consumption in the city. Therefore, paying attention to the form of the city plays an important role in the long-term perspective of cities for better air quality. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and documentary methods have been used. To analyze the data and answer the research questions, the Moran statistical technique was used in the GIS software environment. The results of this study showed that the air pollution situation in Tabriz in terms of air pollutants, ie sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide in the second half of the year is more than the first half of the year, so that among the air monitoring stations The field had the highest number of air pollution. Also, the results of the study of the effect of urban form and land use pattern on air pollution showed that urban form and land use are effective on air pollution.
Mrs Arezoo Momenian, Dr Morteza Mirgholami, Dr Azita Balali Oskoyi, Dr Aida Maleki,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Considering that more than one third of energy consumption is related to residential areas, proper planning and design of neighborhoods according to the climatic conditions of each region can be an effective step towards reducing energy consumption. It aims to optimize energy consumption in the residential blocks of Rushdieh neighborhood in Tabriz. Investigating and understanding the energy consumption situation in Rushdieh neighborhood of Tabriz, its capabilities and bottlenecks in planning is very important, if they are not paid attention to and there are no efficient strategic plans, it will lead to an increase in social, economic and environmental instability. According to its nature, the research method is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of purpose. It is related to the intended goals of the research, the statistical population of the research is the professors, experts and elites of urban planning, which has been used to examine the indicators and strategies. The method of selecting people was targeted and snowball. Finally, the results showed that the formulation of policies, practical measures to improve the design of main roads and local accesses in the direction of neighborhood air conditioning should be emphasized as the most important strategy. In order to reduce energy consumption, the development of neighborhood design policies and residential blocks with the goals of using wind energy to reduce energy consumption have been placed in the second and third ranks of this prioritization, respectively.

Mohammad Shali, Jamileh Tavakolinia,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Nowadays, informal settlements has become a common challenge in many of cities particularly in Metropolises .On one hand, it is a spatial manifestation of social and economical inequalities and injustice at the local, regional and national levels. On the other hand it is the result of urban planning deficiency, absence of citizenship and inattention to social and economical needs of low income groups in urban development plans. In this research, in order to develop main strategies for enabling and regularizing Tabriz informal settlements by zoning the district one’s settlements of Tabriz municipality and identifying the low income and vulnerable zones, the social, economical, physical and environmental indicators have been used. Moreover, the data was analyzed by combining GIS and AHP models and three zones were reached. The research shows the socio-economical and environmental separation between vulnerable zones and others. The CDS strategy has been confirmed because of paying attention to participatory and community-based approach for enabling and regularizing informal settlements of Tabriz district one
Saeedeh Feizi, Mostafa Basiri,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The concept of the city's landscape is connected with the objectivity and subjectivity of that city. Therefore, in order to manage this concept at night, in addition to functional-physical manifestations of the city, we should focus on the perceptual issues of citizens, which may have roots in their ancient identity, religion and customs. By accepting this hypothesis, a suitable model for night-time urban landscape management should be considered as a model that reveals both the physical and functional aesthetics of the city, as well as the perceptual and psychological components of the citizens from the night view. Nowadays, with the expansion of night life, the concepts of the quality of the location of urban landscapes at night has became as important as day. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between lighting and the sense of dependency that is one of the key factors in location's quality and the role of new lighting technologies in promoting the Social-physical concept of sense of dependency and its impact on the transformation of the environment into a more humane urban environment. The research is a survey in which, for data gathering, a questionnaire with different images of the study area has been distributed among the selected statistical population. The findings indicate that the vitality and subjective image's of citizens are directly related, and the amount of lighting and its color and the way of lighting have a positive effect on urban nightlife.

Mr Salman Feizi, Dr. Rahim Heydari, Dr. Shahrivar Rostaei,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

Tourism is an strategy for increasing the community revitalization of encouraging social revival and improving living conditions in urban areas. Accordingly, urban development planners focus on new tools in their planning strategies to achieve these benefits and move towards new concepts such as branding. Such an approach has added to the importance of branding in urban tourism development. In this research, efforts have been made to evaluate the impact of branding on tourism development and its dimensions in the Tabriz metropolitan area. The present study based on the purpose is the applied research and in terms of method is descriptive-analytical research. The statistical population of this study is tourists entering the city of Tabriz in 2018. The required sample size was considered using Cochran formula and 384 people. The questionnaire used in the research has been constructed by the researcher whose indices are derived from relevant studies and literature and then localized. Validity and reliability of the research model and analysis of the data were done using structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis in Smart PLS software. The research findings showed that destination branding has a positive and significant impact on the development of urban tourism and its dimensions (perceived value and benefits, support and participation and sustainability of tourism development) in Tabriz metropolitan area. The results also indicated that the branding of urban tourism destinations in metropolitan cities could increase the support of tourism through increased value and perceived benefits, thereby contributing to sustainability.

Hassan Mahmoudzadeh, Mahdi Herischian,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

The occurrence of unplanned accidents is a global issue, and lack of preparedness and resilience in this area can lead to significant losses. Therefore, restitution is an important way to strengthen urban communities by utilizing their capacity. In this regard, the main objective of this research is to investigate the difference in the level of resilience indices in the three districts of a metropolitan area of ​​Tabriz. This research is in terms of the type of the target and the method is descriptive of survey type. The required data were collected using library studies and field surveys at the household level. The statistical population of the households in region 1 of Tabriz Metropolitan is estimated to be 382 families according to the Cochran formula. After data collection, the analysis of the difference in resilience with ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test were analyzed. The results of the research show that there is a difference between the regions in terms of the resiliency indicators. So that the least amount of resilience with an average of 173/46 was allocated to households in area one and the largest with average of 252/61, to the area of ​​three regions of a metropolis of Tabriz. On the other hand, the results of the two-to-two-region comparison show that the mean of zone A alleviation in comparison with the two and three regions was 34/931 and 79/157, respectively, and the resilience of the region of two in Comparison with area 3 is 44/226 times lower than that, but the resilience of area 3 compared to the other two regions is 79/157, 44/226 times more. In the following, suggestions for improving the resilience of the study area are presented.

Masoud Safair Pour, Yahia Jafari,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Creating a creative city and creative tourism are considered as one of the most successful urban management practices to attract material and immaterial capital. In pursuit of this goal, Miran-e-Shahriy has been developing a creative tourism infrastructure. The metropolis of Tabriz has also been selected as the capital of the Islamic countries for tourism in 2018, with its huge potential. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of effective factors on the realization of creative tourism and the infrastructure of this city in the pursuit of this goal. The type of research, applied and its descriptive-analytical method is correlation. Data analysis was done by statistical tests. Prioritization of the elements of the creative city and urban areas is in line with the development of creative tourism, using network analysis and topsis models. The statistical population of the study is 758421 people living in Tabriz's 10th district. Of these, 384 people have been selected using Cochran's formula and simple random sampling.The variable of this research is 10 criteria with 16 sub-criteria. The results of statistical tests showed that all components of the creative city have a significant correlation with the level of creativity of urban areas of Tabriz. In this regard, the two variables of creativity and creative class infrastructure were the most correlated with 0.583 and 0.557. The results of the ANP model showed that the criteria for creativity and creative class infrastructure with the score of 0.389 and 0.269 have the most importance in the formation of the creative city. The study of the status of different regions of the city according to the indicators of the creative city showed that eight of them are more suitable due to the concentration of historical works, shopping centers and recreation centers. As a result, practical solutions have been developed for using urban infrastructure to form a creative city and identify Tabriz to Islamic countries.

Dr Elham Hatami Golzari, Dr Ahmad Mirza Kouchak Khoshnevis, Dr Qader Bayzidi, Dr Foad Habibi,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Persistent spaces and phenomena over time and load and become part of collective memories. In this way, paying attention to the durability of space design increases the sense of belonging to space, in this case space does not belong only to the present. Considering the importance of sustainability, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the survival of urban spaces, with emphasis on the multiplication of effective daily life in three areas of the Tabriz market (Grand mosque, Rasteh bazar, and Saheb-ol-amr square). The research method is a descriptive-analytic study used for collecting information using documentary and field (survey) method. Also, in this research, in addition to applying the qualitative method for analyzing the causes of durability in the studied areas, quantitative method of analysis of variance was used to investigate the durability of urban spaces in the studied areas. The findings of the research indicate that within the boundaries of the Grand mosque, the spirituality factor (0.376), socioeconomic and functional (0.352), in the range of Rasteh bazar of the identity factor (0.314) and within the range of Saheb-ol-amr square, the factor of spirituality (0.327) and identity (0.305) is the most important reason for the survival of the studied areas. The results also show that the various components of everyday life have oddities that, while repeated in the daily life cycle, are linear (progressive, regressive, and fixed), which in two parts are all in part and in part In general, they affect the survival and decline of spaces. In the meantime, the approaches and cultural components derived from the whole are in part like the rituals and cultures of a community, have and will have a significant impact on the survival and increase of durability of spaces. Therefore, the continuation of rituals and cultural ceremonies in the studied areas can provide a lasting space for these spaces.

Parichehr Mesri Alamdari,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

One major issue to be considered in today's cities is their resilience which plays an important role in reducing the damage and casualties caused by various natural hazards. These hazards often have devastating effects on human settlements, and resilient settlements in various managerial, physical, economic, and social aspects is a great way to enhance the effectiveness of cities in dealing with a variety of potential and unexpected crises. In this regard, addressing the resilience of cities in different aspects reveals the importance and necessity of research. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the resilience of cities to natural disasters. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology. The statistical population includes specialists and experts. FVIKOR model is used to analyze the components and characteristics, and EDAS method is used to show the condition of areas in terms of resilience. The results from Fuzzy VIKOR show the institutional component in the first place with the most score (zero) and the economic component in the last place with the score of 0.287. Also, the results from EDAS in different aspects of the studied areas show high resilience of districts 2 and 5 and low resilience of districts 4 and 8. Generally, more than 50% of Tabriz districts are less resilient.
Nazli Pakru, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Bolillan, Mir Saeed Mousavi,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

In order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage to overcome the prevailing have been proposed competition between cities, various strategies; Urban branding is one of these strategies. Urban branding is considered as an important asset in the development of the city as well as an effective tool to differentiate, improve the position and increase the influence and prestige of the city. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the Sense of place and quality of green spaces in urban branding. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Tabriz; the sample size was estimated 384 people using Cochranchr('39')s formula. SPSS and Lisrel software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the Sense of place and quality of urban green spaces has a positive and significant effect on urban branding. It was 0.37. According to the value of the obtained path coefficient, the effect of the Sense of place is greater than the quality of urban green space in urban branding.

Saeedeh Feizi, Dr Rasol Darskhan, Dr Hasan Sattarisarbangholi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

 Both visual and service quality of urban landscape play an important role in the process of visual visibility assessment and effectiveness of these services as well. Given the fact that the existence of dead, cold, and soulless spaces in cities is affected by heterogeneity and visual contamination that is free from eye-catching and desirability. Therefore, this research seeks to evaluate the visual quality of the urban landscape of the Eil Goli district of Tabriz through the scale of the SERVQUAL tool. Understand the gap between the current situation and the expectations of Tabriz people on the 45-meter of El-Goli Boulevard towards the visual quality of the urban landscape; to realize the views and preferences of Tabriz citizens regarding the visual quality of urban landscape for the 45-meter El-Goli Boulevard in order to eliminate the weaknesses while improving its visual quality, taking into account the priorities and preferences of the people and to provide informative background for decision makers to improve the urban landscape design of Tabriz. So, data collection is carried out through the various sources in a comparative-analytical manner, using the documents, records and reports. The research statistical society includes citizens, specialists and experts and managers of the Department of Parks and Municipality of District 2 in this area which totally 310 questionnaires used for data collection. A questionnaire, expert analysis and library analysis will be carried out in the field observations for two sides of the El-Goli 45-meter Boulevard. The SPSS software, Klomgroph-Smirouph and One-way ANOVA used for analyses, checking the normal distribution of variables and comparing the five dimensions of service quality respectively. The results of the study indicate the relative satisfaction of the three groups under study. Also, some suggestions presented in order to increase urban satisfaction for the 45-meter boulevard of El-Goli, Tabriz city                                                                                                                                                                 
Mina Farokhi Someh, Shahrivar Rostaei, Rasoul Ghorbani,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Today, given the rapid growth of the world's population and its focus on cities, access to quality housing by urban dwellers is an essential component of influencing the long-term outlook of human communities. At the same time, considering the widespread impacts of housing on urban environments and on the economic, social and physical life of the city and its citizens, it is important to identify the factors that influence the choice of place of residence and housing. The residence has been emphasized on housing features. The type of research was applied and descriptive-analytical in nature; the method of data collection is library and field (questionnaire). The study population consisted of 384 households living in Tabriz metropolitan area. Then, tests (descriptive and inferential statistics) will be used and finally by diagnostic analysis using SPSS 22 and GIS software will analyze the relationships between variables. The results showed that demographic and lifestyle indices affect residence and housing choice and when demographic characteristics are combined with lifestyle, the choice of residence by the households is examined based on differences. Individual and lifestyle are important. Also, based on the results of the research, selection of residence and housing has a significant relationship with access to business centers, childcare centers, cultural centers, pedestrian access, parking and home warning cameras.

Dr. Hassan Mahmoodzadeh, Mr Musa Vaezi, Mrs Rahimeh Rostami, Mrs Maedeh Bakooyi,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

Considering the unfavorable environmental conditions of cities, the shortage and defects of open and green spaces in metropolitan cities, the need to pay attention to parks and green spaces of the city in terms of ecological and social functions of these spaces has been discussed more than before. For this purpose, this research has been investigated. And ecological analysis of regional parks in Tabriz city. The present research is analytical-descriptive in terms of its purpose. The information was collected in both documentary and field and analyzed using the GIS. The statistical population of the study is Tabriz Parks and Samarkand Pars in Tabriz, including Eagly Parks, Bagh Misha, Shams Tabrizi and Eram Parks. The methods and tools used for collecting and analyzing information in this research are questionnaire, ARC.GIS software, ANP network analysis method and MC-SDSS function and SAW method in GIS. Evaluating ecological indicators in four major axiological areas and ecological, environmental, cultural-educational and access design. For these indicators, criteria have been considered. Using the questionnaire, the importance of these criteria was obtained and the weight of the criteria was calculated by ANP method. In the studied parks, according to the results of the geological survey, the Eagle Park is in ecological terms, and the Shams, Baghmehisheh and Eram parks are in the next ranks, and the point is the inappropriate situation of the Eram Park and Baghmehisheh Parks, especially Eram, in comparison with other parks. It needs to adopt appropriate policies in this regard to improve its situation.
Nazli Pakro, Dariyosh Sattarzadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

the purpose of the present study is to examine the effective factors in the institutional challenges of citizen participation in sustainable urban regeneration in Tabriz city. The present research is developmental-applied regarding the purpose and methodologically hybrid which uses both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study population was selected for interviewing among managers and experts from organizations related to the subject of research. To analyze the quantitative findings, the spss22 software and the NVivo10 software were used to analyze the field interviews. The results of this study indicate that Tabriz city faces significant institutional challenges in the area of sustainable urban regeneration, though it is possible to increase the participation of citizens in urban regeneration projects, and take a step towards meeting these challenges through utilizing institutional components of effective citizen participation in urban regeneration, changing the view of authorities towards capacity and the capabilities of NGOs, the establishment and development of NGOs in relation to urban renewal and regeneration and the removal of legal barriers associated with NGOs can.

Gholamreza Gholamreza Jaliz, Karim Karim Hoseinzadeh, Hosein Hosein Nazmfar,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

An infill development of the process of urban developing and reusing empty or unused parts or sections of existing urban areas that have already been developed. the infill development, which may be considered as the simplest interpretation of endogenous development, tends to extend development on these lands, with emphasizing the abandoned and empty intra-city lands. Current research with an analytical approach in the infill development with the emphasis on the 8th district of Tabriz Municipality and utilizing statistical-spatial methods has been get involved to this issue. This kind of research is known as descriptive-analytical. the methodology of this research is based on quantitative-spatial approaches. the research method used in this study is a combination of documentary-library methods. in the analytical section, considering the indicators and requirements of infill development in the form of 16 target indicators, the case study and feasibility of infill development in Tabriz 8th district have been discussed. in the current study, to investigate and analyze the strategic role of infill development in regeneration of the urban texture worn of the historical-cultural axis of the metropolitan city of Tabriz, utilizing the geographical information system (GIS) software and Overlapping Functional Analysis, type of weighted overlay and FAHP is done. The results of present study are presented in the form of three priority development plans as well as unauthorized developmental areas.

Mrs Nazli Pakru, Mr Mir Saeid Moosavi,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Cities are a place of accumulation of material and spiritual capital of humanity, which is of great importance. This type of settlement, with more than 50 percent of the world's population in it, has become more important in recent years and has been considered for the maintenance of principled and sustainable management of all types of planning. One of these plans has been the resilience of cities. Resilience to the threats and potential hazards that affect it when it occurs.   The concept of resilience has been proposed and discussed in various dimensions and levels. In this research, emphasis is placed on the physical dimensions of urban Resilience. The purpose of this study is to assess the resilience of the 1st district(zone) of Tabriz city against earthquake, which is analyzed using the Fuzzy AHP model. The 8 criteria, include the distance From relief centers, the distance from the centers of harm, the building materials, the quality of the building, the time of the building, the distance from the network of roads, the distance from the green and open spaces and the distance from the fault, is the base of analysis. After preparing the layer for each criteria, Fuzzy layers are extracted using fuzzy functions. Using the SUM, AND, GUMMA operators, the final layers were generated, which was evaluated using the Band Collection Statistics tool, the gamma layer 0.9 was selected as the best output. based on the scenario of gamma 0.9 in the study area, about 26% of the area has very low and low resilience. In contrast, more than 22% of the range is moderate and 51% of the area have a high resilience.

Hamed Ahmadzadeh, Ph.d Mahmoud Reza Keymanesh, Siavash Makani Bonab, Iman Ghanizadeh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

The rapid growth of metropolitan areas around the world, coupled with the increase in population in these cities, has created numerous problems such as traffic congestion and disruption to the inter-city transportation system. Therefore, this dilemma has been one of the major challenges facing urban planning in the late twentieth century which has influenced the achievement of sustainable urban development goals. Electronics in cyberspace are an integral part of life. Today, the use of public transport is one of the issues that are related to different aspects of quality of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of using public transport in reducing traffic and air pollution. In this study, library and field method were used for data collection. The statistical population of the study consisted of experts and urban planning experts. Sample size was estimated 25 people using snowball technique. In this study, AHP technique was used to achieve the research objectives. Data gathering tool was paired comparison questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the importance of indicators (criteria), in terms of their importance percentages are: Safety 0.499, Environmental Pollution 0.313, Cheapness 0.120 and Convenience 0.068 and finally the most preferred option between two motor modes, The public transport mode is identified at 0.778 compared to the 0.222 personal transport mode.

Shahrzad Amirsarvari, Mohammad Ebrahim Ramazani,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

 The creative city will make all your try and relying to the idea of people to solve their problems and build a city of people who are looking for their desired cities. The creative city is not only a space in which creativity grows, but organizing and managing it is creatively planned. The title and general purpose of this research is the assessment of the environmental capability of Tabriz city in the formation of a creative city , Tabriz is one of the main cities of the country and among the major centers of urbanization in Iran, which is the center of East Azerbaijan province and in comparison with the center of neighboring provinces in terms of quantitative (such as population) and Quality (such as functions) has a speed positions index and is far higher in the surface. Accordingly, in this thesis at first the theoretical  foundations related to the subject has been expressed and the research method and data collection is a field and library. The statistical population of the research (using Morgan table) was 384 population of Tabriz, which was conducted through a stratified random sampling questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were determined by content validity and formal validity and calculating Cronbach's alpha confirmation. The results of the study showed that environmental power as well as social and social activities on the formation of creative city has a positive and significant effect on the formation of creative city. The results of this study show that tabriz city does not have the environmental power needed for the formation of creative city.

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