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Showing 2 results for Topography

Dr Mitra Saberi, Dr Amir Karam, Parviz Zeaiean, Ali Ahmadabadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

 many geomorphic landforms have fractal structures and their formation and transformation can be explained by mathematical relations. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the fractal behavior of landforms of macro geomorphologic regions of Iran,as well as studying and analyzing topographic and landform characteristics based on fractal relationships, and also, analyzing the characteristics of dominant geomorphologic processes based on the theory of fractals. In this study, the contour lines of different landforms of Iran (according to the territorial types) including mountains,hills, plateaus, Plain Domains, Fan Breakout, fan alluvial, for pixel sizes of 30,90,200 m, were drawn and their fractal dimension was estimated by using the box-counting method. The morphometric characteristics of the landforms and their fractal dimensions with indexes (max, mean and standard deviation) related to the five variables (height, gradient, profile curvature and planar curvature of the metric) were analyzed by Arc GIS software at each layer.After investigating their correlation with the fractal dimension, the regression analysis was performed binary and the relationship between the fractal dimension,topography, landforms and processes was analyzed. The fractal dimension has the highest correlation coefficient with the gradient and the standard deviation indices, and the lowest coefficient with the profile curvature and the mean index Moreover, for larger pixel sizes, the correlation coefficient decreases between the indices and the fractal dimension.This research can provide a ground for further research on fractal geometry in geography, geomorphology, geology, environment and other Earth sciences.
Mohsen Hamidianpour, Abass Mofidi, Mohammad Saligheh, Bohloul Alijani,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)

In this study, the interaction between atmosphere and earth surface and its effect on the simulation of Sistan wind structure in the East of Iranian plateau is investigated. For this purpose, four experiments have been carried out with RegCM4, with horizontal resolution of 20 km. In non-topography experiments, the model was implemented in three different conditions. The results indicated that the Sistan wind is a multi-scale climate phenomenon which will be affected by topography both in wind intensity and in wind direction in the lower troposphere. In the synoptic scale, the pressure gradient which dominates between Pakistan heat low and the Turkmenistan anticyclone (Caspian Sea high pressure) can create a large scale background northerly flow in the lower troposphere which will be passing through the whole area in the east of Iranian Plateau. Furthermore, in meso to regional scales, the topography of the area would be responsible for creation and maintenance of a Low Level Jet (LLJ) through a mechanical and thermal forcing. the mechanical forcing of mountains are responsible for appearance of two LLJ cores across eastern borders of Iran which their preference locations would be around Atishan Desert in the north and upstream of Hamon Lake in the south. As a general result, by eliminating the topography in all non-topography experiments, the LLJ core will disappear on upstream of Hamon Lake as the most important mechanical forcing of the mountains. However, eliminating only the southern Khorasan Mountains will accelerate the north LLJ core in the Atishan Desert, while the LLJ core on the upstream of Hamon Lake will disappear over the Iran Borders at the same time. To evaluate the influence of thermal forcing of the mountains on Sistan wind structure, the total heating, as a residual term of thermodynamic equation, is calculated. The results indicate that mountains have a significant role to building a local low level circulation in the east of Iranian Plateau.

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