Showing 16 results for Vulnerability
Dr Habibollah Fasihi, Dr Taher Parizadi, Mrs Nahid Noori,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
Among the many kinds of natural hazards, earthquake is one of the rare events that human science has not yet been able to control or even predict. Physical structure conditions of human settlements play an important role in vulnerability to this natural disaster. The purpose of this article is to investigate natural and physical characteristics of Kuhdasht in terms of earthquake vulnerability. The city with a population of 90,000 and an area of about 540 ha, locates in the west of Lorestan province, Iran. The data are provided from GIS file of 2016 Iranian Public Census of Population and Housing, GIS files of Kuhdasht land use and GIS files of Iran faults and lithology. A few layers have been added to these files through observation. It is used Arc-Map 10-8 to combine layers and produce maps. Then we used Excel software to do statistical analysis on data tables. Findings showed that the site of study area locates in a middle risk zone of earthquakes, but its close distance to active faults can be a warning for occurring destructive earthquakes. High proportion of non-resistant buildings, high density of buildings in some parts of the city and the presence of two gas stations in the middle of residential buildings, are the most important components of Kuhdasht vulnerability. In contrast, plenty of open spaces, high proportion of non-apartment houses, low population density and permeability of passages are important strengths in this regard. The central part of the city from which the city originated, is more vulnerable than the other parts. Due to the existence of the trade centers here, it is necessary to pay more attention to in future plans.
Professor Keramat Ollah Ziari, Mr Amin Mahmoudiazar, Mr Khalil Jangjoo, Leila Aslani,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
One of the issues raised in the developing countries of the world is the issue of reducing damages caused by natural and man-made hazards. Various theories and paradigms such as crisis management and resilience have been proposed to reduce the level of risk vulnerability. Among the mentioned vulnerabilities is physical vulnerability. Now, the most important question that is raised in this research is whether according to the various studies that have been done in the field of physical vulnerability, apart from objective measures, the level of satisfaction of the residents has also been examined and whether it exists. Is there a relationship between objective and subjective indicators in this field? The case study studied in this research is Region 4 of Urmia City, which has a problematic context. This research is of an applied type and its method is descriptive-analytical, to examine this objective and subjective relationship of physical vulnerability, first objective variables were examined using spatial analysis and then subjective variables were examined using a Likert scale. questionnaire. And finally, this relationship has been measured using Pearson's correlation coefficient. The research results indicate that according to the correlation coefficient of 0.623 between subjective and objective variables; There is a significant relationship between the objective view (reality on the ground) and the subjective view (satisfaction of residents) in the field of urban physical vulnerability indicators.
Dr. Hassan Kamran, Dr. Habibollah Fasihi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
The historical fabric of cities, which leave the cultural heritage of the urban community like a shining gem, has valuable capabilities for the prosperity of the city's economy and for linking the past, present and future. Preservation of this valuable heritage, along with efficient use of its capacities, is considered a serious duty of society members and an important responsibility for policy makers and managers. This article seeks to explore natural and human-induced hazards face to Baharestan as an example of Tehran's historical fabric neighborhoods and to study the physical and structural situation of the neighborhood to identify threats that put it at risk. The data was obtained from a few GIS files and a survey. Historical documents are also analyzed. According to the judgment of 30 sample experts, each value of the 19 using threat indicators is given a score from 1 to 5 so that, a higher number means a greater threat. The mean value of these scores indicates the role of each parameter in the vulnerability of this neighborhood. Research findings reveal a high potential for natural and human-induced events including earthquakes, flooding, strong winds, air pollution, and political protests. Physical, structural, and socio-economic situations in the neighborhood such as insecurity, drug abuse in public spaces, overcrowding, and daytime congestion have also led to rapid relocation of neighborhood residents, who subsequently were replaced by commercial activities and warehouses that attribute to risks as well. In order to protect this neighborhood as a cultural heritage, it is necessary to develop a detailed rejeneration plan that considers the entire historical fabric of Tehran.
Esmaeail Ahmadi, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Bohlol Alijani, Mohammad Saligheh, Hassan Danaie Fard,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)
The more exposure to Climate change / variability, the more vulnerability and a community with low adaptive capacity and high sensitivity is more vulnerable. Vulnerability reduction depends on adaptation policy and strategies. Designing and assessing these strategies require climate vulnerability (CV) measuring. To produce a new CV index, as a main propose of this study, first: The score of exposure factor for two five span years was calculated based on four synoptic stations data (Zabol, Zahedan, Iranshahr and Chabahar). Second: The scores of adaptive capacity and climate sensitivity were determined using all of the country census and yearbook data for 1385 and 1390. Third: Due to the nature and factors of vulnerability, a climate vulnerability index was developed based on the multiplicative-exponential model (CVIMEM). Forth: The index was calculated for the province and sub regions. The result shows, although the Sistan and Baluchistan (SB) adaptation capacity was increased, but because of the increased exposure and sensitivity, this province is 16.3% more vulnerable. Area with very high vulnerability label expanded from 57.5% to 100%, which reflects the spatial expansion of vulnerability over SB. The overall result is that vulnerability reduction needs for accurate and continuous measurement, on the increase adaptation capacity and mitigate climate sensitivity.
Mohammad Hasan Yazdani, Afshar Saidain ,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)
At the moment with regard to geopolitical and geostrategic situation of Iran, the existence of countless underground resources and the formation of ideological state, unfortunately, in urban areas of the country, especially in Ardabil ,because of its proximity to the border of northern and northwestern borders with knowledge of this particular situation, economic and infrastructural projects, Infrastructures and installations have been made without observing and interference of considerations and defense and security arrangements and have become a bare and significant available target for enemy and invading countries. This research aimed to study the vulnerability of Infrastructures Ardabil in terms of passive defense and application - development approach in a descriptive and analytical way using 18 effective indicators in form of 5 components of "Lifeline", "crisis management Centers", "military and police centers", "Urban equipment" and "support centers" in three priorities of strategic, psychological and support destruction. Information gathered in the Super Decision software (network analysis) are weighted, then mapped in GIS environment. The results of the studies show that there are six major hazardous zones under crisis conditions and are prone to injury in the Ardabil that the most important of them are the northeast output of Ardabil (Jahad field leading to Astara gate), the southwest of Ardabil (Sarein station leading to the Basij field toward the Sham Asbi village) and finally the north and northwestern parts of Ardabil (Vahdat square), with the sum of (17% of the total land area of the city) have included the highest vulnerability, due to the poor conditions of the physical characteristics and focus on management, corporate, military and state entities in this regions of the Ardabil city.
Mrs Fatemeh Khodadadi, Dr Mojgan Entezari, Dr Farzaneh Sasanpour,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)
Today, in view of the growing population and population density in urban areas, especially in densely populated and susceptible cities, the need for an inclusive and comprehensive approach to natural disasters and disasters caused by their occurrence has become more evident . Focusing more than the size of the population in specific urban areas, lack of preventive planning and lack of readiness to deal with accidents such as earthquakes, is a very serious and important threat to citizens and the survival of the city. The capital city of Karaj, as one of the major cities in Iran, has a high risk of earthquakes due to the presence of several active faults inside and outside it. Accordingly, investigations of the seismic vulnerability of this city are one of the necessities of Karaj city management. Regarding this, the metropolis of karaj was selected as the study area. The method of research and analysis of information collected based on database-based methods using the ELECTRE FUZZY model and Criteria for building materials, number of floors, quality of buildings, population density, building density, area of parts, width of passageways, geology, distance from faults, distance from medical centers, distance from public space, distance from urban facilities and travel compatibility for research purposes Were used. The results indicate that 6, 8, 1, and 7 areas of Karaj municipality are vulnerable to earthquake, so that more than 70 percent of Karaj city is vulnerable to earthquake vulnerability on low and low floors and Only about 20% of the city of Karaj due to its proximity to the fault and the high density of population, construction and ... is in high and high risk areas. According to the principles of urban planning, the regulations of 2800 can cover earthquake damage in these areas.
Sohrab Amirian, Masoud Safaeipour, Mr Hassan Hosseini Amini, Mr Hossein Ebadi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)
Vulnerability can be considered as an inherent defect in particular dimensions of the urban environment that is susceptible to damage due to its biological and physical characteristics or design features. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate Ahwaz city structures and fine-tune its vulnerability from a passive defense perspective and to move it towards the future prospects of a safe city. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical methodology based on the spatial-model studies approach. The data of this study include 11 educational, fire, administrative, police, power lines, terminals, urban facilities, business centers, roads, urban industries, gas transmission centers and health centers. GIS software was used to analyze the research data. Therefore, distance maps were designed and standardized for measuring the neighboring pattern after identifying the effective layers in the vulnerability and using the Distance tool. The FUZZY OVERLAY tool in ArcGIS software was used for spatial distribution and micro-zoning of Ahwaz vulnerability. The results show that in the section of vulnerability zoning, 29.73% of the city area is completely vulnerable, 29% vulnerable, 21.18% moderate, 13.22% low and 6.85% of the total city area in the state of vulnerability, respectively. There is very little reception.
Miss Ameneh Naghdi, Mr Ezzatolah Mafi, Mr Mehdi Vatanparast,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)
Natural disasters, which are part of the process of human life, pose a major challenge to the sustainable development of human societies. On the other hand, the unsuccessful implementation of urban regeneration schemes has led to a new phenomenon called sustainability in urban projects, with major approaches to sustainability being the revitalization of urban contexts and the emphasis on regeneration. Therefore, in the present study, quantitative planning matrix has been used to evaluate the regeneration of the worn-out neighborhoods of Faraj city in order to enhance the physical resilience. . The research method in this study is descriptive - analytical and for collecting information besides library documents and studies, questionnaire was used which was distributed among a sample of 30 urban experts. Based on data analysis, Shannon entropy was used to evaluate the physical resilience of Faroj's worn-out tissue sites, and then the studied sites were prioritized in terms of physical resilience. Afterwards, the Vicour method was used to rank the Farouq worn-out tissue localities in terms of physical resilience. Based on the Shannon entropy, it has been concluded that neighborhoods 5 and 7 have been prioritized for physical resilience. Also based on the Vikor method, it has been found that out of the four quarters of the worn-out Faroj textile, the number seven neighborhood has the highest resilience.
Nahid Bagheri Maragheh, Mohammad Motamedi, Ezatollah Mafi,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)
Explaining the relationship between resilience to natural disasters is in fact how social, economic, institutional and physical capacities affect the increase of resilience in societies. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the resilience of Shirvan city in the face of earthquakes in which the research method is descriptive-analytical and the statistical population includes experts in the field of urban resilience for this group of 30 people. First, the indicators evaluated to assess the resilience of Shirvan city in the face of earthquake hazards using the ANP model, which were questioned by experts and elites, were 25 indicators in 4 physical, institutional, cultural, social and economic criteria. Paired comparisons were performed. Findings showed that the rate of resilience in Shirvan is low in 65.4% of the city and high in only 19.2% of the city. In other words, in 17 neighborhoods out of 26 neighborhoods of Shirvan city, the rate of resilience in the face of earthquake hazards is low and only in 5 neighborhoods of the city the rate of resilience is high. Therefore, the final results of resilience in Shirvan are 19.2% of the upper city, 15.4% of the average city and 65.4% of the lower city. In general, the results indicate that the resilience of Shirvan is in an unfavorable and unfavorable situation and the rate of resilience in this city is low in the face of earthquake hazards.
Masumeh Mohebati, Alireza Estelaji,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)
Reducing the vulnerability of urban users in order to reduce the amount of damages using non-factor defense approaches that can be effective in creating a safe environment in cities. The most important goals is today's planners and urban managers are planning to implement it in cities. The aim of this study was to investigate the safety of urban spaces against earthquakes due to the principles of non-factor defense and identification of safety mitigation factors in District 5 of Shahre Ray. The research method is descriptive-analytic to explain the current situation and the response to research questions. Data collection method was based on the field of Venice Library (questionnaire) and analysis of data obtained using frequency test and factor analysis. Then, the fundamental variables of influence were analyzed by Pir-son correlation test for the effect or rejection of assumptions. Finally, the findings show that what is considered as the basis for the work must determine the different stages of an earthquake planning process in Tehran and It is a shahre ray that must be used when preparing any comprehensive or detailed plan and case. The results of the study showed that physical, economic and environmental factors (can influence the reduction of urban space Vulnerability (in area 5 Shahre Ray). At the end, offers and guidelines for the preventive observance of the principles of non-operating defense in Shahre Ray has been presented.
Ms Mehdi Kashefi, Dr Mojgan Entezari, Dr Maryam Jafari Aghdam,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)
vulnerability is considered as an inherent talent of underground water system that depending on the sensitivity of the system to anthropogenic effects. Natural vulnerability is based on the geomorphologic features of surface karst, type and level of aquifer recharge and hydrodynamic aquifer karstic aquifer in Fars province is the most important source of water supply for the supplement of drinking water of communities in the province, which are prone to pollution due to the natural conditions of the region and human activities. karstic aquifer of Shispir and Borghan plays a vital role in supplying drinking and agricultural water around them. The aim of this study is to estimate the natural vulnerability karstic aquifer of Shispir and Borghan using the proposed model of Cast action 620, and prioritize the level of aquifer in the field of conservation measures and provide management solutions in order to better protect them in this model. To prepare a natural vulnerability map are used geological maps, soil, vegetation, digital elevation model (10 meter) and precipitation statistics of meteorological stations and vulnerability map is evaluated as three factors of C, O, p. In the end, the region in terms of damage in five levels was classified in very high, high, low, low and very. The results of the COP model show the natural vulnerability of the region is high. In addition, the amount of vulnerability in the two upper and upper floors of this region is about 47 % where is the highest coverage area of that region of Shisper aquifer. The results of this study show the efficiency of the proposed methods by Cast Action 620 to detect and protection of groundwater resources from vulnerabilities and natural pollution.
Parisa Hamedani, Azita Rajabi,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)
In the new age and in the third millennium, natural crises have become an inseparable reality of human life and have become one of the most important issues facing most of the world's metropolises. By observing the principles and laws of urban planning and applying them in accordance with the principles of crisis management, urban crises can be reduced to some extent. Crisis management is a process of planning and performance that by systematically observing and analyzing crises seeks to find a tool to reduce the effects of the crisis. Due to the importance of the subject of the present study, it seeks to investigate the factors affecting the spatial-physical vulnerability of the city with a descriptive-analytical method with a crisis management approach in the city of Robat Karim. The statistical population of the research group of 20 people was selected by snowball method. Data analysis method was performed with anp model. The results showed that among the 4 factors affecting the vulnerability of the operating city (standard), natural (with a normalized score of 0.054), in the first priority, physical criteria (with a normalized score of 0.27) in the second priority and social criteria - Economic (with a normalized score of 0.08) were recognized in the third priority and finally the relief and management criteria (with a normalized score of 0.09) in the fourth priority, and these criteria play a role in the vulnerability of the city of Robat Karim, respectively. According to the obtained results, any planning in order to manage the crisis of Robat Karim city should be based on the natural factors of this city.
Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Moghafam, Mohammad Motamedi, Ezzatollah Mafi,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)
According to the issues raised, the present study has been compiled with the aim of examining and assessing the situation of cities from the perspective of urban crisis management components. The research method in this research is a combination of research, applied (using the results and output of research in Shirvan) and development; Statistical population In the present study, according to the determination and classification of related organizations, each organization was selected as a statistical sample from each organization according to the percentage of the total statistical population, which in total 227 People were selected as the statistical sample of the present study. Finally, the quota non-probability sampling method, in which the number of samples is determined in advance and is from experts, was distributed. The findings show that the lowest and most unfavorable calculated average of 3.57 belongs to the post-crisis period and post-crisis reconstruction, which is not in a satisfactory state. It is related to the identification of vulnerable zones due to hazards in Shirvan city and in this section 12 indicators were analyzed based on FAHP model, which showed that the rate of vulnerability in 5.37% of Shirvan city Very low, 22.38% low vulnerability, 14.12% moderate vulnerability, 27.75% high vulnerability and 30.39% very high vulnerability. In fact, it can be said that the vulnerability of Shirvan is low in 27.75% of the city and high in 58.14% of the city. In the central neighborhoods of the city due to high age, population density, wear and tear, low quality buildings and ... the level of vulnerability is high.
Dr Shahrivar Rostaei, Dr Rahim Heydari Chyaneh, Mr Ayoub Zoghi,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)
As cities become more physically in structure and demographically wider, the rate of crises is also increasing consequently, and cities become more vulnerable to natural disasters for a variety of reasons, including economic and cultural poverty, fault alignment and non-compliance to regulations of earthquake-related issues. What matters is the level of community's preparedness and the degree of vulnerability of the city and its residents, which can be reduced to the lowest level if properly planned and principle policies are adopted. In this research, considering the high potential of Sanandaj in terms of seismicity and the existence of many faults in the vicinity and around of the city, it is tried to gain an authentic understanding of the subject with identifying the factors affecting the earthquake and combining indicators using the Classification Tree Analysis (CTA) model. The results indicate that a large area of the city is in the category of moderate to high vulnerability.52% is in the middle vulnerability category, 16.5% is in the high vulnerability category and 1% of the city is considered to be in the very high vulnerability category, which exactly matches the same marginal, old and densely populated neighborhoods. This situation does not render a proper structure and needs more consideration in prospective development plans.
Dr Ahmad Aftab, Dr Ali Akbar Taghilo, Mr Akbar Houshmand,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)
The continuous and active presence of disciplinary centers has an important role in ensuring security and peace in cities.Therefore the fair and efficient distribution of law enforcement centers in urban areas is an important factor in meeting this basic need.Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the service of police stations on vulnerable areas of Urmia.The descriptive-analytical research method used in this study is applied.The results of the study show that the vulnerability zoning of the city of Urmia is in four categories from very high to very low. About 68 km2 of the whole area of the city is known to be highly vulnerable.Most of the northern (informal settlements of Region 2) and central (old districts of four region) settlements of Urmia are the most vulnerable areas due to the high density of population and housing,with most of the politically sensitive, commercial and administrative offices in these areas.The results of the network analysis based on standard time (12 minutes) indicate that the 28.9% (24 km2) of the Urmia Vulnerable Areas was not covered by the police stations.Within 12 minutes the police stations of Urmia city have quick access to 55 km2 of about 75 km2 area with high vulnerability and about 20 km2 of this area also without timely access. In terms of the police stations access to low vulnerability areas,the results also show that from about 15 km2 of these areas to 3 km2 have quick access, indicates that there is no quick access to these 12 km2
Dr Shahrivar Rostaei, Dr Rahim Heydari Chyaneh, Mr Ayoub Zoghi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)
The occurrence of earthquakes and the losses and damages caused by it have always imposed a serious threat to the city, residents and assets, so that it has made planners and city managers to provide logical and scientific solutions to make cities safer. Securing cities against earthquakes will not be achieved only by creating strong structures, and we must take steps to reduce urban vulnerability through optimizing urban land use. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal urban areas for the development of the city with the aim of reducing the vulnerability of Sanandaj. For this purpose, KNN method has been used as a model with relatively high accuracy to evaluate the optimal land use of Sanandaj city with an emphasis on earthquake risk. The obtained model output shows that about 32% of the city area is in optimal condition and district 2 with 42.78% equivalent to 406 hectares and district 4 with 50.85% equivalent to 658 hectares provide an optimal condition for the development of the city, towards reducing urban vulnerability and increasing urban land use optimization. The general condition of the city is not suitable in terms of optimality and the neighborhoods located in districts 1 and 2 are in a very inappropriate condition due to high population and residential density, very poor permeability and low adaptation of land uses. In evaluating the model, the value of the area below the curve is 0.951, which indicates the desirable performance of the model in examining the subject.