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Showing 6 results for Passive Defense

Mohammad Hasan Yazdani, Afshar Saidain ,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)

At the moment with regard to geopolitical and geostrategic situation of Iran, the existence of countless underground resources and the formation of ideological state, unfortunately, in urban areas of the country, especially in Ardabil ,because of its proximity to the border of northern and northwestern borders with knowledge of this particular situation, economic and infrastructural projects, Infrastructures and installations have been made without observing and interference of considerations and defense and security arrangements and have become a bare and significant available target for enemy and invading countries. This research aimed to study the vulnerability of Infrastructures Ardabil in terms of passive defense and application - development approach in a descriptive and analytical way using 18 effective indicators in form of 5 components of "Lifeline", "crisis management Centers", "military and police centers", "Urban equipment" and "support centers" in three priorities of strategic, psychological and support destruction. Information gathered in the Super Decision software (network analysis) are weighted, then mapped in GIS environment. The results of the studies show that there are six major hazardous zones under crisis conditions and are prone to injury in the Ardabil that the most important of them are the northeast output of Ardabil (Jahad field leading to Astara gate), the southwest of Ardabil (Sarein station leading to the Basij field toward the Sham Asbi village) and finally the north and northwestern parts of Ardabil (Vahdat square), with the sum of (17% of the total land area of the city) have included the highest vulnerability, due to the poor conditions of the physical characteristics and focus on management, corporate, military and state entities in this regions of the Ardabil city.

Sana Rahmani, Sayed Hossein Vahedi, Leila Abedi Far, Saleh Ebrahimi Pour,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Iran is among the countries which id most vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. This natural phenomenon creates a disaster in an area of Iran every few years and destroys the human and financial potentials of the country and it has also irreversible mental and emotional consequences. Due to the unexpected nature of most natural disasters and the need for rapid and accurate decision-making and implementation process, fundamental and theoretical basis has created a knowledge called crisis management. Bojnord city is the center of Bojnord town in North Khorasan province and is the largest city in the province. The city is one of the high altitudes of North Khorasan and is a mountainous region from the natural perspective. Based on census population in 2011, Bojnord has a population over 207,196 people. Bojnord is one of the cities that are located in a zoning with a very high relative risk. Moses Baba fault and Dubarar-tower fault of Bojnord are located in the immediate vicinity of city and in some regions the city is built along this fault. Faults in Bojnord have been the origin of devastating earthquakes in history and are able to work once again and threaten the city which determined the importance and role of crisis management and passive defense in earthquake more than ever. In addition to the potential threat, Bojnord faults has made clear the adverse consequences arising from the filling of Bojnord plain from human habitations and the development of the city towards the fault line at a distance of 150 meters and this has also attracted attention to passive defense two times more. Therefore, identifying risk zones (faults and earthquakes) in the city can show the vital artery in low risk decision areas and zones with low risk for the construction of temporary housing camps during the crisis. Bojnord is in a bowl surrounded by mountains and down the valley. 

, S Z, A T, M A,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Using the passive defense principles in urban plans and projects is important in the context of land use planning, reinforced concrete, citizen education, and increasing urban resiliency. Observing and adhering to these principles will reduce the vulnerability of the city and citizens to security and military threats. Therefore, this study aims at evaluating the spatial pathology of the physical and social structure of the 6th urban district of Tehran municipality with emphasis on passive defense approach principles particularly citizenship education principle. Therefore, this research has selected the 6th urban district of Tehran municipality, due to its important and sensitive land uses with regional and trans-regional functions as a research area. In this study, the AHP model was used to assess the physical structure pathology. In order to evaluate the social structure damages of the area, three neighborhoods were selected in the region using cluster-spatial sampling. Then, using the survey method, the authors sought to collect the views of the inhabitants. In order to determine the sample size, the Cochran's formula was used. The results of this study indicate that the vulnerability of the region in terms of the physical structure is moderate and downward. Additionally, the social vulnerability of the area is also above average. Finally, the factors influencing the vulnerability of physical and social structure were investigated. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the indicators of population and construction density are the most important factors affecting vulnerability from experts' viewpoint. In addition, it was revealed that education and awareness, resiliency against security-military threats, skill and expertise, respectively, are the effective indicators of the vulnerability of the social structure of the area.

Sohrab Amirian, Masoud Safaeipour, Mr Hassan Hosseini Amini, Mr Hossein Ebadi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Vulnerability can be considered as an inherent defect in particular dimensions of the urban environment that is susceptible to damage due to its biological and physical characteristics or design features. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate Ahwaz city structures and fine-tune its vulnerability from a passive defense perspective and to move it towards the future prospects of a safe city. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical methodology based on the spatial-model studies approach. The data of this study include 11 educational, fire, administrative, police, power lines, terminals, urban facilities, business centers, roads, urban industries, gas transmission centers and health centers. GIS software was used to analyze the research data. Therefore, distance maps were designed and standardized for measuring the neighboring pattern after identifying the effective layers in the vulnerability and using the Distance tool. The FUZZY OVERLAY tool in ArcGIS software was used for spatial distribution and micro-zoning of Ahwaz vulnerability. The results show that in the section of vulnerability zoning, 29.73% of the city area is completely vulnerable, 29% vulnerable, 21.18% moderate, 13.22% low and 6.85% of the total city area in the state of vulnerability, respectively. There is very little reception.
M Mohamda Poodineh, M Morteza Esmailnejad, S Sohrab Qaedi, Mohammad Ali Shirazi Kharazi,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

The coastal are geographically diverse from important areas for attracting populations and economic activities, especially military ones. Understanding the natural environment's behavior on the coast can help plan and deploy military activities. Therefore, this study evaluates the role of natural factors (climate and geomorphology). For this purpose, the most important variables affecting the location of military activities are selected, and then the data of the weather stations of the region for a period of 30 years to create climate databases and layers of features of the earth's surface including slope, tilt, topography, etc., for The formation of natural databases was selected and organized in the GIS environment. Then, using decision-making methods (AHP, ANP), we evaluated the impact criteria in the locational process. Ultimately, using the Fuzzy Collaborative Model, the final map provided the best places to deploy military equipment and equipment on the coast of the Oman Sea. The results showed that more suitable locations are located in the eastern coastal strip and some western locations. However, scattered locations with the least vulnerability and non-operational basics can be found in the coastal areas in the final map.

Dr Mostafa Mirabadi, Mr Hosein Nazari, Dr Sadegh Besharatifar,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

One of the key measures in the passive defense debate Critical facilities and facilities not to be hidden, sensitive and important is choosing the right place for them. Given the complexity of the problems Related to choosing the right place for creating custom applications various factors must be considered. The purpose of this study was applied and considering that specific method has been used to identify optimal locations for prison location which is less used, it is considered a development and is, from a methodological point of view, an analytical descriptive research. The method of data gathering is documentary and field. In this research 14 criteria have been used to locate ideal zones for prison establishment. So tools and software like software Arc GIS In order to store, manage, process and analyze data And also the AHP model In the form of software Expert Choice, Depending on the purpose of the study and the type of criteria, Various functions such as distance function, slope function, slope direction function and digital model function Height in software Arc GIS They are used to create maps. The results of locating operations were to identify different zones in the city of Doganbadan Finally, considering the distance dimension and access status of the zones, four optimal zones were introduced. These zones (with total area of ​​5382 square kilometers) surrounded by the village of Talkhab, respectively, of the village of Gardanqalat, around the village of Dezsoleiman and the village of Baba Muhammad.

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