Showing 19 results for Ahp
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Volume 11, Issue 21 (9-2011)
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Volume 11, Issue 22 (1-2012)
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Volume 12, Issue 24 (6-2012)
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Volume 12, Issue 26 (12-2012)
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Volume 13, Issue 29 (9-2013)
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Volume 14, Issue 32 (6-2014)
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Volume 14, Issue 35 (3-2015)
Ahmad Reza Arabameri, Mohammad Hossein Ramesht,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the natural result of human activities. If an appropriate management system do not use to this problem, it may lead to environmental pollution and jeopardize the human health. Landfill site selection in urban areas is a critical issue due to its huge impact on the economy, ecology, and the environmental health. Therefore, numerous criteria must be considered and the selection process is a complicated since it has to integrate social, environmental and technical parameters. In this study, the most suitable candidate sites for locating landfill in Shahrood-Bastam watershed, as a case study area are determined by using an integration of the Geographical Information System (GIS) and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. For this purpose, 12 data layers including Elevation, Stream density, Fault density, Habituate density, distance to road, plan curvature, lithology, slope, Temperature, soil, land use and distance to protected area extracted with Arc GIS 10.1 are prepared and one of MCDM methods which is Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is implemented. For determination of criteria weight, analytic hierarchy process was used. Lithology, land use and slope criteria with the highest score (0.24, 0.18, and 0.14) had the greatest impact on landfilling. The results showed that, zone 2 for the reason of low fault and drainage density, suitable distance of Urban areas, appropriate slope, topography and lithology has obtained the lowest Euclidean distance from ideal positive (0.026), the highest Euclidean distance from ideal negative (0.228), and the lowest relative distance from the ideal solution (0.894), as a result, The greatest weight and highest priority is allocated for landfill. The results of this research will be fruitful in systemic management approach of urban regions
Dr Bahram Imani, Mrc Roghayyeh Farshi, Mr Reza Hashemi Masoomabad,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)
In this study, to show the inequality between different cities in Ardebil province, 60 developmental indicators in different sections including health care, social, educational, cultural and infrastructural sections have been analyzed through VIKOR model. Moreover, for data analysis and graph and table representation of data Excel, SPSS, and ARC Map 10.1 software was used. For determining validity of the research indicators, questionnaires were completed by experts (16 experts and professionals in the related area) through AHP model. A survey in 2011 showed that from among 10 cities in Ardabil province, Ardebil city; Serein Germy and Khalkhal; Parsabad, Bilesavar and Namin; Meshginshahr, Nir and Kosar were developed, developing, less developed, and undeveloped areas, respectively. This inequality is the result of environmental, economic and political factors and it also reflects inadequacy of spatial planning, which places Ardabil in its high priority for development. Furthermore, according to the conducted analyses it is concluded that there is an imbalanced regional inequality on city scale in Ardabil province; there is a meaningful and positive relationship between the population of a city and the degree of its development; finally there is a meaningful and positive relationship between the distance from the provincial capital and the degree of its development.
Mrs Malihe Mohammadnia, Dr Gholamabbas Fallah,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)
Landslide, due to its dangerous nature in mountainous areas, usually causes morphology to suddenly collapse and causes major damage to residential areas, roads, agricultural lands, and so on. In this study, using the AHP model and fuzzy logic operators, we evaluated and zoned the landslide sensitivity in the Pseudogene basin in Razavi Khorasan province. The eight main criteria of elevation, slope, tilt direction, distance from the waterway, distance from the road, distance from the fault, geology and land use associated with the occurrence of landslide phenomena were examined in total. The sub-criteria were weighted and fuzzy using the Frequency Ratio Model. The weight of the criteria was also determined using the AHP model. Then the landslide susceptibility map was prepared using fuzzy operators 9 / 0.8 / 0 and 0.7 and verified using the ROC curve. The results showed that the gradient factor had the most effect and land use factor had the least effect on the occurrence of slip in the basin. Validation results of the model showed a 90% accuracy of the landslide sensitivity map with a 0.7% operator in the basin. Therefore, the fuzzy gamma model with the 7th operator provides the best form of landslide susceptibility map in the Pseudogene basin.
Farzad Karimi, Mostafa Ahmadvand, Ali Heidari,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)
This study aims at identifying optimal method for masuring degree and level of development with resprct to models commonly used (Taxonomy, TOPSIS, Moris, SAW, and VIKOR). It is an applied rsearch in terms of the purpose and also is a quantitative research that was carried out in a survey method. Statistical population of the study was the villages in the county with 20 or more households (89 villages). Accordingly, 566 rural households were determined and selected as a sample using Lin sample size table. To collect the data, a questionnaire was used. For determining the content validity of the questionnaire, a factor analysis and for internal consistency reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.561-0.955) indicated the optimality of the questionnaire. Matlab 7.10, Excel2010, SPSS20, and Arc-GIS Softwares were used for modeling the level of rural development in the county. Findings revealed that there was high significant relationship between the methods with regard to their ranking scores. Findings showed that the VIKOR was a suitable and powerful approach to determine level of rural development in the county. In VIKOR, the range of development degree was very high with compaire to other methods. In VIKOR similar to TOPSIS, negative and positive ideals were considered. VIKOR has a differenc with TOPSIS in considering criteria weight, In VIKOR at first, distance of each criterion from ideal was calculated, then the weights were added them. Therfore, in VIKOR against SAW and TOPSIS has a high sensivity to the weights. Furtermore, findings showed that Sarabtaveh, Deh Bare- Aftab Olia, and Tangary with regard to 51 criteria by 0.635, 0.608, and 0.579 scores, respectively were developing villages and Gavbarg, Cheshmeh Tabarghoo, Tal-Gahi with 0.182, 0.201, and 0.233 scores respectively were non-developed villages. Also, there wasn’t any village in level of completely undeveloped, developed and completely developed. Also, approximately half of villages (46.1 percent) with 21.46 percent of the population of the rural region were undeveloped villages. In addition, 69.35 percent of population in villages of the study was in developing stage.
Mr Asadollah Mollazehi, Dr Mohammadreza Pudineh, Dr Mahmood Khosravi, Dr Mohsen Armesh, Mr Aliasghar Dehvari,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)
Today, due to climate change, natural hazards and how to deal with them are among the most important concerns of researchers in environmental planning and crisis management. The purpose of this study is the assessment of the potential flood risk in Sarbaz drainage basin. For this purpose, the databases including elevation, slope, geological characteristics, soil characteristics, precipitation, vegetation, land use, and vector layers of the main channel, streams and drainage densities of the basin were used. By using the questionnaire and experts' opinion as well as hierarchical analysis, the weight of influences of each layer was calculated in basin flooding. Each of these layers was classified based on the flood potential from low to high-risk scale and eventually merged with the weighted overlay model in Geographic Information System. The results showed that main streams, land use, and precipitation are the most important components in the flood risk of the Sarbaz river drainage basin. From the total area of the Sarbaz basin, only 0.5% has a high to extremely high flood potential, and the central areas of the basin have the highest potential for flood due to topography and special hydrographic conditions. In addition, the main river basin districts towards the outlet of the basin as well as parts of the margins of important sub-streams have the highest flood potential. Despite the limited area of the high-risk zone, due to population density and agricultural land, the importance of this area is very high in crisis management.
Hamid Salehi, Muhammad Motamedi, Ezatollah Mafi,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)
The basis of climatic data is measurements taken at a predetermined chronological order at air monitoring stations, so all measured values of climatic elements can only be attributed to the point of measurement. Therefore, different interpolation methods can help a lot in estimating climate data in different places. The study area in this study is northeastern Iran, including the provinces of Khorasan Razavi and North Khorasan, and monthly summer temperature data were used for 21 synoptic and evaporative stations in the northeast belonging to the Meteorological Organization and the Ministry of Energy with appropriate distribution. The statistical period of 21 years (1997-1997) was considered as a common statistical period for all stations. Then, in order to compare the interpolation methods, several different methods, including ordinary kriging, spline, inverse squares and Thyssen were used by ARCGIS software. Comparing the deviations of the estimates from the measured data was evaluated by cross-validation. Then, in order to check the hypothesis of normality of the calculated errors in each interpolation method, the test thigh test was used and finally, to evaluate the best interpolation method, AHP method and Expert Choice software were used. The results showed that based on the root mean square error (RMSE) criterion, Thyssen, Kriging, inverse distance and spline methods were located, respectively. Based on the absolute maximum error criterion (MAE), the kriging method estimates the summer temperature better than other methods. According to the MBE standard, the kriging method is better than other methods and can be used for temperature interpolation. According to the set coefficients, the calculated compatibility rate is 0.03, which indicates the high accuracy of the selection of weights.
Zahra Hedjazizadeh, Aras Khosravi, Seyed Asaad Hosseini, Alireza Rahimi, Ali Reza Karbalaee Doree,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)
One of the most important energy sources in the world is solar energy, which is a renewable resource and does not cause any damage to the environment. Which all of these features justify using it as a clean energy source and economically viable cost.. Due to the relatively large area of the Iran in low latitudes and relatively dry climatic conditions, in terms of solar energy utilization it uses excellent conditions. Solar power plants are considered as power generation and transmission networks whose is important that the location features of their construction sites are effective in reducing the risk of investing in solar energy. In this study, using geographic information system and fuzzy valuation method for the criteria and method of weighing (AHP), was considered the potential of the Kavir & desert region and Makran coast for the purpose of obtaining energy from the sun. For this purpose, were used the 14 criteria related to the climatic, infrastructural, and technical and physical conditions of the area. In order to overlap the fuzzy layers were used the usual operators, Gamma, Product and also the Sum Weighted Overlay operator to compare and present the appropriate result. Each of the operators has a different sensitivity to the fuzzy overlap of the layers. For this reason, was considered the Gamma 0.9 operator, due to the high sensitivity for building power plants with high electrical power generation and the Sum Weighted Overlay operator, for the construction of smaller capacity plants. In the overlay map, using the Gamma 0.9 operator, about 2%, and in the overlay map with the weighted operator, about 33% of the study areas were found to be very suitable for the construction of solar power plants.
Mrs Shahrbanoo Ghanbari Adivi, Dr Morteza Khodagholi, Dr Amir Gandomkar,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)
The main purpose of this research is to test the agglium of Hormozgan province for the development and development of aloe vera plant cultivars in the base period and the period of change. In this regard, the influential data in the various stages of the aloe vera plant, including the minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation, as climatic agents and height variables, gradients, direction of gradient, soil, as stable elements in the evaluation of aloe vera cultivation areas were used. The multidimensional decision-making technique in the GIS environment was used using fuzzy gamma function for interruption and eventually identifying appropriate arenas for aloe vera plant. The role of climatic changes in two levels of alteration of B1 and A2 was investigated to evaluate changes in Aloe Vera cultivation agriculum in Hormozan province. The results of the implementation of the Fuzzy Gama integration function in Hormozgan province showed that in the base period, 0.35 of the area of the province has good and excellent culture for this plant. These areas are generally consistent with the lowlands of the southern sections of the southern province and are consistent with the soils with tissue and depth and drainage, namely, the arid soils of Sevil and anti-Seville, while in the northern parts of the province, the supply factor, supply The need for an aloe vera plant, tolerance in the year and nightly, the product performance is very weak and the development of aloe vera farms in these areas is not recommended. In the simulated climatic conditions for 2070 under the 2ndretic scenarios, aloe vera arenas will have relatively significant changes compared to the climate of the base period, so that the most variations related to the A2 scenario, in which poorly functional floors are lacking. And moderate culture capabilities have been exposed to an area of 30 to 40 percent, while the two floors of the agricultiva capability and good culture capabilities, under the same system, will show an increase of 20 to 40 percent.
Mrs Nazli Pakru, Mr Mir Saeid Moosavi,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)
Cities are a place of accumulation of material and spiritual capital of humanity, which is of great importance. This type of settlement, with more than 50 percent of the world's population in it, has become more important in recent years and has been considered for the maintenance of principled and sustainable management of all types of planning. One of these plans has been the resilience of cities. Resilience to the threats and potential hazards that affect it when it occurs. The concept of resilience has been proposed and discussed in various dimensions and levels. In this research, emphasis is placed on the physical dimensions of urban Resilience. The purpose of this study is to assess the resilience of the 1st district(zone) of Tabriz city against earthquake, which is analyzed using the Fuzzy AHP model. The 8 criteria, include the distance From relief centers, the distance from the centers of harm, the building materials, the quality of the building, the time of the building, the distance from the network of roads, the distance from the green and open spaces and the distance from the fault, is the base of analysis. After preparing the layer for each criteria, Fuzzy layers are extracted using fuzzy functions. Using the SUM, AND, GUMMA operators, the final layers were generated, which was evaluated using the Band Collection Statistics tool, the gamma layer 0.9 was selected as the best output. based on the scenario of gamma 0.9 in the study area, about 26% of the area has very low and low resilience. In contrast, more than 22% of the range is moderate and 51% of the area have a high resilience.
ّfazel Amiri, Firooz Babaei, Tayebeh Tabatabaie,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)
Given the potential negative environmental impacts linked with wild landfills in the central part of the Kangan Region, there is a significant need to accelerate the development of controlled inter-municipal landfills. The study area with daily production of 92 tons of waste, due to lack of recycling equipment and incorrect locating landfill is faced with numerous environmental, health and social problems in open sites and unsafe. This study is aimed at identifying suitable sites for solid waste disposal by considering all essential factors and rating criteria by integrating Fuzzy-AHP and GIS with multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in Kangan county. Standards for siting a landfill formulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were employed in this study. The criteria that are considered herein are land use, slope, elevation, distance to drainage, groundwater and dams, distance to faults, soil, geology, distance to the residence and road, industrial and infrastructure accessibility. These criteria were assigned fuzzy membership classes based on their importance in siting a landfill. The fuzzy members of all criteria were overlaid to generate the final landfill site suitability map which was classified into five: not suitable (53.3%), less suitable (39.1%), moderately suitable (5.4%), suitable (1.4%) and highly suitable (0.6%). The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was employed in the selection of the landfill site with reverence to multiple criteria and the fuzzy membership classes in accordance with the standards of the EPA. The results of this research in the management of the urban environment and also in the plans of the optimal disposal of urban solid of this area will be useful.
Mostafa Taghvaee, Sadroddin Motevali, Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)
As cities develop and expand, their encounters with various topographic and geomorphological units and related issues increase. Geomorphological units are always related to the dynamics and dynamism of the natural environment, and any action taken in the direction of the development and construction of cities in some way intersects with the aforementioned dynamics and dynamism and, as a result, with morphological phenomena. In this encounter, if some essential principles and points are not observed, the morphodynamic balance of the environment will be disrupted and major risks will threaten the majority of urban equipment and facilities. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of unevenness in coastal city planning by comparing the two analytical hierarchy process methods, AHP and AHP FUZZY, in the city of Noor. The research method is descriptive, analytical and field-based in terms of applied and developmental purpose and in terms of data collection, in which the researcher-made questionnaire was used as a tool. The result of the sensitivity analysis showed that AHP is sensitive to uncertainty in the decision model; However, the comparative analysis shows that the differences between the criteria rankings in the two models do not necessarily result in the selection of different options (as focal points), but rather differences in the spatial extent of the selected options are more important. The findings provide a new direction for the selection of MCDM methods for urban planning. If the planning objective is to identify priority areas for development as focal points, then simpler MCDM methods such as AHP should suffice; but in more detailed planning where the identification of spatial boundaries is required (such as determining the master plan), a multiple approach using two or more MCDM techniques would be ideal.
Majid Goodarzi, Ali Ashkboos, Behnam Mohammadi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)
The intermediate development approach posits that vacant lands and the deteriorating structures within urban areas should be prioritized for development rather than expanding into the periphery of cities currently under construction. Acknowledging this significance, the present article endeavors to identify and prioritize the barriers to intermediate development in Zabol, utilizing Chang's technique. This applied study employs a descriptive-analytical research methodology, incorporating both library research and survey research (field studies) for data collection. The statistical population for identifying the obstacles to intermediate development comprised all residents of Zabol city in 2023. The sample size was calculated to be 384 using Cochran's formula, and a purposive sampling method was employed to gather the data. The reliability of the research instrument was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, yielding a value of 0.80. The identification of obstacles was conducted through a sample t-test in SPSS, followed by the prioritization of the identified barriers. Data were collected from existing information about the city and through a questionnaire distributed to 20 relevant experts. Subsequently, the data were analyzed using Chang's technique (AHP-FUZZY). The findings indicated that the most significant obstacle to the implementation of the intermediate development plan for Zabol city is the economic index, which received a final weight of 483.