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Showing 18 results for Process

Fardin Kooshki, Hamidreza Varesi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

از مسائل مهم حاکم بر مدیریت و برنامه­ریزی شهرهای ما، نگرش فرم محور است؛ یعنی می خواهند مسائل شهرها را عمدتاً از طریق تغییرات کالبدی حل کنند و در مطالعات خود بر ویژگی های فیزیکی تاکید دارند. در مقابل این نگرش، دیدگاه فرایند محور قرار دارد که سعی می کند فرایندها را بیشتر مورد تحلیل قرار دهد زیرا این فرایندها هستند که فرم­ ها را به وجود می ­آورند. هدف پژوهش این است که بر روی فرایندها و علل در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان تاکید شود و نگرش فرایند محور به عنوان حلقه مفقوده برنامه­ریزی شهرهای ما مورد توجه ویژه خواهد بود. پژوهش حاضر به روش ترکیبی انجام شده است تا از این طریق از مزایای هر دو روش کیفی و کمی بهره گیریم. در روش تحقیق کیفی، داده ­ها از روش­های مصاحبه، مشاهده و مطالعات کتابخانه ­ای جمع­آوری شده است و در روش تحقیق کمی از آزمون تی  تک نمونه­ای استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می­ دهد فرایندهای جغرافیایی موثر در شکل­ گیری فرم­ها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان عبارتند از: «وجود حیاط مرکزی در مساکن»، «امکان  ارتباط با عناصر طبیعی مانند درخت، آب و نور طبیعی»، «امکان تماشای آیات الهی مانند آسمان، خورشید، ماه و ستارگان»، «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده­ رود، قنات و مادی­ ها در آفرینش فضاها»، «هماهنگی با اقلیم گرم و خشک»، «اهمیت باغ های خصوصی و خانگی» و «رعایت حریم عناصر طبیعی مانند حریم چاه، قنات، مادی و غیره». از میان  فرایندهای مورد مطالعه نیز «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده ­رود، قنات و مادی­ ها در آفرینش فضاها» با میانگین 4 بیشترین میانگین را به خود اختصاص داده و مهم ­ترین فرایند موثر در شکل­ گیری فرم­ ها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان می­ باشد.
Sharifeh Zarei, Dr. Bohloul Alijani, Dr. Zahra Hejazizadeh, Dr. Bakhtiar Mohammadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In this research, the most important synoptic patterns of widespread snowfall in the eastern half of Iran have been investigated. For this purpose, the current weather code data and snow depth of synoptic stations in the eastern half of the country during the statistical period of 1371-1400, for the months of October to March, were received from the country's meteorological organization. In order to investigate widespread snowfall, the days when more than 70% of the studied area saw snowfall at the same time were extracted as a widespread day. In order to perform synoptic-dynamic analysis of widespread snowfall in the eastern half of Iran, the classification method using cluster analysis was used and the maps of the representative days including atmospheric temperature, moisture flux, geopotential height, vorticity, front formation, jet stream, omega index and orbital and meridian wind data were drawn. Trend analysis was also performed using the Mann-Kendall test. The results showed that 3 patterns justify the snow cover in the studied area. These patterns are: high pressure in Siberia and central Europe-low pressure in eastern Iran, high pressure in western Iran-low pressure in Sudan, high pressure in central Europe-low pressure in eastern Iran and Afghanistan. In all the patterns in the middle of the atmosphere, the intensification of the meridian currents of the western winds along with the formation of high pressure and low-pressure centers has caused blocking in the path of the western currents and has provided the conditions for the ascent of the air. The concentration of the negative omega field and the relative positive advection, along with the location of the northeastern region of Iran in the left half of the outlet of the Subtropical Jet, have caused severe instabilities and widespread snowfall in the region. Also, the results showed that despite the absence of a trend in the number of snow days in the northeast of Iran, the number of snow days has decreased over time.

Mohammad Radman, Mohammad Saligheh, Mohammad Hossein Naserzadeh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In order to comprehend the water flow characteristics and variations of the Karun River, we examined the Zaz, Bazoft, and Beshar sub-basins from its main branches. The reason for choosing these basins was the proximity to the catchment centers of the Middle Zagros and their location upstream of the dams.
 Iran Water Resources Management Company provided all the required data (from the water year
1356-57 to 1395-96), and we analyzed them using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, data skewness, skewness, and Pearson correlation. Then, we performed the linear regression test to determine the effect of temperature and precipitation on river discharge, and they conducted the Mann-Kendall test to identify the trend and jump points. The results of the data analysis showed that all of them are in normal conditions, although they have some elongation and skewness. The Pearson correlation test revealed a correlation between meteorological and hydrometric data.
 The regression model used shows the changes in precipitation and discharge (unlike temperature and discharge) well. The significance number of all stations in the model is less than 0.05, which shows that the changes that occurred between predictor and dependent variables are significant. We see the high performance of the model in explaining the changes in discharge compared to precipitation. According to the regression charts, the decreasing trend of precipitation and discharge and increasing temperature are clear in all three basins.
The Mann-Kendall test reveals a significant trend of increasing temperature in Bazeft and Bashar basins, a decreasing trend of discharge in Bazeft and Bashar basins, and a decreasing trend of precipitation in Zaz and Bazoft basins.except for the temperature of the Zaz basin, all variables show mutations in mutation basins.

Kamal Omidvar, Reza Ebrahimi, Mohammad Kykhsrvy Kayani, Ghasem Lkzashkoor,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of global warming on where the slope changes when the monthly temperature in Iranian territory over the coming decades (2050-2015). The simulated temperature dynamic model EH5OM subset Hybrid Models atmospheric circulations (GCM) selection and data model of the Center for Theoretical Physics Salam (Italy) were derived from emission scenarios A1B scenario was chosen given the scenario of 2100 -2001 found that from 2050 to 2015 were used in this study data is then output the data in the fourth edition of the regional climate model (RegCM4) Linux environment was fine scale output data Downscaling model with dimensions of 27/0 * 27 / Degrees latitude is where the dimensions of 30 x 30 km area of ​​approximately cover the average temperature of the matrix deals 13140 2140 * was extracted. Finally, the slope of the average monthly temperature during the period under study by Mann-Kendall slope age and matrix computation in MATLAB software 13140 * 12 respectively. Results show rising temperatures in March and April to June, more than 90% of the country, that it will be spring's warmer. Increasing the temperature in the winter months and spring mountainous parts of the western half of the country is warming the cold regions of Iran. Temperature negative trend in October and November in the northern part of the eastern half of the region's countries could be indicative of colder temperatures in the northern West.

Ghasem Keikhosravi,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

In this study, precipitation simulated annual and seasonal in East and North-East of Iran ,in 1987-2011, by using RegCM4 dynamic model in two case; with and without using post-processing technique. The required data for RegCM4 model with NetCDf format, received from ICTP center. For the implementation of the main dynamic model, Convective precipitation test scheme and the horizontal resolution, performed for 2007. According to the test, Kuo Schema had less error than Emmanuel and Gurl schemes in Precipitation and region temperature modeling. Horizontal resolution selected 30 Km. After model implementation with Gurl schema and 30 Km horizontal resolution, Precipitation and temperature output post- processed using MA model. According to results, in the study area, during 2006-2011 verification period, average annual rainfall raw bias of RegCM4 model was calculated and post-processed equal to 8.3 millimeter and 61.04 respectively. Briefly in the annual time scale, in 75% of studied stations, post-processing is effective and MA model is more efficient. In seasonal scale, bias error of average precipitation is equal to 54.99 millimeter in the winter, 27011 millimeters in the spring, -3.6 millimeter in the summer and 7.21 millimeter in the fall. Simulation of the temperature data in the stations using RegCM4 and MA model in north-east of Iran, revealed high performance. Bias error of average temperature is equal to -2.78 for RegCM4 model and post-processed equal to -0.05. In all stations, modeled Annual temperature and observational data has difference less than 0/1 ° C. In seasonal scale, the mean bias error range according ° C is equal to -4.1 in the winter, -4.09 in the spring, -1.8 in the summer and -1.5 in the fall.

Dr. Ebrahim Fattahi, Shookat Moghimi,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)

 In this study in order to monitor snow cover, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) optical images were used, while for detection of snow covered areas, the  snow index-NDSI, was applied. The results showed - according to the climatic conditions of the region- during the following months: December, January, February and March, most of the area is covered by snow and the maximum extent of snow cover occurred in January. In West Azerbaijan province there is found a negative trend of snow cover with a drastically reduction in January, as well as the provinces East Azerbaijan and Ardebil showed the decreasing of snow cover in this month. The results of this study show that, changes in snow cover imply a rise in temperature in this region leading to the reduction of snow cover in January. This trend represents global warming and climate change impacts on snow cover in the study area. Investigation of extreme indices  confirms the assumption that by taking temperature increase into consideration, regional winter precipitation pattern has been changed from snow to rain, causing the reduction of snow storage in the catchment of study area. In addition ,the extreme temperature index study  in the period of 2011- 2040 and the baseline by considering climate change approach in North West of Iran by using outputs of general circulation models under A2 scenario and downscaling models LARS-WG indicates the number of frost days or the number of  icy days decreased compared to the baseline which is not unexpected according to reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as well as several studies confirmed  global warming. Moreover, indices such as growth period increased, while diurnal temperature variation decreased compared to the baseline confirming   snow cover reduction in the region as a threat of snow storage in the region. 

Javad Jamalabadi, Mahammad Salmanimoghaddam, Ali Shekari Badi, Marzieh Nodeh,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

Temporary resettlement of the population after the earthquake is considered as a pivotal element of crisis management. The selection of suitable centers for the establishment of citizens can have a significant role in rescue and rescue services after the earthquake. The purpose of this study was to identify potential spots for the construction of shelters and temporary accommodation of the population during the occurrence of a possible earthquake. This research is applied in terms of its purpose. The method of study is descriptive-analytical and documentary. Firstly, using the Delphi method, 16 main and effective criteria for locating these centers were identified in the framework of six clusters including access to the communication network, natural features, spatial characteristics, consistent uses, risk management and demographic performance. Then, using the experts' opinions and the network analysis process, the final weight of each criterion was determined. The most important parameters in this research are population density indexes, grade 1 arterial pathways, and suitable area. Finally, by combining the layers of all indicators, a map of the temporary population settlements was prepared in Sabzevar city. The results of the research show that the lack of suitable spaces, including parks and open spaces for temporary accommodation of citizens in Sabzevar city, is quite evident. At the same time, the points of the city, which have adequate open spaces and are compatible with the surrounding land uses, have a relatively better potential for deployment. Accordingly, the best places for temporary accommodation of the population after the earthquake in Sabzevar, including the Eram Park in the north, Imam Reza Park and the Football Stadium in Southeastern City, Shahr-e Basi, National Park and Shariati Conservatory in the city center, tourist hostel, Green spaces and sports grounds in the west, and finally technical and vocational schools in the city of Tohid. In order to improve the conditions in the aftermath of the earthquake, some suggestions are presented in this study.

Mr Hojjat Mohamadi Torkamani, , ,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

Ecotourism, as the leading sector of the tourism industry, relies on utilizing environmental capabilities, and needs proper management decisions. In this context, the identification of ecological and environmental power is the most basic step. This study by considering the middle of the city as the sample of this province due to its ecological superiority and using the hierarchical analysis process, attempts to zon the city based on ecological power using the system Geographic Information (GIS). This zoning is done using 11 indicators. The results indicate that about 78 percent of the city's area is in an appropriate and even better condition for the development of ecotourism, and in contrast, about 23 percent of its area faces limitations for the development of ecotourism. In a general conclusion, it can be admitted that the city of Midian has a variety of sub-climates as it covers a wide range, and, in terms of ecotourism potential, there is a significant difference between sectors and regions of existence has it.

Bhroz Sobhani, Fatemeh Nasiri,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

Recognition and determination of ecological susceptible regions for proper bedding is importance and vital affair for regional planning and specially agriculture part. Climate and topography are main environmental components which altitude and cultivation product generation capability are depend their in every region.  So , studying of effective climate factors and elements on agriculture have special importance. In current study , in order to agriculture ecological homogeneous geographical regions determination ; satellite images of Geographical Information Bases (GIS) were used which they are provider of new horizon and dimensions for effective discovering and fields resources management and we try to show Rapeseed cultivation ecological zoning usage development by combining modern tools , instruments and methods at Ardebil plain region. In order to recognition of mentioned susceptible regions in studied case climate data statistics were used that they include ; temperature degree , precipitation, relative humidity and environmental capability data such as ; inclination, height and multi-criteria decision making based on Analysis of Networks Process(ANP). Then layers were prepared by weighting and according to criteria and they were combined and also layers overlapping were done on GIS environment and ultimate layer of fields proportion was prepared for Rapeseed cultivation. Based on results analysis , studied region fields for Rapeseed cultivation include 33/38% without limitation ; 02/10% of fields with low limitation; 96/33% with medium limitation ; 71/17% of fields with high limitation

Mr Esmaeeil Kamali, Mr Omeid Samandari, Dr Sadegh , Mr Morteza Sarhadi,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

Assessment of the land's capacity for urban development in the sense of objectifying the potential of the land is among the expected and executable applications. On the other hand, increasing urban population, followed by the growth of cities, due to the expansion of urban development makes moving toward the principles of sustainable development an indispensable act. Kerman as one of Iran's major cities encountering with limited natural and human development, is not an exception. Thus, it is essential to take into account its development structure. This study aims to identify the fertile lands for future development of the city of Kerman. This study is functional in nature and purpose and descriptive-analytic in methodology. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the method of fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Boolean was employed, and finally by combination of maps, appropriate lands for future development of Kerman were identified. The results of this study showed that the lands located in South, Southwest, and North and northwest of the city of Kerman are in a better position for future development compared to other parts of the city.

Alireza Vousoghi Amiri, Rojin Marzi, Mahsa Bashtam, Kiarash Pourhazhir Ardestani, Seyedeh Sepideh Ghalamro,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

the aim of this study is to explain the impacts and impacts of organizations such as municipality on land use management in the tehran metropolitan area to determine and change land use patterns in documents and factors affecting them . because of the qualitative research approach and its type , the influence of organ and document content including land use projects in tehran was used . research findings show that land use management in tehran with conflicts in land use management , weakness in land use management , weakness in land use management system , weakness in land use management system , weakness in land use management system , weakness factor in land use management system , weakness factor in land use management system , informal and quasi - governmental agent and private agent are classified . finally , the change of land use change in tehran metropolitan area has been studied and challenges and opportunities are presented . the research method is analytical and by software soft ware and t - test .

Mehdi Salemi, , , , ,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The most important part to be considered is the determination of the carrying capacity of the protected areas, since these areas are able to accommodate a large number of tourists, so if these areas are not planned more accurately, the number of tourists will exceed the cc limit of the area. Resulting in instability and degradation of these areas, and therefore knowledge of the status of the area's cc will greatly help to control the damage. The aim of this study was determine potential, and social-cultural cc with the purpose of the establishment in ecotourism development. Therefore, in order to the determination of the potential of this area, calculation of the social-cultural cc after the identification of the social - cultural pressures using model PSR the social- cultural pressures regarding the calculation of the correction by applying the percentage corrections of the pressures and the relative importance using the techniques ANP and of each of them after the grading layer using the techniques WLC and builder model at Arc GIS10.5 combined. Social - cultural cc in the direction of the development of ecotourism determined. The results 50% of the content that the level region has high cc, 33% of the surface area has an cc and 17 percent of the level region has low cc. Findings of the research show that there is a low range of cc in the central part of the region; finally, based on the findings, suggestions have been made to increase the regional distribution cc.

ّfazel Amiri, Firooz Babaei, Tayebeh Tabatabaie,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Given the potential negative environmental impacts linked with wild landfills in the central part of the Kangan Region, there is a significant need to accelerate the development of controlled inter-municipal landfills. The study area with daily production of 92 tons of waste, due to lack of recycling equipment and incorrect locating landfill is faced with numerous environmental, health and social problems in open sites and unsafe. This study is aimed at identifying suitable sites for solid waste disposal by considering all essential factors and rating criteria by integrating Fuzzy-AHP and GIS with multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in Kangan county. Standards for siting a landfill formulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were employed in this study. The criteria that are considered herein are land use, slope, elevation, distance to drainage, groundwater and dams, distance to faults, soil, geology, distance to the residence and road, industrial and infrastructure accessibility. These criteria were assigned fuzzy membership classes based on their importance in siting a landfill. The fuzzy members of all criteria were overlaid to generate the final landfill site suitability map which was classified into five: not suitable (53.3%), less suitable (39.1%), moderately suitable (5.4%), suitable (1.4%) and highly suitable (0.6%). The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was employed in the selection of the landfill site with reverence to multiple criteria and the fuzzy membership classes in accordance with the standards of the EPA. The results of this research in the management of the urban environment and also in the plans of the optimal disposal of urban solid of this area will be useful.

Dr. Mohsen Aghayari Hir, Dr. Hossein Karimzadeh, Mrs. Nahid Rahimzadeh,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Access, plays an important role in rural development as there is a meaningful relationship between rural development and access to infrastructure services. Villages that have less access to essential services, especially transport, faced with a lot of structural and socio-economic constraints, which are obstacles to sustainable rural development. The present study seeks to examine the accessibility and the factors affecting it. Accordingly, it is considered with descriptive-analytic research method. The statistical population of the study, consisted of villages in the central District of Tabriz County (52 villages) that there needed data were gathered from rural municipals. After validity and reliability of the research, in order to evaluate accessibility, we used the Dematel technique and ANP, then to assess the role of different elements in accessibility of rural areas, we used SEM in Amos software. Initial results of Rural Accessibility Survey showed that the Mayan Sefli village had the highest accessibility and the final result of the research are determining the role of factors in rural accessibility based on factors such as distance from the city, service centers and social status of the village are more effective than other factors in accessibility.
Key words: accessibility, rural services, analytical network process, structural equation modeling, Tabriz County.

Zoleikha Khezerluei Mohammadyar, , Bohloul Alijani,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

The purpose of this article is to analyze the frequency and severity of the one to six days of rainfall in Iran. The trend of frequency changes and severity of each course was identified using my-candle test and the slope estimator during the 1968-1988 period. Then, using the main component analysis method and cluster analysis method, the entire stations were categorized in five clusters (abundance) and four (intensity) based on the annual changes of frequency indicators and intensity of precipitation. Cluster 1 and 2 stations represent the frequency of precipitation periods with a severe or without trend. The two clusters were mostly established in the southern half of Iran. Cluster 4 and 5 stations represent the frequency of precipitation periods with a positive (mild) trend, mainly in the northern part of the country. Cluster 3 stations represent the frequency of precipitation periods with decreased (mild) trends, which are mostly focused on west and southwestern Iran. The clustering results of the stations based on the intensity index of precipitation periods, contrary to many results; do not show a specific pattern. But in the cluster, there has been a severe decrease in the last half century. The stations of this cluster are mostly concentrated in the northern parts of the country. Other clusters are scattered in almost all parts of the country. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the frequency of precipitation periods in the northern latitudes of incremental processes (average or weak) and the severity of precipitation periods in these latitudes (north of the country) had severe declining trends.

Keywords: Frequency of precipitation, intensity of precipitation, analysis of main components, clustering, process.

Mana Taheri, Mohammad Saied Izadi, Hamid Majedi, Zahra Sadat Saeedeh Zarabadi,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

According to the fact that place identity is influenced by various social, physical, semantic, functional, and natural factors, each of these dimensions has multiple indicators with complex internal relationships; Measuring and evaluating it is a fundamental and complex issue. Therefore, the aim of this study is to "provide a combined model for measuring the identity of place in urban spaces." To achieve this goal, quantitative methods have been used. First, the expert questionnaire with a sample size of 19 people was analyzed in the form of a combination of DEMATEL model and Analytical network process, then the questionnaire of space users with a volume of 384 samples in 12 urban spaces was analyzed by TOPSIS model. The results show that despite the decline in identity in recent decades, Tehran Bazaar as the central core of Tehran's historical district still has an acceptable level, but the further away from the Bazaar, the different dimensions of social, physical, functional, natural and the semantic identity is declining. Also, from a methodological point of view, it can be said that the combined DANP-TOPSIS model is a suitable model for measuring the various dimensions of place identity in an integrated way.
Hossein Mobarra, Mahsa Faramarzi Asli,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Housing is a crucial domain for testing human interactions and serves as a physical framework where social, cultural, and economic resources intertwine. In order to achieve social progress, the realm of housing encompasses not only the residential units themselves but also their surrounding environments. The focus on housing quality indicators is essential for attaining sustainable housing, which in turn lays the foundation for sustainable urban development. However, the increasing demand for housing and the prevailing quantitative approach have led to the neglect of the fundamental issue of housing quality in its true essence. Insufficient access to suitable housing can contribute to or worsen various psychological and social challenges. Hence, this research aims to identify the main indicators and components of housing quality and prioritize them, assuming equal weighting of their influence. The research methodology employed in this study is practical in its objective and descriptive-analytical in its approach. To achieve the intended objective, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) model is utilized to determine the weight and prioritize each indicator and component of housing quality. Subsequently, after evaluating the indicators using the ANP model, the results indicate that among the examined indicators, housing facilities and amenities with  0.318, housing security with 0.218, housing comfort with 0.145, compatibility with complementary uses with 0.142, housing durability with 0.109, and housing climate adaptation with 0.065 have been assigned the highest weights, respectively.

Reza Soltanmaleki, Masoud Elahi, Zohreh Davodpour,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Idealism for urban living necessitates the establishment of infrastructure and a platform that considers all stakeholders, including managers, planners, and citizens, regardless of their social and economic backgrounds, social class, gender, etc. This concept is encapsulated in the notion of the right to the city. However, implementing this concept can pose challenges in smaller cities with more unfavorable conditions. Hence, this research aims to introduce a model for actualizing the right to the city based on the Analytical Network Process (ANP) in the rural cities of western Mazandaran. The current study is categorized as applied research. The statistical population for this study comprised urban experts (chosen through the Delphi technique with a sample size of 25). Alongside on-site observations, information was gathered utilizing the fundamental maps of the country's mapping organization and studies focusing on the three cities of Baldeh, Kejur, and Pol (Kham-shahrs in the western part of Mazandaran province). The Analytical Network Process (ANP) method was employed to process and analyze the data, leading to the extraction of a balanced supermatrix using the Super Decision software. Following various steps, the final priorities of indicators and options for realizing the right to the city were determined. The results of the network analysis (ANP) of the dimensions of realizing the right to the city in the western cities of Mazandaran province indicate that the physical-biological dimension holds the highest weight and importance (0.1970). It is trailed by the economic dimension (0.1725) and the social and cultural dimensions (with a final weight of 0.0847). Among the criteria for realizing the right to the city in the western cities of Mazandaran province, the right to self-determination carries the most significance with a weight of 0.1461, followed by environmental rights (0.0943) and the right to a sustainable city economy (0.0840).

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