Volume 6, Issue 16 (4-2011)                   2011, 6(16): 145-168 | Back to browse issues page

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Arab Bafrani A. A rhetorical critical study of the story of " Zaal and Roudabeh" in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and the Story of "Jamshid and the king of Zabol’s daughter" in Asadi’s Garshasbnameh. Journal title 2011; 6 (16) :145-168
URL: http://jls.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1797-en.html
Naeen Payam Noor University , bafrani57@gmail.com
Abstract:   (11216 Views)
What has been told about Shahnameh and Shahnameh – reciting in different books notifies the superiority of Ferdowsi’s skill in his "the high palace". One of the reasons which provide evidence as to Ferdowsi’s fascinating discourse is considering the rhetorical issues, organizing the draft and unifying the tone of Shahnameh. Considering rhetorical issues and especially the skill of story – telling is a point which most of the followers have not noticed yet. A relevant example is Garshasbnameh by Asadi Tousi which although some theorists have considered it as the successor of Shahnameh, it provides nothing but a mere imitation. This paper examines the rhetorical comparison between the story of "Zaal and Roudabeh" in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and the story of "Jamshid and the King of Zabol’s daughter". In spite of some formal similarities in the structure of the story, the results of studying the draft and structures of these two works, the unity of tone and figures of imagination especially simile and metaphor indicate the exalted excellence and superiority of Shahnameh to Garshasbnameh.
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