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:: year 24, Issue 80 (8-2016) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2016, 24(80): 181-205 Back to browse issues page
Elements of Feminine Writing in Sepedeh Shamlu’s Novel Sorkhi-e-to az man (“Your Redness Is Mine”)
Seyyed Ali Ghasemzadeh 1, Fatemeh Ali Akbari
1- , s.ali.ghasem@gmail.com
Abstract:   (9425 Views)

Feministic criticism concerns the function of specific feminine cultural and ideological constituents in literal works. In its approach to narrative this kind of criticism follows two methods. First, the attributes of women and their role and personality in course of the story, and second a critique of women presented which studies female authors. Sorkhi-e-to az man by Sepedeh Shamlu is one the feministic novels, which concerns the world of women in recent years. It has attracted the attention of many readers interested in Persian contemporary novel. Considering the importance of this novel in the process of feministic narrative writing of post-revolutionary Iran, this paper attempts to explore the elements of feministic narrative following an analytic-descriptive method. The findings of this paper show that this modern novel seeks to cast doubt on the differences of men and women through a deconstruction method. The female characters of the novel consider their identity and situation to be molded by imposed patriotic social relations, which are created by men and the dominance of masculine language. By considering the beliefs, worldviews, emotions, privet parts, women’s feelings of disgust and fear, lewdness, objection to masculine gaze, choosing short sentences, etc. in the text the researchers attempt to highlight the feminine style of writing.

Keywords: Feministic Writing, Feministic Aesthetics, Gender Language, Your Redness Is Mine, Sepedeh Shamlu
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Ghasemzadeh S A, Ali Akbari F. Elements of Feminine Writing in Sepedeh Shamlu’s Novel Sorkhi-e-to az man (“Your Redness Is Mine”). Persian Language and Literature 2016; 24 (80) :181-205
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2611-en.html

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