:: year 24, Issue 81 (Published issues 2017) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2017, 24(81): 119-140 Back to browse issues page
A Study of "Khetab be Parvane ha" from the Perspective of Persian Grammar
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Contemporary poetry can be divided into the poetry of before and after the Islamic Revolution. Among the post-revolutionary poetry, the Pishro or avant-garde Poetry is the most important style of poetry. The well-known figure of this kind of poetry is Reza Baraheni (1935- ) who became the most influential poet of the Post-Revolution Poetry with the publication of his Khetab be Parvane ha and introducing his literary ideas in different articles. Baraheni attempts in his poetic theory, which is known as lingual theory, to reach multilingualism in poetry, multiplicity of forms and language, disintegration of meaning, disintegration of narrative, disintegration of grammar, formalism, and disintegration of description. In the present study, topics such as morphological innovations and morphological and syntactic deviations in Khetab be Parvane ha are studied. As a result, deviations in these poems are divided into two: the successful linguistic part where Baraheni manages to bring some new words into Persian language without disturbing its morphological structure, and the unsuccessful syntactic part where all the rules governing the sentence have been disturbed.

Keywords: Reza Baraheni, Khetab be Parvane ha, Grammar of Persian Language, Morphology, Syntax.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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