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Kharazmi University
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Nasergholi Sarli
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Habib-Allah Abbasi
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Zahra Saberi
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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

EISSN 24766941
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Showing 2 results for Farahmand

Hamid Abdollahian, Farnoush Farahmand,
year 20, Issue 72 (5-2012)

Najdi is one of the outstanding contemporary writers due to his specific style. He has a different attitude towards human life and cultural elements of Iran, which makes his stories a good subject for discussion and research. In this article, two stories of Najdi are analyzed in the light of Deconstruction: “The Day of Asb-rizi” and “The Night of Killing Sohrab”. Deconstruction is mostly based on Derrida’s theory. It originated and was initially used in Philosophy and then it spread to literary criticism. The aim of Deconstruction is to find the binary oppositions, to analyze them in order to reveal the contradictory points and to deny the accepted assumptions. The results of this process is to doubt those beliefs that have been considered as axiomatic up to that time. In Najdi’s stories, the binary oppositions include man/animal, man/nature and man and civilization. In “The Day of Asb-rizi”, the opposition between man and animal, and, freedom and slavery causes some contradictions in the major themes of the story. In “The Night of Killing Sohrab”, the binary opposition is that of harsh patriarchal world/ innocent childish world, or, experience/inexperience.

Rooyintan Farahmand,
year 28, Issue 88 (7-2020)

In his lyricism and eloquence, Hussein Monzavi benefited from the great heritage of lyrical and epic literature, poetic images, fictions, and religious allusions in order to create imagery and expand the meaning and themes of his poems. The Divan of Hafiz is one of the main sources of influence on Monzavi’s poems in terms of form, meaning, and musical coherence. He also benefited from borrowing Hafiz’s clauses, rhythm, allusions, verses, and sonnets. Love and the hardship in its path, pledge of trust, drinking merrily, and social issues are the themes in Monzavi’s poems which were under direct influence of Hafiz. Monzavi’s imagery of love and its manifestations has similarities with Hafez’s poetry. The present paper is an endeavor to investigate the influence of Hafiz on Monzavi in terms of form, rhythm, meaning, love, the image of the beloved, and imagery. The findings indicate that Monzavi benefited from Hafiz’s single elements, rhythms, and themes in about two hundred instances.

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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