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Showing 2 results for Vaziri
Mohammad Bagher Vazirizadeh, Esmat Khoeini, Volume 20, Issue 72 (5-2012)
Dependency nominal phrases are among the main kinds of nominal phrases. These phrases have spread in kinds and types. In this paper, we investigate these kinds of phrases in the whole text of Tarikh-e-Balámi from the historical grammar perspective. This work is indeed one of the first remained Dari Persian manuscripts. More specifically, we study issues that have historical aspects or are semantical and considered as stylistic features. The method adopted in this study is based on the definitions and divisions that late professor Farshidvard who wrote extensively on these nominal groups. Also, we use other grammar books, whenever they are relevant to our discussion. The main goal of this article is providing an accurate historical recognition of dependency nominal phrases that are subtle issues in syntax and are considered as frequently used syntactic groups in discourse. It is assumed that the scientific investigation of grammatical subjects in a specific text may enrich the historical grammar and also may shed lights on old texts.
M.s Marjān Heydari Tamrābādi, M.s Shivā Heydari Tamrābādi, Mr Vahid Vaziri, Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024)
This research takes an interdisciplinary approach to examine the role of architectural elements in the surrealist stories “The Blind Owl” and “Prince Ehtejab”. Each of the architectural elements has its own specific definition and function that shapes the physical atmosphere i.e., it creates an atmosphere limited to time and place. However, the content of these elements with their implicit meaning creates atmospheres that are not limited to time and place. As the purpose of this research is to examine the effect of architectural elements in creating the surrealist atmosphere of these stories, first of all, the architectural elements that existed in the stories were extracted and, through comparative studies, their meaning beyond the physical aspect was analyzed using a descriptive-analytical method. Ultimately, the crucial role of these elements in creating the surrealist atmosphere of the stories was elucidated. Sadegh Hedayat’s “The Blind Owl” can be considered his most important work. Architectural elements such as the narrator’s house and the buildings in the story play a significant role in shaping the story’s atmosphere. In “Prince Ehtejab”, due to the protagonist’s reminiscence of the last night of his life in his room, a surrealist atmosphere emerges. Upon closer examination, it can be said that the architectural elements in the room, carrying meaning beyond themselves, play a fundamental role in expressing the prince’s personal circumstances and exposing his weaknesses and fears.