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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

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Showing 3 results for Bakhtin

Ahmad Lamei Giv, Seyyed Mahdi Arfaei, Issa Doustzadeh,
Volume 24, Issue 80 (8-2016)

This study examines the narrative approach of Shahnameh by Ferdowsi based on Bakhtin’s dialogism. The logic of dialogue, a narrative that describes the relationship between different views through dialogue and interaction and considers dialogue as the only way of communication. Dialogism is supplemented by concepts such as "polyphony", "the other voice" and "Carnival". One of the necessary constituents of carnivalistic life is laughter. In Shahnameh there are three kinds of laughter, one of which is considered closer to Bakhtin’s laughter; it is a laughter that causes ridicule and humiliation. Other types of laughter are those of joy and an analogy of nature. In this article the carnivalistic laughter and laughter in Shahnameh are compared with each other to find out the correspondence between dialogism and Shahnameh. In this study, we attempt to study the word "laughter" and its derivatives in Shahnameh using descriptive-analytic method and evaluate it on the basis of Bakhtin's theory of dialogism, and also find out its similarities and differences with Bakhtin's carnivalistic laughter.

Farzad Blou,
Volume 25, Issue 82 (9-2017)

The concept of "other" is one of the fundamental concepts of philosophy, especially in the twentieth century and in the works of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Levinas, which carriesepistemological and ontological importance. It was also introduced by Mikhail Bakhtin in the field of literature and literary theory. From another perspective, Naser Khosrow developed and introduced such a concept after joining the Ismaili sect, concerning an urban vision of religion, the ruler and the ruled, poetry, and philosophy. Accordingly, everyone steps beyond or below these lines was not exempt from Naser Khosrow’s satiric reproach. In this article the researcher explains the theoretical foundations of the concept “the other” and also the Naseri Utopia. Moreover, the researcher intends to describe and analyze the treatment of the poet of different classes and political, social, philosophical, and literary groups.
Nooshin Ostadmohammadi, Hossein Faghihi, Hossein Hajari,
Volume 25, Issue 83 (3-2018)

Dr. Noon Loves His Wife More than Mussadiqis a modern political novel written by ShahramRahimian. Focusing on psychological complications of politicians, the novelgivesa different view of 1953 coup d'état in Iran. In this study, relying on Bakhtin’s definition of polyphony,we will draw out its examples from the novel and analyze its functionsthrough a descriptive-analytic method. The question to answer in this article is what features polyphony has and howit is realized inthis text. Therefore this article stresses different features of polyphony such asabrupt shift in perspective, polyglossia among the social classes, the presence of various and opposite characteristics in one fictional character, heteroglossia, and intertextuality. Then, these will be investigated in the novel to support the claim that by providing the reader with varied tools, polyphonic novels lead the audience to a new understanding of the text.

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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