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Showing 2 results for Fars

Gholamhossein Gholamhosseinzadeh, Naser Nikoubakht, Zahra Lorestani,
year 19, Issue 70 (3-2011)

Language is a collection of conventional symbols. Although these symbols do not  have any natural connection with what they their purport, their constant usage has made rendered them natural symbols. So the authors of literary work, in order to attract their listeners, resort to this strategy and change the ordinary form of language. This change can be implemented in the structure of sentences or words; like manipulating sentence structures; deleting part of the phrase or repeating the other parts or making changes in meaningful bases of the word such as applying them in an unusual and awkward position. Sometimes, changes are materialized ignoring the principles of language use. Irony is also one of the noticeable language devices. Irony makes natural language structures unnatural by making changes in the field of implications. Predominating via use of irony is done by displacing the known structures and changing valuable bases of words.  So the message is narrated by a part of the text which is not implicitly said. In other words, the author relies on the listener psychic suggestions.  In Farsi eloquence, the word ”irony” is not applied, but its definition is vastly used in Farsi language; although this usage is sometimes like the usage of other Farsi figures. All in all, it is known as a single type and different from the other eloquent figures.  Since, in Farsi writings, these differences and similarities have not been examined yet. Accordingly, this paper addresses the similarities and differences of irony with other eloquent figures. Irony can enter Farsi eloquence with the same subject; of course not as an imported array because ironic words and methods have already been common in Farsi literature. In most cases, however, no title is determined for it. So, it is argued that irony is a kind of dichotomy in word and meaning or face and content which is based on opposition or antithesis and is built on an unexpected and sometimes ridiculous form. 

Fatemeh Toobaie, Mohammad Yufof Nayyeri,
year 32, Issue 96 (4-2024)

Searching about the beginning of Sufism in different regions of Iran is an important issue that has received less attention. Due to the division of Sufism into two currents of Iraqi mysticism and Khorasan mysticism and paying attention to the Sufis of these two regions, Other Sufi attitudes were neglected in the rest of the regions. Fars and Shiraz was one of the areas that was neglected. It seems that the presence of more than eighty sheikhs of Sufism in Fars and Shiraz before the appearance of Ibn Khafif and the remarkable growth of Sufism in this region, shows the necessity of investigating about the beginning and development of Sufism in this region. In this research, the names of forty-three Sheikhs of Shiraz who lived before Ibn Khafif or are his contemporaries were extracted and their mystical worldview was analyzed as much as possible based on the little remaining information. From the analysis and explanation of the mystical attitude of these forty-three Sufis, it was found that four main Sufi currents can be seen in this period: First, the flow of asceticism and seclusion, which is the primary form of Sufism, second The flow of the Iraqi school of mysticism, third movement of the Khorasan school of mysticism, and fourth The flow of creators of the Shiraz school of mysticism.
The analysis of the numbers shows that in Fars the sheikhs of the Shiraz school predominate and other currents play a lesser role.

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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