Abstract: (5630 Views)
The purpose of this study was to prioritize dimensions of learning organization in sport and youth head offices of west of Iran. The statistical population of this research included all staff of these head offices (N=203) and sampling method was stratified random that estimated 130 people using Morgan's table. For data collection, dimensions of learning organization questionnaire of Marsick and Watkins (1996) was used. validity of this measuring instrument was confirmed by sports management masters. Using Cronbach's alpha test, it’s reliability was obtained 0/96. This study was a descriptive method that was implemented in the field.Descriptive statistical indicators and Kolmogorov Smirnov, one samplet test, Pearson and Friedman ranking tests, were used to analyze data. Results showed there is a significant positive correlation between levels of individual learning, group learning and organizational learning (P&le0/05). Also among dimensions of learning organization continuous learning and empowerment had first and last preference, respectively. Finally, it is suggested, these head offices managers also should pay more attention to aspects such as empowerment, group learning, system connection and embedded systems in addition to individual learning as base of organizational learning for providing conditions to become learning organization through practical solutions.
Type of Study:
Research |
Published: 2014/08/15