Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2015)                   JRSM 2015, 5(9): 61-71 | Back to browse issues page

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A measurement tool standardization of beliefs in advertising through sport. JRSM 2015; 5 (9) :61-71
URL: http://jrsm.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2295-en.html
Abstract:   (7241 Views)

The purpose of present study was to standardize the measurement tool of beliefs
in advertising through sport. Following the permit was taken from the owner of
the questionnaire (Pyun, 2006), questionnaire by the three-stage translation
method and introductory study performed. Population of the study was all the
spectators that attended in the Azadi Stadium, 342 samples were selected
randomly. 27 items were included in the questionnaire with seven components
(being economic, product information, falsity, materialism, social image and role,
annoying, pleasure). Questions were analyzed by the 5-likert scale. To determine
the formal and content validity of the tool, viewpoints of experts in sport marketing
were used. To determine the structure validity of the tool, CFA was applied by
using LISREL package. Analysis of the structure validity of the tool showed that
items of the questionnaire had an appropriate factor load. The results showed
that the indices of the model had an appropriate goodness of fit2.45¬df=/2x,
RMSEA=0.065, GFI=0.94, AGFI= 0.95 approved the indexes. Cronbach’s Alpha
coefficients of the reliability of the seven components were between 0.70 to
0.730.Given the confirmation of relevant tool in this study; other researchers can
use this tool to measure the customers’ belief advertisement through sport.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: technical
Received: 2016/04/12 | Accepted: 2016/04/12 | Published: 2016/04/12

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