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Showing 6 results for Arsham

Dr Saeed Arsham, Mrs Mina Aghaei, Mrs Fatemeh Keshvari,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (9-2019)

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of secondary task relevant and non-relevant to the free throw basketball skill on the free throw accuracy of basketball skilled players in choking under pressure. Twenty right-handed female players (aged 18-30) each with at least three years of experience in basketball took part study after completing the Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT), Annett Handedness Questionnaire (AHQ) and measuring their anthropometric characteristics. The study included two testing sessions with an interval of 2 days. In the first and second session (no-pressure and high pressure, respectively) participants warmed up and performed 10 free throws in three conditions: 1) free throw, 2) free throw with relevant secondary task, 3) free throw with non-relevant secondary task. Results showed that the secondary relevant and non-relevant tasks to free throw have effects on accuracy in no-pressure (P=0.012, P=0.001) and high pressure (P=0.001, P=0.018) conditions. Also, there was significant differences between relevant and non-relevant tasks effects on accuracy in high pressure situation (P=0.001).
Overall, it may be used the secondary relevant and non-relevant tasks in choking under pressure situations for reduction of pressure imposed on athletes. Also, properly designed secondary tasks for free throw may be used to increase the accuracy of skilled participants under the pressure situations.
Majid Razavinia, Shahab Parvinpour, Saeed Arsham,
Volume 10, Issue 19 (8-2020)

One of the main goals of the mission of experts motor learning is maximize the quality of learning experiences and optimize the educational environment .The purpose of this study was focusing on the effects of learning model, skilled model and positive self-review crawl on learning in children aged 9 to 11 years in Alborz Province. Participants of the random and available samples divided into different groups. Thus, Participants of all groups practiced three time in a week which have 20 attempt to practice in every session and totally all the crawl swimming exercises were finished at 12 session. at the end of the twelfth session acquisition test and a week after the end of the last session retention and transfer tests were taken. The dependent variable was the quality of Participants which was performed by swimming instructor-notch swimming using crawl skills assessment Czech list. The results indicate the advantage of the three types of model crawl performance and significant difference between groups in the acquisition, retention and transfer test) p<0/05(.Also, positive self-review and learning model groups was considerably better than skilled model and control group in Acquisition test. Furthermore, skilled model group scores are really higher than the control group. Positive self-review groups had the best performance in the retention and transfer tests in comparison with the other groups (learning model, skilled model and control). After that, learning model group was more effective than the rest of them (skilled model and Control groups). Finally, control groups had lowest performance among all mentioned groups

Saeed Arsham, Mohammad Garavand, Abbas Bahram,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the type of goal setting and self-recording on acquisition and self-regulation learning of basketball free throw. Seventy middle school student boys were selected for available and randomly allocated to 6 experimental groups and one control group. A factor ANOVA with a significant level of 5% (p < 0.05) was conducted to analyze the self-efficacy and performance data in acquisition and retention tests. The results showed that the goal-setting with the self-recording group has a higher self-efficacy and performance than the goal-setting without self-recording and the control groups in acquisition and retention test of basketball free throw. This research showed that a variety of goals can begin to combine and cause positive results in performance and learning. Self-recording is important for performance and self-efficacy and can be easily taught and used during physical education sessions.
Abbas Bahram, Sared Arsham, Moslem Bahmani,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

Few studies have investigated dimensions of attention out of laboratory settings. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction between internal/external and associative and dissociative attention and its role in expert judo players’ technical performance during competition. mixed method approach with parallel-design was used. In the qualitative section of the study, expert judo players’ attentional strategy was explored using self-confrontation interviews. In the quantitative part of the study, differences between reported foci in successful versus unsuccessful trials was tested.  Analysis of interview transcripts revealed that expert judo players had more focus on external-associative dimension in both preparation and execution phases. In addition, results of chi-square test indicated a significant difference between judo players’ focus of attention in successful versus unsuccessful trials (p < 0.05) with more focus on external-associative attention in successful trials. In conclusion, while this study does not support use or advantages of dissociative attention in skilled performers, provided more support for constrained-action hypothesis as indicated more use and advantages of adopting an external-associative focus for expert level judo players.
Mr Mohsen Mohammadi, Dr Abbas Bahram, Dr Saeeid Arsham, ,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

The purpose of this research was to investigate the structure of the ball behavior in the futsal teams during the offensive  phase. The type of research was observational and the data extracted from the 12 games in the training matches of the players of the futsal resistance team present at the Premier League matches of 97-98 were recorded and analyzed. Using the SOCNET software, the values of the cluster coefficient were calculated and using the MATLAB software, Shannon entropy values for each team were calculated. The results showed that by increasing the number of training sessions, the values of the cluster and entropy coefficient of Shannon increased in both teams and there is a moderate correlation between the values of the cluster coefficient and Shannon entropy was observed with the number of training sessions. In general, and according to the results of this study, the functional variability of ball behavior patterns increased with training and team experience, and the level of complexity and unpredictability of the team network increased. According to the sensitivity of the behavioral patterns of the ball to the effects of training, sport analyzers can use the information from this level of analysis to explain the team's synergistic behaviors in futsal teams.
Abbas Bahram, Saeed Arsham, Moslem Bahmani,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of attention in skilled performance in real conditions, using a mixed-method study. Fourteen expert judo player participated in the study. The stimulated recall was used in the qualitative phase of the study to explore athletes’ attention in real competitive conditions. In the quantitative portion of the study, number and percentages of foci in preparation phase, execution phase, and total (preparation +execution) were associated with performance movement time. Our results indicated that while attention during execution phase was not associated with performance time, attention in the preparation phase was associated with better performance time. specifically, less attentional cues with higher percentages of focus on the opponent resulted in more quick performances. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that focus on opponent during preparation phase is associated with superior technique execution during real competitions.


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