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Hamid Salehi, Adnan Ghazanfari, Ahmad Reza Movahedi, Maryam Nezakat Alhosseini,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

In the present investigation we determined the time course of attention demands during the jumping service in volleyball by the dual-task paradigm. Fourteen voluntary junior elite volleyball players performed 60 jumping serve. Jumping-serve performance (JSP) as primary task and verbal reaction time (RT) to an auditory stimulus that was administered in four probe positions (PP), as secondary task was measured. Repeated measures analyze of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant effect of the PP on JPS, indicates allocating the most attentional weight to the JSP. In second analyze, effect of PP on RT was significant, so that all probes RT were significantly higher than the base line RT, indicates attention demanding of the JSP. Results also showed that pre-shot in run-up (PP1) and after the ball strike (PP4) had the greatest attentional demands respectively while per-jump stepping ahead (PP2) and just pre-striking the ball (PP3) had respectively the lowest needs of attention. The results indicate that attention follows a non-linear pattern, in the JSP.
Shahzad Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Mehdi Shahbazi, Keivan Salehi,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2013)

The aim of this study was to measure the validity and reliability of perceived motivational climate in sport questionnaire (PMCSQ-2) for Newton and colleagues [2000[. For this purpose, random participants from 553 athletes 13 to 23 years were selected to complete the questionnaire. After applying the translate-retranslate technique, content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) confirmed by 10 Panels (CVR=0.66, CVI=0.97.For determining the construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) based on structural equations was used, internal consistency of questionnaire was achieved by Cranach's alpha and Pearson correlation coefficient under test-retest method to study reliability of questionnaire. Results showed that the first model of PMCSQ-2(33 question (, wasn’t able to support the favorable fit and thus eliminated 6 problematic questions. Thereby the final model with 27 questions was included task-oriented climate (TOC) (effort/improvement, important role and cooperative learning) and ego-oriented climate (EOC) (unequal recognition and punishment of mistakes). Hereby, the Persian PMCSQ-2 (PPMCSQ-2) had acceptable fit index (RMSEA= 0.054, CFI= 0.9). Also, Internal consistency was acceptable (TOC=0.827, EOC=0.726 and PPMCSQ-2=0.618) and reliability of PPMCSQ-2(r=0.73) was affirmed. Therefore, PPMCSQ-2 can be used as a valid and reliable instrument to assess motivational climate in the Iranian athletes with the age range of 13 to 23 years.
Hajar Salehi, Amir Ghamarani, Hamid Reza Arab, Tahereh Golkari,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2013)

The primary aim of the present article is to analyze the efficiency of religious orientation in predicting flow experience of physical education students based on demographic variables. Also, the role of demographic variables was taken into account as the secondary aim of the study. 200 physical education students of the University of Isfahan were chosen randomly. They answered Religious Orientation Scale (Alport & Ross, 1987) as well as Flow Experience (Csikszentmihalyi, 1982). Multiple Regression Analysis was used to analyze the data and the structural analysis software was used to check the efficiency of the model. The results indicated that the intrinsic religious orientation model was positive predictor of the flow experience while the extrinsic religious orientation model was negative predictor of the flow experience. Also, the role of demographic variables indicated that the relationship between age and education with flow experience is positive and significant. In addition, it was revealed that the religious orientation model with the presence of demographic variables has the necessary efficiency in order to predict flow experience. All in all, the results of the present study confirmed that the intrinsic religious orientation is efficient in predicting flow experience. 
Mr Farhang Yazdan Parast, Dr Hamid Salehi,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (12-2015)

In this investigation the authors presented an attentional demand explanation for the choking under pressure occurred in sport skills. For this porpouse, attentional demands in tennis serve performance was compared under low and high pressure conditions by using dual task paradigm. Twenty tennis players served as participants and performed sixty serves as primary task in low and high (competition) conditions. Secondary task was to respond an auditory stimuli that presented during tennis serve in four probe positions. The results showed that on one hand, the pressure condition deteriorated tennis serves performance and on the other hand, it caused an increment in level of attentional resources and changeed pattern of attentinal demands. The results indicated that skillful athletes allocated more attention to their performance and more focusing to some positions of the skill under pressure condition compared to normal condition. It suggested that such attention demands changes can cause choking in sport. The results provide objective and stronge support for the predictions of self-focus theories proposed for choking in sports.

Dr Hamid Salehi, Mrs Nasrin Zandi Mashhadi, Dr Vahid Zolaktaf, Dr Vazgen Minasian,
Volume 6, Issue 12 (11-2016)

The aim of the study was to evaluate the factor analysis and internal consistency of
a Persian version of the Athletes’ Retirement Decision Inventory (P-ARDI).
Fernandez et al. (2006) developed this instrument based on the push, pull, antipush,
and anti-pull point of view. We required 243 Iranian elite competitive athletes
(mean age = 25.19 years; 81% male) to complete the questionnaire. The factor
structure of the P-ARDI was evaluated by explanatory and confirmatory factor
analysis. The internal consistency was determined by Cronbach’s alpha. According
to the results, four-factor solution principal component analysis accounted for
65.02% of the variance of the final 36-item version of the P-ARDI. The Cronbach’s
alpha coefficient for the aforementioned factors was found to be greater than 0.7.
In sum, the results suggest that the retirement decision process was found to be
much more complex and multidimensional.

Dr Hamid Salehi, Mrs Maryam Mohseni,
Volume 7, Issue 14 (12-2017)

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the level of anxiety experienced by Iranian football referees, and to predict the level of referees’ competitive anxiety according to their self-consciousness and coping styles. One hundred thirteen male football referees voluntarily completed a demographic questionnaire, Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS; Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975), and referring-modified versions of the Sports Competitive Anxiety Test (SCAT; Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990) and the Coping Style Inventory for Athletes (CSIA; Anshel & Kaissidis, 1997). Results indicated that the referees tolerated low levels of anxiety in a contest (14.19 ± 3.54). It has revealed that in the face of a stressful event, strategies of avoidance rather than approach are usually used by the referees. The results showed that avoidance coping style and private, public, and social self-consciousness are significantly correlated with the referees’ competitive anxiety. Stepwise regression analysis showed that the best predictors of referees’ anxiety were private self-consciousness and avoidance coping style that together accounted for 25% of the explained variance. Results indicate that the competitive anxiety of referees may affect by their self-conscious and coping styles in competitive settings.
Dr Hamid Salehi, Mr Ali Bahrami Nia,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2018)

The purpose of the present investigation was to develop and initial validation of a measure for assessing the athletes perceptions of coaches’ behaviors that promote fairplay behaviors. A three-step procedure was undertaken to develop the questionnaire. In the initial step, the literature review provided theoretical and empirical perspectives on how youth sport coaches can influence athletes’ fairplay behaviors. In step 2, a pool of 191 items worded and content validity was assessed. In the final step, 252 teenage male athletes (age range 14-19; mean age =15.88±1.34 years) who were participating in a variety of team sports (i.e., volleyball, basketball, soccer, futsal) completed a revised 164-item questionnaire. Principal components analyses further reduced the number of items to 30 and suggested a four-factor structure (i.e., modeling, instruction, pressure, and dialogue dimensions). The results revealed that the final 30-item version of the Coaching Fairplay Behaviors Inventory possesses a good psychometric basis with adequate internal consistency and which explain 57.80% of the total variance. Collectively, this study provides a new valid and reliable instrument for assessing the specific mechanisms by which coaches promote fairplay behaviors among teenagers, although more investigations are needed to validate this tool.
Narges Rashidi, Hamid Salehi, Shila Safavi Homami,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2019)

The purpose of this inquiry was to examine the interrelations among handwriting legibility and speed, and underlying perceptual-motor skills in Persian language students. Seventy students (26 male, 44 female; 10.21 ± 1.02 yr; 30 poor and 40 good control hand writers) were assessed during a copying task. The children completed the visual-motor control (VMC), upper-limb speed and dexterity (ULSD), ‎ and upper-limb coordination (ULC) ‎ subtests of the Bruininks–Oseretsky test of motor proficiency (BOT). The poor group scored significantly lower on handwriting legibility and speed in comparison with classroom controls in the copying task. Correlation coefficients between perceptual-motor function scores with handwriting legibility, and with handwriting speed varied from -0.11 to 0.40, and 0.17 to 0.39 respectively. Results showed that both legibility and speed predicted differences between students classified as “poor” and “good” hand writers. Results also showed that in the poor hand writers group, age, gender, BOT-ULC, and BOT-VMC were found to be significant predictors of legibility of handwriting, whereas gender and BOT-ULC were shown to be significant predictors of handwriting speed. The findings suggest that distinct perceptual-motor components may underlie writing during copying. Poor quality of handwriting of children seems to be particularly related to some sort of deficiency and dysfunction in perceptual-motor skills. Future studies should determine the possible benefit of interventions including stimulant in perceptual-motor functioning and handwriting performance, to enhance performance in these areas.

Mr Ghasem Babaei Zarch, Dr Hamid Salehi,
Volume 10, Issue 20 (11-2020)

Identifying motivational barriers to sport participation in children and adolescents is important for engaging them in sport activities. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore perceptions of children and adolescents, parents, and sport coaches about barriers of youth sport participation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 children and adolescents, 8 parents, and 5 coaches. Content analysis was employed to analysis the transcripts. The results of the data analysis yielded some themes as the motivational barriers to participation in sport by children and adolescents that were grouped into two domains: the personal and the environment barriers. Constituent themes in the personal barrier’s domain included: the lack of having sport talent and lack of progression in sport, not pleasuring from participation in sport, and sport related injuries. Constituent themes related to the environmental barrier’s domain included: lake of sports culture, lake of facilities, economic problems, not being supported, and not having future. This qualitative study provided a deeper understanding about motivational barriers for habituation to sport in children and adolescents. The themes would lead youth sports organizers, parents, and coaches to motivate youth to participate and endure in sport activities by changing the personal and environmental factors. 
Dr Ayoub Asadi, Dr Mahmood Sheikh, Dr Davood Hoomanian, Dr Saleh Rafiei,
Volume 10, Issue 20 (11-2020)

Focus of Attention and Quiet Eye (QE) of the affecting variables on aiming task performance in recent decades have always been interesting for psychologist and sport science researchers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of attention instructions on gaze behavior and accuracy of dart throwing of novice in low and high task load. In a semi-experimental design with repeated measurements, participant performed dart throwing under three attentional condition (internal, external and control) in two different task load (low and high). Result showed the external focus in high load task improved accuracy of dart throwing than internal focus; in the event that, for low load task there was no significant difference between the attentional conditions. Also, for QE none of attention, load task and their interaction effects was not significant. Results of research for performance supported the constrained action hypothesis; and in contrast to the conscious processing hypothesis. Also the result of gaze behavior suggests several interesting areas for future research.

Dr Ayoub Asadi, Dr Mahmood Sheikh, Dr Davood Hoomanian, Dr Saleh Rafiee,
Volume 12, Issue 24 (12-2022)

It has been shown in various researches that the focus of attention and quiet eye duration (QED) are effective variables on the performance of targeting tasks. However, the impact of these variables on motor skills in children needs more research; Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different attentional focus instruction on QED and accuracy of children's darts throwing. Participants such as twelve right handed children (age: M=8.83, SD=0.79) without dart throwing experience participated in the study; while their eyes movements were recorded by an eye tracker system, participants performed 18 dart throws (6 blocks of 3 trials) under three different attentional conditions: 1) an external focus, 2) an internal focus, and 3) control conditions. The result showed that effect of focus of attention was significant neither for accuracy nor for QED. Therefore, in order to be aware of the optimal focus of children, more research is needed in various motor tasks.

Fatima Rabiei, Dr. Hamdi Salehi,
Volume 12, Issue 24 (12-2022)

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the differences between novice and skilled baseball players to anticipate the type of ball being pitched and to specify the players’ dependence on distributed or local kinematic spatial cues. Male baseball players (N= 15; Mage: 27.73 ± 6.28 years; baseball experience: 7.90 ± 5.69 years) and novices (N= 15; Mage: 23.10 ± 5.68 years; no playing experience in baseball) were asked to anticipate the type of pitch (i.e., fastball vs. curveball) using a spatial occlusion paradigm. Both groups viewed recorded video simulations of spatially manipulated pitches in which nine specific parts of the pitcher’s body or the ball were either omitted or showed separately. The data was analyzed by a 2 (Skill level) × 9 (Display Condition) mixed-design analysis of variance. The results revealed that skilled baseball players outperformed novices in the occlusion conditions. Furthermore, the results revealed that skilled baseball players used throwing arm and ball as well as upper body kinematic cues for their correct anticipations. The results are in line with previous findings on perceptual-cognitive expertise and decision-making in interactive sports and indicate skilled baseball players are able to obtain information distributed globally within the pitcher's body, rather than reliance on specific isolated or local kinematic cues.

Zahra Nezakat Alhosseini, Saleh Rafiee, Sadegh Nasri,
Volume 13, Issue 26 (12-2023)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of observational practice on anticipation and visual search behavior in handball players in handball defense positions. The participants were 23 male handball players aged 16-19 years, who were members of Isfahan national youth and Pishgaman team. The players viewed clips of handball defense positions using eye-tracking glasses. They verbally expressed their anticipation about the outcome of the ball position during the pre-test. The players were divided into two groups: gaze behavior, which was observed (observation of output clips of eye-tracking glasses) and observation group, which observed only handball clips. Then the two groups were retested after 10 sessions of 45 minutes. The results of repeated measures analysis of variance and Muchly test with sphiricity assumed illustrated that the anticipation accuracy and visual search behavior of the gaze behavior group in the post-test were significantly better than the observation group. Defending handball players in the 3×3 position compared to the other two positions (2 × 2, 1 × 1), focused on the background and kinematics of the attacking player to anticipate and identify the attacking player pattern.

Hamdi Salehi, Samira Panahi,
Volume 13, Issue 26 (12-2023)

This investigation aimed to determine the role of using specific gestures in simple arithmetic. Forty-seven university students (25 females; Mage = 23.45 ± 3.51 years) voluntarily participated in this study. The participants completed two tasks. In the item-counting task, the participants were shown sets of identical colored squares and asked to count a specific color by either finger-pointing, nodding, or without any gestures while counting. After completing the counting task and for measurement of the working memory performance, the participants were asked to recall lists of alphabets that were previously to them. The results revealed that when using finger-pointing or nodding while counting, the participants counted faster and more accurately than when gestures were not allowed. The results of the memory task showed that the participants retrieved significantly more alphabets and more quickly when using finger-pointing or nodding while counting than when not gesturing. Thus, the gestures helped to free up cognitive resources. The findings support the hypothesis that gestures may facilitate cognitive functions by reducing cognitive load. This present investigation, consistent with previous research, suggests that we can benefit from using our hand and head movements to facilitate some simple arithmetic tasks.

Farshad Tojari, S.hamid Sadjadihezaveh, Hosein Saleh,
Volume 13, Issue 26 (12-2023)

The general purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of relationship quality on the presence, media and purchasing behavior of fans of Iran's premier football league teams. The current research was a descriptive research of the correlation type. The statistical sample was the fans of the Premier Football League of Iran 1399-1400 season, who were selected by proportional sampling method. In this research, the relationship quality, attendance, media and shopping questionnaires of Kim et al. (2011) were used. The results showed that the quality of the relationship with regression coefficients of 0.63, 0.57 and 0.65 and critical ratios of 18.48, 16.97 and 17.72 respectively on the behavior of buying goods, media and attendance at the stadium of League fans. Iran's top football has a significant positive effect.

Alihossein Naseri, Abbas Bahram, Hamid Salehi, Afkham Daneshfar,
Volume 14, Issue 28 (12-2024)

This study aimed to examine the role of working memory in the effectiveness of errorless protocols for facilitating implicit motor learning in adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities. A total of 20 adolescent boys with intellectual disabilities and 20 typically developing adolescent boys (mean age = 12.12 ± 0.80 years) voluntarily participated in the experiment. The participants with and without intellectual disabilities were separately assigned to either the errorless or errorful practice group based on their IQ scores. The task involved aiming at concentric targets using a mini-basketball. The errorless practice group practiced the task from near to far distances (3, 3.25, 3.5, and 3.75 meters), while the errorful practice group practiced from far to near distances. Implicit motor learning activation was assessed by comparing performances in dual-task conditions immediately after practice, as well as after 24 hours and one week. Additionally, working memory engagement during practice was evaluated. Results indicated that the errorless group, which required less working memory engagement during practice, showed significantly better performance in dual-task conditions compared to the errorful group (p < 0.05). The findings regarding the impact of practice errors on enhancing implicit motor learning in both adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities are crucial for developing motor skill acquisition strategies for adolescents, regardless of cognitive abilities. The results were consistent with the predictions of Adams' closed-loop theory and the reinvestment theory concerning the benefits of reducing errors in motor learning, but they were not aligned with Schmidt's schema theory.

Mr Abdolreza Oboudi, Mr Alireza Elahi, Mr Hossein Akbari Yazdi, Mr Saleh Rafiee,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

In scientific marketing models, attention is the main step in the effectiveness of advertising. That's why, competition over attention to advertisement has been of prime importance for the sponsors and marketers. However, sport marketing research has not yet been able to gain a proper understanding of the factors that influence the viewer's attention to advertising while watching a sport event. Different methods of data collection and using different evaluation tools can also help managers and sponsors make the right decisions. This semi-experimental research has compared the methods of evaluating TV viewers' attention to advertising through sport. For this purpose, 60 targeted sampling in the form of two groups of women (n = 30) and men (n = 30) watched the football match between Esteghlal and Persepolis in a laboratory site. While samples were watching the football match, meantime designed advertisements were presented too, the viewer's eye information was stored by the eye tracker in the form of fixation and duration. In addition, at the end of the test, the participants' attention to advertising was evaluated using an attention questionnaire. Analysis of the findings showed that in evaluation of the viewer's attention to advertising by questionnaire; there is no difference between males and females. But in both of Eye Tracking variables, females paid more attention to advertising than males. Also, the correlation between the results of the questionnaire and the Eye Tracker was not significant. Finally, in order to achieve new results and to develop the advertising industry, as well as identifying the factors affecting the effectiveness of advertising, it is better to use neuromarketing tools as a complement to other methods of data collection (questionnaire, interview, observation).
Ph.d Sayed Kavos Salehi, Ph.d Farzaneh Hatami, Mis Fatemeh Norouzi,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of cyberspace dependence on the explicit and implicit motor sequence learning task. For this purpose, the number of 48 subjects aged 16 to 19, were selected as available and was divided in four groups (12 people) including cyberspace dependent - explicit motor learning, cyberspace dependent - implicit motor learning, normal - explicit motor learning and normal - implicit motor learning. Kimberly Young's internet addiction test was used to distinguish between normal and cyber-addicted people, and SRTT software was used to check participants' learning. The data were analyzed using the mixed analysis of variance test with repeated measures. The findings showed that cyberspace dependence had a significant effect on the explicit and implicit motor sequence learning task, so that there was a significant difference between the two groups of cyberspace dependent and normal peers in the explicit and implicit learning motor sequence task. Normal people performed better in both explicit and implicit conditions than cyberspace dependent participants. According to the findings, it is suggested to reduce the excessive use of virtual space in the students by creating energetic movement programs in schools.
Mrs Afsane Nejat Ghani, Dr Mohammad Kazem Vaez Mosavi, Dr Saleh Rafie,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

Physical literacy is a topic that has attracted the attention of sports and health science researchers in recent years, and research is necessary and important to promote physical literacy. In this regard, the aim of this study was to the effect of physical education classroom of dynamic schools on the development of physical literacy of 9-year-old students. To achieve this goal, one class from dynamic schools (31 people) and one class as control group (34 people) were selected. To assess physical literacy, the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy was used, which evaluates general body literacy as well as the subcategories of daily behaviors, knowledge and understanding, physical competence, and motivation and self-confidence. The results of covariance analysis showed that there is no significant difference between the two groups for the variable of daily behavior (p=0.506) and knowledge and understanding (p=0.052). But this difference is significant on physical competence (p=0.010), motivation and self-confidence (p=0.01) and the total score of physical literacy (p=0.000). With this solution, all variables improved more in the experimental group than the control group from pre-test to post-test. In general, the results of this study confirmed the positive impact of dynamic schools on physical literacy, which reveals the need to pay attention to the activities of dynamic schools. And its results can be used in schools and kindergartens.

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