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Ehsan Zarian, Abbas Bahram, Mehdi Sohrabi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2011)

purpose of present research was to answer to this question that how attentional
instructions and increasing frequency of movement impress on relative phase
stability in coordination bimanual movements? Participants (N=14) practiced in
phase and anti phase under internal and external attention and increasing
frequency. In acquisition phase apply external v. internal attention and after
each trial KP were given to subjects. On delayed retention test no render
specific instruction. The results revealed that no difference between internal
and external attention about affect on phase stability on in phase and anti
phase patterns. Also increase frequency of movement lead to higher variability
in anti phase and higher stability on in phase.

Somayeh Safari, Fereydoon Tondnevis, Farideh Hadavi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2011)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational structure and innovation of staff experts of physical education organization.
Statistical population was all of staff experts of Physical Education Organization (n=320), which hence, 160 subjects were selected randomly. For collecting research data, personal information Questionnaire, Robin’s standardized Organizational Structure Questionnaire (1987) and Patched and Feiffer’s standardized innovation questionnaire were used.  Content validity of Questionnaires was confirmed by experts and internal consistency for innovation questionnaire and Structure Questionnaire was reported 0.73 and 0.78 orderly. The analyzing of data showed that that there was a significant relationship between organizational structure and innovation of staff experts (p= 0/011). There was no significant relationship between complexity and innovation of staff experts (p=0/053). There was a significant relationship between organizational formalization and innovation of staff experts (p= 0 /000). There was a significant relationship between organizational centralization and innovation of staff experts, (p=0/020). There is a significant relationship between the levels of education and innovation of staff experts. The result demonstrated that components of centralization and formalization are an inverse relationship with innovation and gender and service background have not a relation with staff expert’s selection and preference.
Mehraban Parsamehr, Somayyeh Jesmani,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2011)

purpose of this study was to consider the impact of social capital among youth
sport consumption (spectating). This study used survey & cross-sectional
method. The data gathered from 385 youths whom selected via stratified sampling
and then random sampling from 20 to 30 years old youth in 3 zone of Yazd city.
The collection instrument of data was social capital questionnaire designed.
Cronbach Alpha test r=0.77 questionnaire has been calculated. The correlation
result showed significant relation between social capital and sport consumption
(r=0.229 p<0.01). Also significant difference between response with
different level social capital and sport consumption way various media radio
(p<0.05) and newspaper and magazine (p<0.05). The hierarchical multiple
regression analysis results showed two studied variables, sex and income, in
the first place and social participation and social interaction in the second
place explained 11.9 and 6.6 percent of variable variance of youth sport

Farhad Ghadiri, Akram Mashaallahi, Ali Akbar Jaberimoghadam,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2011)

Physical Self Concept can be affected from interventions such as sport and exercise training. So in order to enhancing the person`s physical characteristics perception and creation the partnership motivation in physical activity, it is important to know a bout the way of affecting this methods of training. Purpose: this study was designed to evaluate the effect of a progressive resistance training program on the physical self concept and body function of boys with cerebral palsy. Methods: Sixteen students [mean age 16.05 years (SD 1.2)] with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy were randomly divided in control (7) and experimental (9) groups. Participants in the experimental group completed a progressive resistance-training program (8 week) using three exercises to strengthen the major support muscles of lower limbs. Pre and post intervention, the physical self- concept was measured by the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire, and body function was measured by the balance test, walking test, stair test, and strength tests of Ankle plantar flexors, Knee extensors, Hip extensors. The data was analyzed via repeated measures and independent T-test.
Results: overall, the body function of experimental group showed a significant changes in balance test, walking test, stair test, and strength tests of Ankle plantar flexors, Knee extensors, Hip extensors (p<0/05). But, difference between the pre test and post test averages of  the experimental group in global physical self concept and their subscales was not significant (p>0/05).Conclusion: in order to change in physical self concept via physical activity, it is crucial to control the factors such as period of training, training context, intention of subjects and etc.
Shiva Sasanimogadam, Hasan Bahrololom,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2011)

Emotional intelligence  is the main factor for predicting individual performance and also it is known as the most important force for leading  and success. The aim of this research was the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and  psycological skills in female athletes student at Shahrood University of  Technology. The sample consists of 40 athletes, selected on the base of  purposive sampling. To collect data T. Bradberry & J. Greaves emotional intelligence and OMCET-3 inventory was used. Collective data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and correlation between parameters  (P<0/05).
    The results showed that there is a positive significant relationship between emotional intelligence and self-confidence, relax, reinforcement, re- concentration. They also show that there is a positive significant relationship between self–management component and skills self-confidence, controling the stress, relax, controling the fear , concentration  and re-concentration. The finding also indicated a positive significant relationship between social-awareness and relationship-management and skills of self-confidence and relax respectivily .
Nastaran Parvizi, Masoomeh Shojaei, Hasan Khalaji, Afkham Daneshfar,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2011)

The purpose of present study was investigation of the effect of attention direction variation by instructional self-talk on performance and learning of Basketball free throw. Therefore, 33 novice female students (mean of the age=22 yr.) who had intermediate trait anxiety were selected randomly. The participants were assigned to 3 matched groups according to pretest. The self-talk with internal and external focus groups repeated the words “wrist” and “center of ring”, respectively, before each free throw during 6 sessions (2 blocks of 10 trials in each session). Control group performed the free throws without self-talk. Retention test was performed 48 hours after the acquisition phase and transfer test was done after that with spectators. In each test, throw accuracy was measured by a 5-point scale. Results of mix 2-factor and one-way ANOVA did not indicate significant differences between acquisition, retention, and transfer groups (p>.05), but the within subjects effect of external focus of attention on transfer was significant (p<.05). Therefore, it seems use of self-talk and its attentional focus variation is not necessary for novice Basketball players.
Rahim Ramzaninezhad, Mehr Ali Hematinezhad, Reza Andam, Saba Zare, Nematollah Sadeghpoor,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2011)

Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between leadership styles (transformational, transactional and non-leadership) of school administrators and commitment of P.E teachers in Hamedan province.
Methodology: The Statistical population consisted of school administrators (N=110) and physical educators (N=200) in Hamedan province. Statistical sample was equal to statistical population in this study (95 administrators, and 164 physical educators). Multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) and Non-leadership. Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ, Allen and Meyer) was used. Internal validity of the questionnaire was measured and values of 0.76 and 0.78 were gained respectively. For analysis of data, the following statistical methods were used: Kolmogrov- Smirnov, Spearman correlation and Kendal coefficients at level p&le 0/05.
Results: The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between of transformational, and transactional leadership styles and affective, normative and continuance commitment.
Moreover, the highest relationship between transformational and transactional styles was in normative (r=0/48) and continuance commitment (r=0/40). However, there was not significant relationship between non-leadership style and affective, normative and continuance commitment. Administers of schools can use transformational and transactional leadership styles for maintain and increase of organizational commitment.
Samaneh Damanpak, Mohsen Shafizadeh, Abbas Bahram, Elham Fazel,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

The purpose of the present study was to study the effect of attentional focus instructions on motor skills that requiring near to maximum force production, such as shot put skill. In this experiment, twenty eight right- handed girl students with little shot put experience were selected voluntarily. They divided to two groups (internal and external focus) based on their shot put scores in pre- test (consists of 3 trial). They were asked to shot put using O׳brien technique. Experiment performed in three sessions and each session consists of three trials. Instructions referred specifically either to body movement (internal focus) or to shot (external focus). In this study, mixed ANOVA 2(group) ´ 3(session) with repeated measures on last factor is used for analyzing data. The results of this experiment showed that distance of shot put was greater in external focus group rather than internal focus group. Also interaction between attentional focus and practice session was significant (P< 0/001). In conclusion, external focus resulted in producing greater force relative to internal focus. These findings indicate that previously shown benefits of an external attentional focus generalize to motor skills requiring maximal force production.
Abbas Nazarian Madavani, Fereydoon Tondnevis, Seyyed Amir Ahmad Mozaffari,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

The purpose of the present study was to determinethe effect of coaching behaviors on coaching efficacy and team dynamic of vollyball pro- league in Iran (2009). 160 athletes and coach from 13 team participated as samples in this study. Coacing behavior was measured by Martin, S.B., & Barnes, K. (1999) Coaching Behavior questionnaire. Coaching Efficacy was measured by Feltz, D.L., Chase, M.A, Mortiz, S.A., Sullivan, P.J. (1999) coaching efficacyquestionnaire. Team Dynamic (team cohesion and collective efficacy), was measured by Carron, A.V., Brawely, L., Widmeyer, W. (1998) team cohesion questionnaire and Felts, D.L., & Lirg, C.D., (1998) collective efficacy questionnaire. The statistical procedure also was based on descriptive and inferential basis and included multivariable regression. The results indicated that coaching behaviors effect on coaching efficacy and team dynamic. Also coaching efficacy effect on team dynamic. As the results revealed, higher frequency of Reinforcement, Mistake – Contingent technical instruction, General communication and organizing behaviors styles, showed an increase in coaching efficacy and team dynamic( team cohesion and collective efficacy) over the season. On the other hand, higher frequency Punishment and Punitive technical instruction behaviors style, an decrease in coaching efficacy and team dynamic ( team cohesion and collective efficacy) over the season.
Hossein Poursoltani Zarandi, Raheleh Vaghefi, Hossein Zareiyan, Seyyedeh Tahereh Moosavi Raad,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

The purpose of this study was to investigate Creative Leadership Styles Chiefs Sport Committees in Qom Province with Caution to their Leadership styles (Transformational, Transactional and People oriented). Between 35 sport committees, 33 assistant managers and committee managers sport committees (n=63) completed the two questionnaire of individual characteristics and Creative leadership questionnaire (CLQ). CLQ is included of 20 questions which 3 leadership style, including transformational, transactional and People oriented. Internal validity of questionnaire was determined by using Alpha Cronbach's test of =&alpha) 0/97). In order to analyze the data the following statistical methods in a significant level of (P&le0.05) were used: Kolmogorov- Smirnoff, mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis.
The result of this study indicated that: there is a significant difference between creative leadership styles of transformational, transactional and people oriented with gender of Chiefs Sport Committees (Z=-0.51, p&le0/05). Also there is a significant difference between creative leadership styles of transformational with gender (Z= -0.48, P&le0.05), creative leadership styles of transactional with gender (Z= -0.64, P&le0.05) and creative leadership styles of people oriented with gender (Z = -0.41, P&le0.05), separately. An otherwise the result also indicated that there is a significant difference between the creative leadership styles with post of Chiefs Sport Committees (Z=-0.60, p&le0/05). Also there is a significant difference between creative leadership styles of transformational with post (Z = -0.44, P&le0.05), creative leadership styles of people oriented with post (Z= -0.60, P&le0.05), separately. But there isn’t significant difference between creative leadership styles of transactional with post (Z= -0.78, P&ge0.05). Another wise significant difference between the creative leadership styles with position staffing (X2=9.41, p&le0/05) and significant difference between the creative leadership styles with activity presidency (X2=13.25, p&le0/01). 
Vahid Shojaee, Farshad Tojari, Bahareh Soleimani Tape Sari, Asgari Mohammadian,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

Purpose of this research was to study of the relationship between the styles of conflict management and the quality of the relationship between manager and employee, emphasizing on their demographic attributes.
The methodology of this research was descriptive, present-based and practical. The sampling frame for this study consists of 100 managers and employees who are in administration of physical education in Mazandaran province. Data collected instruments includes 2 questionnaires LMX-7(quality of relationship) and ROCI-П (styles of conflict management). In this study descriptive statistics was for organizing, customizing and describing data. Inferential statistics was used by linear regression, t test and one way ANOVA.
Findings of this research showed the significant difference between influences of five styles of conflict management on quality of relationship between manager-employee by the subjects. there is a significant relationship between  the style of compromise  and quality of relationship between manager-employee by employees. By the managers, impact rate of styles of compromise and integrating on dependent variable is quite positive and significant.
This study was designed to clarify the readers thinking about the relationship between two constructs, conflict management and manager- member exchange. Also the research provides several significant contributions on both a scholarly and participationer level to the managers and employees. Thus both the managers and their followers have to be encouraged to take integrating and compromise styles of conflict management. Finally the positive view of persons in the organizations is very effective.
Gholam Reza Shabani Bahar, Ali Talkhabi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

The main aim of this study was to find out the relationship between the workholism and the quality of work life among the physical education instructor throughout the country. This research included 264 physical education instructor in the universities belong   to Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology of Iran. Of them, 163 persons have been chosen by simple random sample method based on kerjesy and Morgan table (1970). In order to collect the data, the work holism  questionnaire of Spence and Robbins(1992) with 0.82 reliability and the work life quality questionnaire of Walton with 0.80 reliability have been evaluated. In order to analyze the data,  in addition, workholism descriptive statistics, also the inferential statistics such as the Pearson correlation has been used. The results showed that %71 of masters had the work holism in the high rate, and %92 of them had the work life quality in the middle and good rate. Also, the results indicated that there was a significant relationship between the work holism and work life quality among the masters (r=0/535, p<0/01). Therefore, there is a direct relationship between the work addition and their social dependency and their total living atmosphere. In other words, one can say that the work holism can improve the workholism of masters in the university,  but it can create problems in their social dependency and their personal life.
Reza Mohammad Kazemi, Yavar Omidi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

Innovation, creativity and change are the key elements and unavoidable factors in sport. The importance of this issue encourages us to study sport from the point of view of entrepreneurship. During the recent years, spreading the sport management and development of entrepreneurship have created a new frame work in sport in a way that a new approach has been appeared regarding sport management and entrepreneurship. For this reason this article aims to study the relationship between entrepreneurship and sport in order to spread and develop the theory of entrepreneurship in sport management.
Through studying the information gained in economics and sports marketing, we have been given the opportunity to identify the Innovations, proactiveness and risk taking in sport from which the dimensions of entrepreneurship has been out broke in this domain. Moreover, the current article implicitly points out the study related gap between entrepreneurship and sport management by introducing the different kinds of entrepreneurship existing in sport and sport management domains. Finally, suggestions are discussed for future studies.
Elaheh Arab-Ameri, Rasool Hemayattalab, Naseh Karimiyani, Saadi Sami,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

This research aims at studying the effect of different Practice Schedules (Blocked, Random, and systematically increasing) on acquisition, retention and transfer different basketball pass Species (overhead, chest and single arm). Subjects included 45 secondary male students (Mean age 17.14± 0.75) whom were assigned into three matched groups Blocked, Random and systematically increasing (its mention increasing systematically contextual interference to in training duration) following pretest. The subjects didn’t have any experience in playing basketball. At the determined and given condition for each group, subjects performed the task for 9 sessions 9 trials in each session. After 24 hour, retention and transfer tests with 4 trials in each pass were taken. Results showed effect of practice session was significant but no significant difference in acquisition between groups. In retention and transfer tests, there were significant differences between mean scores of practice groups, that supported Magill and Hall theory (1990) and challenge point idea of Guadagnoli and Lee (2004).
Shahab Bahrami, Shirin Zardoshtian, Rasool Norouzi Seyyed Hosseini,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

The aim of this study is to determine the effect of perceived coach leadership behavior on motivational climate and athlete satisfaction of women taking part in basketball super league of Iran. Statistical population of this study was included from all super leagues’ female basketball players. Sample society was equal to all 174 athletes of statistical society and the method of research was descriptive. The personal information questionnaire (demography), leadership sport scale (LSS), motivational climate questionnaire (PMCSQ), and athlete satisfaction questionnaire (ASQ) were used to measure the variables. The results showed that among coaches’ leadership behavior autocratic behavior (ß=0/76) and performance climate social support (ß= 0/24) and education and training behavior and mastery climate have linear relationship and even predict it. Coaches’ leadership behavior and athlete satisfaction have significant linear relationship (p<0/01), also education and training behavior (ß=0/93) and positive feedback (ß=0/75) have linear relationship with athlete satisfaction and even predict it.
As a whole, it is obvious that coaches’ leadership behavior is an important factor in motivational climate and athlete satisfaction so the coaches by using the appropriate leadership behavior can effect on motivational climate and athlete satisfaction to achieve success and desirable outcomes.
Hamid Salehi, Adnan Ghazanfari, Ahmad Reza Movahedi, Maryam Nezakat Alhosseini,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

In the present investigation we determined the time course of attention demands during the jumping service in volleyball by the dual-task paradigm. Fourteen voluntary junior elite volleyball players performed 60 jumping serve. Jumping-serve performance (JSP) as primary task and verbal reaction time (RT) to an auditory stimulus that was administered in four probe positions (PP), as secondary task was measured. Repeated measures analyze of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant effect of the PP on JPS, indicates allocating the most attentional weight to the JSP. In second analyze, effect of PP on RT was significant, so that all probes RT were significantly higher than the base line RT, indicates attention demanding of the JSP. Results also showed that pre-shot in run-up (PP1) and after the ball strike (PP4) had the greatest attentional demands respectively while per-jump stepping ahead (PP2) and just pre-striking the ball (PP3) had respectively the lowest needs of attention. The results indicate that attention follows a non-linear pattern, in the JSP.
Vahid Saatchian, Amir Ghanbarpour Nosrati, Seyyed Mehdi Rasooli, Hossein Poursoltani Zarandi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2011)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among job satisfaction, organizational commitment and internal service quality in selected federations. For this purpose Xie, Di (2005) questionnaire was used. Reliability of the questionnaire after a pilot study using Cronbach's alpha test (&alpha =0/86) respectively. Statistical society desired to study all the staff federations swimming, basketball, handball, judo, track and field and gymnastics have formed and sample population is equal. Descriptive and inferential statistics methods for data analysis (mean and SD, tables of frequency distribution, K-S, Pearson correlation and multiple regression) were used. Findings showed, among job satisfaction (p< 0/01, r =0/651), normative organizational commitment (p< 0/01, r =0/558) and internal service quality was positive and significant correlation (p< 0/05) exist. But between affective organizational commitment and continuous organizational commitment with internal service quality wasn’t any significant correlation exist (p> 0/05).
Note that the use of variables in research, improve in the internal service quality of employees will be possible if organizations provide components through the strategic application of human resource management to provide appropriate service quality for internal and external customers.
Seyyed Rafi Shafabakhsh, Mohsen Shafizadeh, Mohammad Reza Dehkhoda,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2012)

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exercise and fitness education on physical fitness factors. 84 healthy non-athlete student (mean age 12.5±0.49 yrs, mean height 153.8±6.1 cm, mean wieght 46.25±7.3 kg) who had not regular activities for more than 6 months were voluntarily participated in this study. They were randomly divided among three groups: training-education (n=28), training (n=28) and control (n=28). The health-sports, the researcher made scientific the Dessi-Ryan motication questionaires and health-relaeted physical fitness factors were used to collect data. To analyse data MANOVA, simple variance analysis and LSD were used. Results showed a significant differences among groups. The follow-up test results showed that the cardio-respiratory endurance in training-education group were significantly greater than other groups. Flexibility and abdominal endurance muscles in control group were lesser than other groups. In conclusion, training along with education can have a better effect on physical fitness factors.
Ali Abbas Zadeh, Hamid Reza Taheri, Ali Heirani, Bahram Yousefi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2012)

The aim of this study was examining the effect of knowledge of results presentation (after successful and unsuccessful trials), on learning and error detection capability in force-produce task. Sixty under graduated students (range age 21.6±4), participated in this study and in order to KR presentation, divided in three groups. One of the groups received KR after successful trials, the other groups after unsuccessful trials. The control groups did not receive any KR. All the participants throughout the trials in the acquisition and retention phases were error estimated. The task was to produce the 70℅ of maximum force of their right hands, by gripping a dynamometer. After data collection, the analysis conducted by using ANOVA repeated measurements for acquisition period, and one way ANOVA for retention test. In acquisition, results showed no significant differences between the first and second groups, on performance and error detection capability of force-produce task (P> 0.05). However in retention (no KR), there was significant differences between two groups (P&le0.05), means that the first group which received KR after successful trials was better than the second group as well as control. This pattern of results suggests that if people receive the KR after successful trials than unsuccessful, the better learning and error detection capability will occur.
Sardar Mohammadi, Batool Moshref Jevadi, Seyyed Amir Ahmad Mozaffari,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2012)

In this study the Relationship between attitude, organizational structure and organizational climate and information technology diffusion among selected sport organizations in IRAN wasinvestigated. Total 176 administrators and 194 experts using random sampling were selected. Questionnaires as the measuring attitude, researcher-designed organizational structure, organizational climate, information technology diffusion instrument were used. To determine the face and content validity (panel of experts), construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (alpha Cranach) were used. Descriptive and statically statistics (correlation test and multiple regressions organizational climate) were used. Results showed significant positive relationship between attitude, organizational structure, organizational climate and components from the viewpoints of managers and experts in Physical Education, Sports Federations and Physical Education of ministry of education information technology. We can say that in current circumstances, having logical approach to issues, problems, defects and barriers in information technology to achieve the release of information is advisable.

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