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Showing 17 results for Elahi

Alireza Elahi, Seyyed Mehdi Rasooli, Vahid Saatchian,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2012)

Nowadays the subject of competitive balance in sport events is getting huge attention in world economic science. CB in sport means what team will win in a competition. In this research the status of CB in Iran’s football pro league is studied. It’s obvious that if Football league in terms of economic is supposed to be dynamic and alive in economic area, they must follow a suitable of CB. Data gathering from Iran’s football league organization for 1380-1388 and using economic indices include, (C5ICB) and (HICB), CB was estimated. Results showed that CB has been passing through an improvement road. Indices decline shows unpredictability of matches results. Also Iran’s football league had the worst CB in 1383 and the best one in 1386. According to results it’s recommended that there should be suitable alternatives for retaining CB status in football league like setting special regulation for player's transportation so football industry could take advantage from revenue making and attracting sponsors.
Vahid Saatchian, Hamid Reza Safari, Seyed Mehdi Rasooli, Eisa Eskandari, Alireza Elahi,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (4-2013)

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of service quality, customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty on future intention of participations in fitness and aerobic centers of Rasht Township. The design of this study was correlational. The population of study includes all costumers of aerobic and fitness centers in Rasht that have one year attendance in this clubs. So, According to Morgan sampling tables and populations of the customers in this clubs that were 150 people, 108 samples elected randomly. To gather data, standard questionnaire of service quality (QSS) Alexandris (1999), customer loyalty (AIS) Alen (1990), customer satisfaction (OCS) Victor (2002) and behavioral future intention (BFIS) Bery (1996) was used(8). Results indicated that there was a positive and significant relation between service qualities with loyalty (r=0/395), satisfaction and behavioral future intention(r=0/486, P&le0/.5). Also there was positive and significant relation between loyalty with satisfaction(r=0/286) and behavioral future intention(r=0/524) and finally customer satisfaction had positive and significant relation with behavioral future intention(r=0/505, P&le0/.5). Regression test showed that only customer satisfaction (t=4/745) and loyalty (t=3/185) can predict behavioral future intention and service quality was mediator variable (P&le0/.5). According to the results, it should be considered that fitness and aerobic club managers should play an important role in customer satisfaction by providing more tangible services to attracting loyal customers.
Alireza Elahi, Mehrzad Hamidi, Mohammad Hasan Peymanfar,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2013)

The aim of this study was to rank and analyze the barriers to implementing strategies in the sports system. For this purpose Analytical Hierarchy Process was used. Participants in this study compromised experts and scholars who were familiar with the strategic management in the formulation or implementation of the strategies involved in the sport (n =21). in order to provide couples with the scale AHP and confirm its validity by 6 experts. The weighting and ranking of barriers were identified by the Expert Choice software. Expert Choice software output analysis showed that the barriers to transition strategies with weighted (307/0) is the most important components in advancing the sport implementation strategies. Results also showed that at level 3 hierarchical tree, the lack of meritocracy in sports management (weight 284/0), the most important part of the infrastructure, the lack of attention to executive function of strategic plans in formulation stage (Idealist program) (weight 228/0), The main obstacle to the formulation of strategies, the commitment and belief of the few managers to implement strategies (weight 32/0), the main obstacle to the implementation of transition strategies neglect strategies in implementation in allocation of budget funds (weight 229/0),  The main obstacle is the strategies implementation stage. The findings of this study can be a source of solutions for strategic programs formulators and performers in the sports organizations.
Abolfazl Alizadeh Golrizi, Vahid Saatchian, Alireza Elahi,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2013)

The purpose of this study was comparison among of Fans loyalty motivation, supportive career and attendance in Iran’s popular soccer pro league clubs (Persepolis, Esteghlal, Teraktorsazi and Sepahan). The design applied in this research was descriptive-correlation.  The populations were whole pro league soccer fans in competition between Persepolis and Sepahan (with 55000 populations) and Esteghlal and Teraktorsazi (80000 populations).  So according to the Morgan sampling table in fires match 381 fans and in the second one 384 fans were selected and questionnaires distributed among them. Based on review of pervious literature by Jallai, T (2008) questionnaire were used. Questionnaire reliability was confirmed by factor analysis, related masters and professional, and validity in a primary study by Cronbach’s alpha (0.81). The results showed that team interest and club affiliation were two important loyalty motivations and escape and socializing were the least important motivations to fans. Also in rate of important motivations there were significant differences in sense of club affiliation, socialization, escape from reality and normal routine, football knowledge, exciting games, win proxy, club management, the impact of others and non-interest (players, color, name and logo) among clubs Fans. Indeed Persepolis & Esteghlal fans in compare to other teams had a long history (more than 11 years) in supporting (Fandom career) their clubs through different periods. Finally according to the results, it seems that this research could give some guidance for club managers to attract more fans about fans loyalty factors.
Mr Abdolmajid Doorandish, Dr Alireza Elahi, Dr Hosein Poorsoltani,
Volume 6, Issue 11 (9-2016)

Service quality is one of the most important subjects in marketing studies. Literature review shows that this variable is related to many important variables in marketing area. However, there is always this question of which components of service quality are better predictors for satisfaction and future intention of customers. The data gathered by three standard questionnaires: 1- service quality questionnaire of Lio 2- customer satisfaction questionnaire of Oliver; and 3- future intention of customer questionnaire of Lim .350 questionnaires were analyzed that gathered by used of multi-stage sampling among customers of body building clubs from Fars province. Results indicated that between, reliability showed the most of impact on customer satisfaction, while the empathy showed the lowest impact on customer satisfaction. Results, also, indicated that between, reliability and intangibility were respectively showed most of and lowest impact on future intention of customers

Dr Esfandiar Khosravi Zadeh, Dr Alireza Elahi, Dr Alireza Bahrami, Mr Abed Haghdadi, Mr Tiam Nastoohi,
Volume 7, Issue 13 (4-2017)

Women sport have been developed, but it seems that sport coaches confronted with some problems. The purpose of this study was to survey the women sport coaches problems. The statistical population was women sport coaches that working with Arak sport bodies. The statistical sample consisted of 76 coaches. Data were collected by researcher-made questionnaire which its content and face validity was confirmed by 10 faculty members and experts of sport management. Factor analysis was used to construct validity of questionnaire. Coronbachs alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of questionnaire (α = 0.85). Friedman test was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the participants have been confronted with some problems on areas such as sport organizations, sport spaces, athletes, personal, media, and other coaches that influence on their coaching. Solving these problems can help coaches so they perform their key duties and help to women sport development
Mrs Maryam Taheri Kia, Mrs Atefeh Asad Zadeh, Dr Alireza Elahi,
Volume 8, Issue 15 (8-2018)

The participation of spectators– including both men and women- in sport stadiums and their profitability is one of the new experiences in the world of sports . A significant proportion of Persepolis and Esteghlal fans are women; so, providing conditions for women's loyalty to these teams can help in some decisions on fans management.One of the reasons for  loyalty of fans may be the team's quality. In this study, attitudinal and behavioral loyalty of Persepolis and Esteghlal fans was predicted by quality of teams. For this purpose, 395 cases were randomly selected from female students who were the fans of Esteghlal and Persepolis teams from 20 universities in Tehran using Morgan table. They completed Zhang's quality of team questionnaire (1997) and Mahoney’s fans psychological commitment questionnaire (2000). The results indicated significant and direct relationship between team’s quality and fans attitudinal loyalty (r = 0.449, p <0.01). Also, quality of team explained about 20% of change in fans’ attitudinal loyalty (  According to results, attitudinal loyal of fans was impressed by the quality of team. Then, employing famous players and coaches, providing attractive games, and things like that, female fans may be more loyal.
Mr Moosa Alizadeh, Dr Mehrdad Moharram Zadeh, Dr Alireza Elahi,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (9-2019)

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of perceived value on loyalty and purchase behavior of Spectators. This study was a correlation research and in from field study. The study population consists of all spectators Tractor Club. Data was collected by 3 questionnaires. This questionnaires consist perceived value(sweeny,2008), loyalty(Mahoony,2000) and purchase behavior(2008) that after review of face and content validity by the sport marketing experts, questionnaires was applied in a pilot study and their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha test (0.82, 0.88 & 0.74) was approved. In addition, construct validity (factor analysis) of the measurement tool was confirmed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (Frequency, Mean and Standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation test, K-S, leven, simple linear regression, structural equation modeling). The results showed that among the perceived value, loyalty and purchase behavior, positive significant relationship exists. Generally about 35% of the variance of Loyalty and about 31% of the variance of the components of the consumption behavior could be determined by Perceived Value. Therefore, the club managers simply due to this factor can cause the greater satisfaction of spectators in the stadium and the resulting profit achieved for the club.
Hossein Kurdlo, Dr Alireza Elahi, Dr Abass Khodayari,
Volume 10, Issue 20 (11-2020)

The purpose of this research is to predict the individual's attitude through their beliefs about advertising by using sports. This research is practical and is of the correlation method which was carried out as a field study. The statistical population was the spectators present at Azadi Stadium and according to the content of Cochran sample, 342 of the spectators were randomly chosen and filled in the questionnaire of advertising through sport called pyun (2006). The result of the regression analysis revealed that all the components of belief including the product information, social role and image, pleasure, annoying, good for economy, materialism and falsity had the capability of predicting the individual's attitude toward advertising through sport. The component good for economy had the most effect and materialism had the least effect on the individual's attitude toward advertising through sports. According these results, it is we essential pay attention to the quality and price of the predicts. On the other hand, we should use the advertising which are according to the culture of each in order to be more effective and attract the individual's attitude toward advertising through sports.

Reza Khorshidi, Dr Alireza Elahi, Dr Farideh Hadavi,
Volume 11, Issue 21 (7-2021)

This study was done to predict Consumption Behavior of spectators including tendency to Attend Again and purchasing marked merchandises. So, using correlation method, presented spectators in Azadi Stadium are chosen as statistical population. 696 people were chosen randomly and fill Alimohammadi's questionnaire of factors affecting presence and Kim's questionnaire of spectators' Consumption Behavior. Results from multi-regression analyze show that excitement, attendance & support, interaction & escape and information & attractiveness components have ability to prediction tendency to spectators of Esteghlal and Perspollis Attend Again and attendance and support components have ability to prediction purchasing marked merchandises. Attendance and support components have the most influence and interaction and escape have the least effect on spectators' tendency to Attend Again. According to these results, it can be suggested to managers of this clubs to more activate fan clubs, increase matches excitements and improve knowledge of spectators.

Dr Maryam Taherikia, Dr Alireza Elahi, Dr Hossein Akbari Yazdi,
Volume 12, Issue 23 (9-2022)

In recent decades, sports organizations have paid special attention to the importance of considering the purchase behavior of customers. Meanwhile, the variables that can have an impact on customers' purchase behavior have been considered. This study aimed to determine the causal relationship between relationship marketing and purchase behavior of spectators using structural equation modeling. For this purpose, two questionnaires including Kim’s relationship marketing and purchase behavior questionnaires (2008) were used. After confirming their validity and reliability, these questionnaires were distributed among the sample. Sample was consisted of 430 spectators who participated in Foolade_Shahr Stadium to watch the Sepahan’ games using Morgan table. The research method was statistical -correlational and it was based on the structural equation model. The results of path analysis showed that relationship marketing has an impact on purchase behavior of spectators (β= 0.043, p≤0.05). Considering the findings of this study, approaches can be provided to determine the strategy of relationship marketing and evaluate the impact of this strategy on purchase behavior of spectators- as the main customers of football clubs.

Dr Alireza Elahi, Mr Farhad Fathi,
Volume 13, Issue 25 (9-2023)

The Present Study has Disburse to Determine the Factors Affecting Attendance of Iranian Spectator in Volleyball World League and its Relationship to their Purchase Behaviors. This Study was a Correlation Research and in form of Field Study. To Collect Data Standardized Questionnaires Factors Affecting Attendance’s Alimohammadi (1390) and Purchase Behavior’s Kim (2008) between Samples (n=372) were Collected and Distributed. The Opinions of Professors and Experts in the field of Sport Management Was Used to Ensure Renewed of Validity of Questions and Items that Used to Measurement the Implications of the Study. The Reliability of the Instrument Was Approved by Using Cronbach's alpha Coefficient in order for the Questionnaires Factors Affecting Attendance and Purchase Behavior Was 0/85 and 0/70. The Results Showed that Vicarious Achievement, Information and Attraction and Excitement were the most Important in Factors Affecting Attendance Spectator and in front of the Facilities, Attending and Support, Scheduling and Inform were the least Important. Results also Showed that the Attending and Support (t=4.44 and β=0.243), Operation (t=2.102 and β=0/117) and Excitement (t=2.43 and β=0/136) has a significant causal relationship with the Purchase Behavior. Considering to the Findings of Research on the Factors Affecting Attendance Spectator could be Provide Guidelines for the Management of the Federation in Attractant Spectators.

Iraj Eivazi, Alireza Elahi, Mohamad Rahim Esfidani, Hossain Akbari Yazdi,
Volume 14, Issue 28 (12-2024)

The goal of this study was to identify the challenges which football e-marketing faces in Iran. So, by using functional research, a qualitative approach and applying newly introduced Glazer method, this question has been answered. The target community of this research was experts, well-informed people in marketing, e-marketing, sports marketing and football managers. Purposive (judgmental) and snowball sampling methods were applied. After finishing the open coding stages, 162 labels were identified as challenges of football e-marketing in Iran. Then after analyzing and summarization, labels were classified in 52 new labels. The results showed that the football industry in Iran in order to apply e-marketing, needs to pay attention to 5 categories of marketing, technical, human resources, legal, constitutional and economic challenges and plans for its present challenges. Also, it's not useful to see one side of the challenges. It's better to have a whole, simultaneous and systemic look at all aspects of 5 categories.

Majid Yazdanpanah, Hossein Akbari Yazdi, Alireza Elahi,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

Purpose: Developing the Strategy Map and Prioritizing the Strategies of Developing Sports at National Iranian Gas Company throughISM and AHP approaches
Methodology: The present study has used a mixed methods approach (qualitative and quantitative), and it is an applied-developmental study in terms of purpose. Nine personswere selected as the members of the strategic council. The upstream documents, literaturereview and ideas of the members of strategic council were examined. The questionnaireswere distributed among the selected expertsand the data were collected after the confirmation of the questionnaire validity by university professors. At first, the experts determined the strategies of the company, through AHP method, resulting from the studies of strategic planning committee of the mentioned organization in terms of the mutual impacts, thenISM method was employed to identify the important relationships in developing the strategy map.
Findings: Sports strategy map is divided into five levels and the strategies for developing thehealth-basedplans and activities, enhancing the mutual interactions with the sports organizations and boosting the sports motivations and culture have been placedon the first level.
Conclusion: the results of AHP analysis employed to prioritize the strategies showed that the development of health-based sports activities, promotion of position and structure of sports affairs and boosting the sports motivations and culture are the three first sports strategies pursued by National Iranian Gas Company. 
Keywords: Strategy, Strategic Map, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Interpretative Structural Model (ISM)
Neda Karimi, Alireza Elahi, Hossein Akbari Yazdi,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

This study aimed to investigate the role of mediator of overall and emotional satisfaction in the relationship between perceived value and behavioral intentions of spectators in the Premier League. This is an applied and correlational study with structural equation modeling approach.The statistical population consist of the spectators present at Azadi Stadium (96-97). A sample of 383 people was selected through Non-random voluntary sampling. For data collection, a standard questionnaire was used. SPSS and Smart PLS softwares were used for data analysis. The findings of the study showed that Perceived value indirectly has a significant relationship with emotional satisfaction on behavioral intentions and according to the VAF index, it can be concluded that emotional satisfaction has a %48 mediator role between perceived value and spectator’s behavioral intention. While the mediator role of overall satisfaction in relation between perceived value and behavioral intentions of spectators is not significant. The findings imply that emotional satisfaction plays an important role in shaping the behavioral intentions of the spectators, and that sport authorities and marketers can by appropriate planning, implement emotion-making agents for the satisfaction of the spectators. in order to reinforce the behavioral intention.

Mr Koroush Bagheri, Dr. Hossein Akbariyazdi, Dr Alireza Elahi,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

The process of talent identification attempts to guide people who are prone to sports that have the greatest chance of success on the basis of certain tests. This research was conducted with the aim of developing a strategic model of talent identification in Iranian Weightlifting. This study is a qualitative based on grounded theory. The statistical population was experts in power lifting and  purposeful sampling method was used. The data gathering tool was deep interview. In this study, qualitative analysis approaches including open, axial and selective coding were used to analyze the findings. In addition, all statistical operations were performed using Maxqda software version 12. The findings showed that the strategic model of scouting in weight lifting sports from the strengths and weaknesses of scouting structures, the principles of talent identification, the methods of talent identification, the attributes of methods of scouting, predisposing and deterrent factors of scouting activities, and Scouting goals are formed. According to the results of the research, it is suggested that the facilitators of the scouting process be strengthened more than before. Then it is necessary to benchmark other countries, provide facilities and tools, develop specialized experts in the field of talents and special schools for weight lifting.

Mr Abdolreza Oboudi, Mr Alireza Elahi, Mr Hossein Akbari Yazdi, Mr Saleh Rafiee,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

In scientific marketing models, attention is the main step in the effectiveness of advertising. That's why, competition over attention to advertisement has been of prime importance for the sponsors and marketers. However, sport marketing research has not yet been able to gain a proper understanding of the factors that influence the viewer's attention to advertising while watching a sport event. Different methods of data collection and using different evaluation tools can also help managers and sponsors make the right decisions. This semi-experimental research has compared the methods of evaluating TV viewers' attention to advertising through sport. For this purpose, 60 targeted sampling in the form of two groups of women (n = 30) and men (n = 30) watched the football match between Esteghlal and Persepolis in a laboratory site. While samples were watching the football match, meantime designed advertisements were presented too, the viewer's eye information was stored by the eye tracker in the form of fixation and duration. In addition, at the end of the test, the participants' attention to advertising was evaluated using an attention questionnaire. Analysis of the findings showed that in evaluation of the viewer's attention to advertising by questionnaire; there is no difference between males and females. But in both of Eye Tracking variables, females paid more attention to advertising than males. Also, the correlation between the results of the questionnaire and the Eye Tracker was not significant. Finally, in order to achieve new results and to develop the advertising industry, as well as identifying the factors affecting the effectiveness of advertising, it is better to use neuromarketing tools as a complement to other methods of data collection (questionnaire, interview, observation).

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