Showing 11 results for Balance
Alireza Elahi, Seyyed Mehdi Rasooli, Vahid Saatchian,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2012)
Nowadays the subject of competitive balance in sport events is getting huge attention in world economic science. CB in sport means what team will win in a competition. In this research the status of CB in Iran’s football pro league is studied. It’s obvious that if Football league in terms of economic is supposed to be dynamic and alive in economic area, they must follow a suitable of CB. Data gathering from Iran’s football league organization for 1380-1388 and using economic indices include, (C5ICB) and (HICB), CB was estimated. Results showed that CB has been passing through an improvement road. Indices decline shows unpredictability of matches results. Also Iran’s football league had the worst CB in 1383 and the best one in 1386. According to results it’s recommended that there should be suitable alternatives for retaining CB status in football league like setting special regulation for player's transportation so football industry could take advantage from revenue making and attracting sponsors.
Volume 4, Issue 7 (8-2014)
The present study aims to find a suitable method for the performance evaluation of physical education offices of Iranian universities. The method used is of descriptive-analytical with field-gathered data. Were used The population was comprised of all the academic sports scholars including university lecturers, the physical education headquarters evaluators, and the managers of physical education offices of universities, out of sample 25 were purposefully selected on level of education and job experience basis using Delphi theoretical framework. In terms of the 17 experts who fully completed questionnaires were used in data analysis. The Res tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose face and content validities were approved by a group of lecturers and their validities by Chronbach’s Alpha coefficient(&alpha=78%). Following two steps of Delphi implementation, the scholars came to an agreement(W=0.703)putting a number of 13 elements with 61 criteria in the four main perspectives of Balanced Score Card(BSC).Subsequently, each criterion’s coefficient was measured using factor analysis. The Criteria of Government Resources Acquirement, Executive Plans for Customer Participation, Management and Planning, and Growth enjoyed higher coefficients in Financial, Customer, Internal Processes, and Growth and Learning Perspectives, respectively. The proposed BSC can be a powerful tool for the evaluation and formulation of physical education offices of universities strategies available to the managers of such offices.
Mrs Marzieh Jafari, Dr Rokhsareh Badami,
Volume 7, Issue 14 (12-2017)
The current research aims to compare the effect of basic gymnastic exercises in environments with different colors, on static and dynamic balance. Participants were 40 female students ranging in age from 8 to 10 years, who were classified into three groups: "exercise in the environment with warm colors", "exercise in the environment with cool colors" and "exercise in the environment with compound colors". A pre-test of balance was given to each group in its colored environment. Static and dynamic balance were assessed using the balance subscale of bruininks-oseretsky test of motor proficiency. Then the groups have performed gymnastic exercises in colored environments for 24 sessions, and after 8 weeks, they took the post-test in the same environment. The transfer test was performed in the environment with a neutral color, 48 hours after the post-test. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA tests. The findings showed that the color of the environment had had no effects on the learning and retention of static and dynamic seems that, the color of learning environment related to type of motor skill.
Dr Elham Azim Zadeh, Mr Vahid Faghihi, Dr Abdolah Ghasemi,
Volume 8, Issue 15 (8-2018)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of motor and cognitive dual-task training on dynamic balance of elderly women. For this purpose, 27 old women (aged 60 -82 years) from the old people center of Birjand city were selected randomly and divided into 3 groupd based on their TUG scores. The groups comprised of cognitive dual-task training, motor dual-task training and control. Two experimental groups received their specific interventions for 4 weeks, 3 times a week and 45-min each session. The motor and cognitive dual-task groups performed some motor or cognitive tasks respectively, concurrent with the balance training. For data analysis, mixed ANOVA (3*2) with repeated measures were used. It was found that both motor and cognitive dual-task training methods had significant improvement in dynamic balance of elderly women (p<0.05). But there was no significant difference between these two methods (p>0/05). Therefore, dual-task balance training, either motor or cognitive methods can improve the allocation of the attention into the concurrent tasks and consequently improve balance and decrease the rate of falling in old women.
Dr Rasoul Yaali, Dr Maliheh Naeimi Kia, Dr Amin Gholami,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2018)
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of weight transfer training on static and dynamic balance of older women. 20 accessible subjects that met our criteria divided randomly into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group trained for 6 weeks, 3 times a week and each session 60 minutes a day. Biodex balance system used for training and testing procedures. Data analysis used by repeated measure ANOVA showed significant main effects and interaction for dynamic balance parameters including overall dynamic balance, anterioposterior dynamic balance and mediolateral dynamic balance) .Intrasubject analysis using t test indicated weight transfer balance training, compared to static balance, improved significantly dynamic balance parameters. The dynamic balance improvement following weight transfer training mat resulted from its effectiveness on sensory and motor systems involved in the dynamic balance of older women.
Dr Shahnaz Shahrbanian, Mr Ayoub Hashemi,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2018)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of core stabilization training on balance and reaction time in children with developmental coordination disorder. This was a semi-experimental study. Twenty children recognized for DCD, age range 6 to 12 years old were recruited form DCD children rehabilitation center in Tehran and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Continuous Performance Test, Standing Stroke Test, and Y Balance Test were used to measure reaction time and statics and dynamic balance of participants, respectively. After the pretest, the experimental group performed the specific Core Stabilization Training protocol for 8 weeks, 3 sessions per week and 45 minutes per session. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the reaction time, dynamic and static balance were significantly improved in experimental group in comparison to control group. The results of this study indicated that in order to upgrade the level of motor skills in children with developmental coordination disorder, in addition to the general physical activity programs, specific core stabilization training that includes exercises to improve balance and reaction time is recommended.
Ms. Sima Ramesh, Dr. Elaheh Azadian, Dr. Mahdi Majlesi,
Volume 10, Issue 20 (11-2020)
The evaluation of cognitive and motor performance can lead to a recognition of the risk factors associated with falling. The aim of this study was to compare cognitive and motor functions in elderly with and without experience of falling. In so doing, 60 elderly with and without falling experience voluntarily participated in this study. Mini Mental examination Test, working memory capacity test, reaction time, inhibition test, Berg balance test, tandem balance test, 6-minute walking test and balance confidence test were all administered to the groups. To analyze the data thus obtained, and to examine the relationship between the variables for estimated fall, independent samples t-test and regression analysis were run. The significance level was considered as p<0.05. The results showed that elderly people with fall experience had a weaker cognitive and balance-maintenance performance than those without such experience (p<0.05). The results of correlation and regression analyses indicated that Berg balance test, tandem, inhibition and MMSE had the strongest relationship with falling. Based on these results, it can be claimed that fall in elderly is associated with poor balance as well as cognitive decline. Age is one of the predictors of falling, and about 25% of motor activities are related to cognitive capacities.
Azar Habibinejad, Hamid Rajabi, Farhad Ghadiri, Mehrdad Anbarian,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)
One of the most important issues for the elderly is the issue of physical health and cognitive problems. The aim of this study was to compare the activity of dual resistance-cognitive task with different intensities on fatigue, balance and cognitive function of elderly women. The present study is an applied and quasi-experimental method with the presence of 20 elderly women aged 60 to 70 years, which was done as a one-session test and getting answers. Subjects performed exhausting tests of foot press with machine and shoulder press with dumbbell with combined cognitive load with two different intensities (70% 1RM with low cognitive load and 30% 1RM with high cognitive load) in two days with an interval of 48 hours and the results were recorded. Balance test, upper and lower torso muscle activity and Stroop test were measured. The results of fatigue time, cognitive test and balance were significantly different between the two intensities (p <0.05). But in relation to the middle spectrum of muscle frequency, no significant difference was observed between the two intensities (p> 0.05). Using low-intensity, high-cognitive exercise is more effective in treating upper body fatigue, which puts more pressure, which may need further investigation to evaluate the long-term success of these programs.
Marziyeh Azadegan, Ghasem Rahimi Sarshabadarani, Rasoul Nazari,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)
The purpose of this foresight of Iran's educational sports with a balanced scorecard approach was in the horizon of 2035. The current research was of mixed type (qualitative-quantitative) and its design was of sequential exploratory type. The participants of this research were educational sports experts. The sampling method was snowball and based on theoretical saturation, 12 people were selected. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data and Lincoln & Guba (1985) criteria were used for its audit, which included validity, transferability, reliability and verifiability. In order to analyze the data in the interview analysis section, the coding method was used, the fuzzy Delphi method was used to screen the indicators and the structural analysis and scenario writing method was used in the future research section. By analyzing the interviews, 150 effective factors on the future of Iran's educational sports were identified based on the balanced scorecard, and by combining the primary codes in the secondary coding stage, these factors were reduced to 105. Then, in the axial coding stage, 18 subcategories based on 6 aspects of the balanced scorecard were formed by aggregating the final concepts adapted from the interview text, and the results of the Delphi analysis showed that the calculated factors correctly explain the desired phenomenon. Finally, based on the findings, 4 key drivers of efficient management, increase in audience satisfaction, development of information capital, and socialization of educational sports were obtained, which are the basis of the two main scenarios of transformation and fruitless willfulness. As a result, it is suggested that in order to develop educational sports in Iran, synergy and efficient management, increase audience satisfaction, development of information resources, and socialization of educational sports should be implemented.
Zahra Fazli, Masoumeh Majidiparast, Ali Asghari Sarem, Mohammad Jalilvand,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)
The aim of the current research was to provide a work-life balance model for working women with an emphasis on improving the quality of free time. The current research was interpretative, applied and qualitative based on thematic analysis method. The statistical population was sports management professors and leisure experts who were interviewed with 17 people using the snowball method and according to information saturation. The measurement tool included a semi-structured interview and data were analyzed according to the six stages of thematic analysis. The results showed that the work-life balance model for working women with an emphasis on improving the quality of leisure time has three dimensions of effective factors (cultural factors, inhibiting factors, motivational factors, facilities and equipment, the level of knowledge, the characteristics of physical activities in the leisure time program, financial issues, management issues and cultural issues), strategies (educational, managerial and financial strategies) and consequences (increasing vitality, increasing health, economic development and sustainable socio-cultural development). Managers should pay attention to educational and management issues and by privatization, proper budget allocation and incentive packages, they should contribute to the prosperity of free time as much as possible and to balance the work and life issues of working women.
Mis Zahra Malvandi, Mr Shahab Parvin Pour, Mis Marziyeh Balali, Mis Zahra Entezari,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of manipulation of task constraints on functional indicators and cognitive status of the elderly. In this research, 30healthy elderly were randomly selected and placed in two intervention and control groups. Analysis of covariance was used to evaluate the homogeneity of the slope of the regression line and to compare the mean of the pre-test and post-test data. Data analysis was done using SPSS software. The results showed that the application of the exercise protocol for manipulation of task constraints improved strength(P=0.006), cardiovascular endurance(P=0.010), agility(P=0.001), composition(P=0.003) and Mental status(P=0.002) of the elderly in the intervention group. In addition, the results indicate that the flexibility of the control group decreased significantly from the pre-test to the post-test(P=0.007). The results of the analysis of covariance by removing the effect of the pre-test showed that the body composition variable did not differ significantly from the pre-test to the post-test stage(P=0.264). It seems that exercises with the manipulation of task constraints are effective on the performance and cognitive indicators of the elderly. Therefore, it is suggested to consider the exercises with the manipulation of task constraints to improve the quality of life of the elderly.