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Showing 2 results for Sem

Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2015)

The essence of science is to build comprehensives model rather than scattered
data, because the data in form of modeles can be discovered, explained and
interpreted. The lack of reliable models in sport, and in particular, sport for all,
encouraged the researcher to achieve a model for sport for all in Iran.The aim of
the present study is to propose a model to measure and analyze the sport for all
in Iran. For this purpose, a 66 questions questionnaire was used based on model
of sport for all in Iran.The samples were selected among the Iranian sport
administrates using stratified random sampling method. 320 questionnaires were
collected.The Chi-square value of the model, RMSEM and goodness of fit index
(GFI) was 385.76, 0.082 and 0.95, respectively. The adjusted goodness of fit
index (AGFI) for the degrees of freedom was equal to 0.94. These values indicate
a good fitting of the model.
This model is a simplified representation of the sport for all which shows the basic
constructs of sport for all in Iran.The process of sport for all in Iran can be
analyzed by using the present model. It is also possible to find a new classification
in sport for all.

Dr Mohammad Khabiri, Mohammad Reza Asadpour, Dr Abdolhossein Karampour,
Volume 11, Issue 21 (7-2021)

Today, commercial companies have accepted that sportsponsoring can act as a powerful tool for promoting their value. This study examines the impact of sponsorship aspects on brand equity of sponsor while researching about Hamrah Aval Company. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and is practical in terms of research target. The research is implemented using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The statistical population of the research is consisted of the fans of Perspolis and Esteghlal football teams who are members of HamrahAval fan system.393 questionnaires were collected using stratified random sampling in the field.A researcher made questionnaire was used to collect primary data.The validity of the questionnaire was checked using confirmation of sport management and marketing professors, and its reliability was tested using Cronbach's alpha (α=0.95), and construct validity was made through confirmatory factor analysis.The findings showed that the suggested research model had a good fitness and all of the six aspects of sport sponsorship had a significant effect on the brand equity of the sponsor, and all the research hypotheses were confirmed.According to the findings, it is recommendedthat brand sponsors plan marketing activities (TV coverage and advertisements) to promote their brand equities.

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