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18. Deng, Y.; T. Gao, H. Gao, X .Yao, L. Xie.2014. Regional precipitation variability in East Asia related to climate and environmental factors during 1979-2012,scientific report, 4 : 5693.
19. Dong et al. 2016. Summer rainfall over the southwestern Tibetan Plateau controlled by deep convection over the Indian subcontinen. Natute communications, 7:10925
20. Fu Y.; F. Chen, G. Liu, Y. Yang, R. Yuan, R. Li, Q. Liu, Y .Wang, L. Zhong, L, Sun. 2016. Recent Trends of Summer Convective and Stratiform Precipitation in Mid-Eastern China. Scientific Reports, 6:33044 .
21. Gemmer, M. et al.2008. Seasonal precipitation changes in the wet season and their influence on flood/drought hazards in the YangtzeRiver Basin, China. Quaternary International ,186: 12–21.
22. Huang, P. et al. 2013. Patterns of the seasonal response of tropical rainfall to global warming. Nature Geosci, 6: 357–361.
23. Hossos, E, C. J. Lolis, and A. Bartzokas. 2008 . Atmospheric Circulation Patterns associated with extream precipitation amounts in Greece . Adv.Geosice, 17: 5 -11.
24. Houze, R. A., Jr. 2012. Orographic effects on precipitating clouds. Reviews of Geophysics, 50, RG1001.
25. Http://disc2gesdisc.eosis.nasa.gov/data/trmm...
26. Jiang, T.; Z. W. Kundzewicz , B. Su.2008. Changes in monthly precipitation and flood hazard in the Yangtze River Basin China. International Journal of Climatology, 28: 1471–1481.
27. Kumar, A.; J. Dudhia, R. Rotunno, , D. Niyogi, &, U. C. Mohanty. 2008. Analysis of the 26 July 2005 heavy rain event over Mumbai, India using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 134(636):1897-1910.
28. Konrad, C. E. 1997. Synoptic-scale features associated with warm season heavy rainfall over the interior southeastern United States. Weather and Forecasting, 12(3): 557-571.
29. Kotroni, V.; K. Lagouvardos, G. Kallos, D. Ziakopoulos.1999. Severe flooding over central and southern greece associated with pre‐cold frontal orographic lifting. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 125(555): 967-991.
30. Lana, A.; J. Campins, A. Genovés, A. Jansü. 2007. Atmospheric patterns for heavy rain events in the Balearic Islands. Advances in Geosciences, 12: 27-32.
31. Li ,Z.;S .Yang, B. He, C. Hu. 2016. Intensified Springtime Deep Convection over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea Dries Southern China. Scientific Reports, 6:30470..
32. Rodwell, M.; B. Hoskins.2001. Subtropical anticyclones and summer monsoons. J. Climate ,14: 3192–3211.
33. Tan J.; C. Jakob, WB. Rossow, G. Tselioudis.2015. Increases in tropical rainfall driven by changes in frequency of organized deep convection. LETTER (Nature), 519 :451-463. Doi:10.1038/nature14339.
34. Thies,B.; J. Bendix. 2011. Review Satellite based remote sensing of weather and climate: recent achievements and future perspectives. Meteorol. Appl, 18: 262–295.
35. Zhang, X. B. et al. 2007. Detection of human influence on twentieth-century precipitation trends. Nature, 448: 461–465 .
36. www.cdc.noaa.gov
37. www.nature.com/naturecommunications.
38. Deng, Y.; T. Gao, H. Gao, X .Yao, L. Xie.2014. Regional precipitation variability in East Asia related to climate and environmental factors during 1979-2012,scientific report, 4 : 5693.
39. Dong et al. 2016. Summer rainfall over the southwestern Tibetan Plateau controlled by deep convection over the Indian subcontinen. Natute communications, 7:10925
40. Fu Y.; F. Chen, G. Liu, Y. Yang, R. Yuan, R. Li, Q. Liu, Y .Wang, L. Zhong, L, Sun. 2016. Recent Trends of Summer Convective and Stratiform Precipitation in Mid-Eastern China. Scientific Reports, 6:33044 .
41. Gemmer, M. et al.2008. Seasonal precipitation changes in the wet season and their influence on flood/drought hazards in the YangtzeRiver Basin, China. Quaternary International ,186: 12–21.
42. Huang, P. et al. 2013. Patterns of the seasonal response of tropical rainfall to global warming. Nature Geosci, 6: 357–361.
43. Hossos, E, C. J. Lolis, and A. Bartzokas. 2008 . Atmospheric Circulation Patterns associated with extream precipitation amounts in Greece . Adv.Geosice, 17: 5 -11.
44. Houze, R. A., Jr. 2012. Orographic effects on precipitating clouds. Reviews of Geophysics, 50, RG1001.
45. Http://disc2gesdisc.eosis.nasa.gov/data/trmm...
46. Jiang, T.; Z. W. Kundzewicz , B. Su.2008. Changes in monthly precipitation and flood hazard in the Yangtze River Basin China. International Journal of Climatology, 28: 1471–1481.
47. Kumar, A.; J. Dudhia, R. Rotunno, , D. Niyogi, &, U. C. Mohanty. 2008. Analysis of the 26 July 2005 heavy rain event over Mumbai, India using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 134(636):1897-1910.
48. Konrad, C. E. 1997. Synoptic-scale features associated with warm season heavy rainfall over the interior southeastern United States. Weather and Forecasting, 12(3): 557-571.
49. Kotroni, V.; K. Lagouvardos, G. Kallos, D. Ziakopoulos.1999. Severe flooding over central and southern greece associated with pre‐cold frontal orographic lifting. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 125(555): 967-991.
50. Lana, A.; J. Campins, A. Genovés, A. Jansü. 2007. Atmospheric patterns for heavy rain events in the Balearic Islands. Advances in Geosciences, 12: 27-32.
51. Li ,Z.;S .Yang, B. He, C. Hu. 2016. Intensified Springtime Deep Convection over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea Dries Southern China. Scientific Reports, 6:30470..
52. Rodwell, M.; B. Hoskins.2001. Subtropical anticyclones and summer monsoons. J. Climate ,14: 3192–3211.
53. Tan J.; C. Jakob, WB. Rossow, G. Tselioudis.2015. Increases in tropical rainfall driven by changes in frequency of organized deep convection. LETTER (Nature), 519 :451-463. Doi:10.1038/nature14339.
54. Thies,B.; J. Bendix. 2011. Review Satellite based remote sensing of weather and climate: recent achievements and future perspectives. Meteorol. Appl, 18: 262–295.
55. Zhang, X. B. et al. 2007. Detection of human influence on twentieth-century precipitation trends. Nature, 448: 461–465 .
56. www.cdc.noaa.gov
57. www.nature.com/naturecommunications.
58. Deng, Y.; T. Gao, H. Gao, X .Yao, L. Xie.2014. Regional precipitation variability in East Asia related to climate and environmental factors during 1979-2012,scientific report, 4 : 5693.
59. Dong et al. 2016. Summer rainfall over the southwestern Tibetan Plateau controlled by deep convection over the Indian subcontinen. Natute communications, 7:10925
60. Fu Y.; F. Chen, G. Liu, Y. Yang, R. Yuan, R. Li, Q. Liu, Y .Wang, L. Zhong, L, Sun. 2016. Recent Trends of Summer Convective and Stratiform Precipitation in Mid-Eastern China. Scientific Reports, 6:33044 .
61. Gemmer, M. et al.2008. Seasonal precipitation changes in the wet season and their influence on flood/drought hazards in the YangtzeRiver Basin, China. Quaternary International ,186: 12–21.
62. Huang, P. et al. 2013. Patterns of the seasonal response of tropical rainfall to global warming. Nature Geosci, 6: 357–361.
63. Hossos, E, C. J. Lolis, and A. Bartzokas. 2008 . Atmospheric Circulation Patterns associated with extream precipitation amounts in Greece . Adv.Geosice, 17: 5 -11.
64. Houze, R. A., Jr. 2012. Orographic effects on precipitating clouds. Reviews of Geophysics, 50, RG1001.
65. Http://disc2gesdisc.eosis.nasa.gov/data/trmm...
66. Jiang, T.; Z. W. Kundzewicz , B. Su.2008. Changes in monthly precipitation and flood hazard in the Yangtze River Basin China. International Journal of Climatology, 28: 1471–1481.
67. Kumar, A.; J. Dudhia, R. Rotunno, , D. Niyogi, &, U. C. Mohanty. 2008. Analysis of the 26 July 2005 heavy rain event over Mumbai, India using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 134(636):1897-1910.
68. Konrad, C. E. 1997. Synoptic-scale features associated with warm season heavy rainfall over the interior southeastern United States. Weather and Forecasting, 12(3): 557-571.
69. Kotroni, V.; K. Lagouvardos, G. Kallos, D. Ziakopoulos.1999. Severe flooding over central and southern greece associated with pre‐cold frontal orographic lifting. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 125(555): 967-991.
70. Lana, A.; J. Campins, A. Genovés, A. Jansü. 2007. Atmospheric patterns for heavy rain events in the Balearic Islands. Advances in Geosciences, 12: 27-32.
71. Li ,Z.;S .Yang, B. He, C. Hu. 2016. Intensified Springtime Deep Convection over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea Dries Southern China. Scientific Reports, 6:30470..
72. Rodwell, M.; B. Hoskins.2001. Subtropical anticyclones and summer monsoons. J. Climate ,14: 3192–3211.
73. Tan J.; C. Jakob, WB. Rossow, G. Tselioudis.2015. Increases in tropical rainfall driven by changes in frequency of organized deep convection. LETTER (Nature), 519 :451-463. Doi:10.1038/nature14339.
74. Thies,B.; J. Bendix. 2011. Review Satellite based remote sensing of weather and climate: recent achievements and future perspectives. Meteorol. Appl, 18: 262–295.
75. Zhang, X. B. et al. 2007. Detection of human influence on twentieth-century precipitation trends. Nature, 448: 461–465 .
76. www.cdc.noaa.gov
77. www.nature.com/naturecommunications.
78. Deng, Y.; T. Gao, H. Gao, X .Yao, L. Xie.2014. Regional precipitation variability in East Asia related to climate and environmental factors during 1979-2012,scientific report, 4 : 5693.
79. Dong et al. 2016. Summer rainfall over the southwestern Tibetan Plateau controlled by deep convection over the Indian subcontinen. Natute communications, 7:10925
80. Fu Y.; F. Chen, G. Liu, Y. Yang, R. Yuan, R. Li, Q. Liu, Y .Wang, L. Zhong, L, Sun. 2016. Recent Trends of Summer Convective and Stratiform Precipitation in Mid-Eastern China. Scientific Reports, 6:33044 .
81. Gemmer, M. et al.2008. Seasonal precipitation changes in the wet season and their influence on flood/drought hazards in the YangtzeRiver Basin, China. Quaternary International ,186: 12–21.
82. Huang, P. et al. 2013. Patterns of the seasonal response of tropical rainfall to global warming. Nature Geosci, 6: 357–361.
83. Hossos, E, C. J. Lolis, and A. Bartzokas. 2008 . Atmospheric Circulation Patterns associated with extream precipitation amounts in Greece . Adv.Geosice, 17: 5 -11.
84. Houze, R. A., Jr. 2012. Orographic effects on precipitating clouds. Reviews of Geophysics, 50, RG1001.
85. Http://disc2gesdisc.eosis.nasa.gov/data/trmm...
86. Jiang, T.; Z. W. Kundzewicz , B. Su.2008. Changes in monthly precipitation and flood hazard in the Yangtze River Basin China. International Journal of Climatology, 28: 1471–1481.
87. Kumar, A.; J. Dudhia, R. Rotunno, , D. Niyogi, &, U. C. Mohanty. 2008. Analysis of the 26 July 2005 heavy rain event over Mumbai, India using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 134(636):1897-1910.
88. Konrad, C. E. 1997. Synoptic-scale features associated with warm season heavy rainfall over the interior southeastern United States. Weather and Forecasting, 12(3): 557-571.
89. Kotroni, V.; K. Lagouvardos, G. Kallos, D. Ziakopoulos.1999. Severe flooding over central and southern greece associated with pre‐cold frontal orographic lifting. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 125(555): 967-991.
90. Lana, A.; J. Campins, A. Genovés, A. Jansü. 2007. Atmospheric patterns for heavy rain events in the Balearic Islands. Advances in Geosciences, 12: 27-32.
91. Li ,Z.;S .Yang, B. He, C. Hu. 2016. Intensified Springtime Deep Convection over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea Dries Southern China. Scientific Reports, 6:30470..
92. Rodwell, M.; B. Hoskins.2001. Subtropical anticyclones and summer monsoons. J. Climate ,14: 3192–3211.
93. Tan J.; C. Jakob, WB. Rossow, G. Tselioudis.2015. Increases in tropical rainfall driven by changes in frequency of organized deep convection. LETTER (Nature), 519 :451-463. Doi:10.1038/nature14339.
94. Thies,B.; J. Bendix. 2011. Review Satellite based remote sensing of weather and climate: recent achievements and future perspectives. Meteorol. Appl, 18: 262–295.
95. Zhang, X. B. et al. 2007. Detection of human influence on twentieth-century precipitation trends. Nature, 448: 461–465 .
96. www.cdc.noaa.gov
97. www.nature.com/naturecommunications.